04/07/1980-CC-Minutes-Regular(B.) Councilman Bridges informed Council that the bids on the new Post Office were way above what was allowed. Rebidding to be held between March 27th and April 15th. Stated the Post Office might have to ask for an extension on their lease. Meeting adjourned 9:15 P.M. AT'I�ST n�ir_utes : City Council Ppril 7, 1980 Present: ?"layor Cole, Cooper Hampton, Bridges and Spindle Absent: Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Vary Jo Stover, Donn Nesbitt, John Sw dle, Tom Pardue, Renea Heard, Deborah Roeder, and Albert Cline 1. The City received a total of three bids on painting the elevated water storage tank. They are as followsr Pittsburg Tank and Tower Co. Dear_ Jor_es Contractor G7ater Tank Service Co. - $:7,566.00 Paint 595. Q0 �'� mature 1,75n:00'Safety $ 9,915.00 Total - $14,500.00 Paint .'_,000.00 Fixt�LP 2,800.00 Safety $19.300 00 Total - $14,000.00 Paint 945.0Q Fixture 1,455.00 Safety $16,400.00 Total Bids will lay over until they can be studied by the Citv`s engineering firm, 2. Council canvassed the election returns of the April 5, 1980 City Officials Election. Results are as follows: T�yor 199 Votes Ralph B. Cole Place ?_ 199 Votes John Swindle Place 4 121 Votes Donn Nesbitt 98 Votes Homer C. Rilev Cooper made the motion to accept the election. returns as presented° Bridges second, Voted unan. 3. Newly elected officials were sworn in by Mayor Cole. 4. A plague of appreciation was presented to J. P. Ham?aton. Join Coker was not at the meeting, due to a recent illness, to receive his plague. 5. minutes of the March 12, 1980 Special Called Meeting and minutes of the 64arcll 17, 1980 Regular Meeting :were appro ,zed. as printed. 6. Disbursements totaling $20,SA9.86 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle second. Voted unan. 7. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $7,297.20 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle second. Voted unan. 8. Carl Ray Higgs and John D. Springer have agreed to fill the two vacancies on the P & Z Commission. Carl Ray Higgs will be replacing Cecil Snellgrove, whose tern expires in June, 1980. John Springer will fill Virgil Ward's term which expires in June, 1981. 9. Petition to change Truck Route ordinance - A citizens petition containing eight signatures was received by Council requesting that the Truck P.oute Ordinance be changed to prevent transport truck parking on Houston Street between Kathryn Lane and 5th Streets. It was noted that nothing in the ordinance prohibits truck parking on the truck route, but in the homeowners deed restrictions in the Hillcrest area, truck parking is prohibited, which would relieve the City's position on this. It was agreed by Council that the citizens should take action through. their deed restrictions. 10. Consider acceptance of streets in Gatecaay Addition. This item was not ready for Council action due to some delays in construction. 11. It was noted that it has been 7 months since Council accepted the Franalu se 9. With CATV of Lewisville for the installation of Cable TV service to Sanger residents. Since no work has been started Lloyd_ felt the City should send a letter not to extend the Contract. Council felt like CATV should know whezi. their contract expired and it was not the City's place to notify them of such. They did tell Lloyd that he could write a letter of i,rquiry requesting to knaa wp here CATV is, at this oint, in getting the City service, and that it is the general consensus of Council that nothing has been done. Also that a strong 9. feeling of non -extension of their contract does exist. Lloyd was requested to research the minutes -regarding a performance bond. 12. Council decided to discover the T7ater Facility Expansion and the appointment of a new Fire Marshall in open session. Mayor Cole stated that the City had received a call today from Mr. James Tarver stating that he had turned dawn an offer of $8,500. last year and with the rate of inflation felt the land was now worth $10,000. Discussion. Llovd was asked to write a letter to Tarver mentioning that an appraisal had been done and that the City might have to take other action. Two names were considered for the Fire Marshall vacancy. They were Brad Cole and Jerry Jenkins. D'lotion was made by Cooper to appoint Jerry Jenkins as the new Fire Marshall. Donn Nesbitt second. Voted unan. Lloyd stated at present, the employment and supervision of the Fire Marshall was made under the direction of the Council. Lloyd requested this be changed and make the position responsible to the City Manager. He exolained that it would give the job closer supervision and better accountabilty. Lloyd is to get with the new Fire Marshall and update the Ordinance. Council requested Lloyd to get a plaque of appreciation and a resolution prepared so that they could present it to Alvin Bram.. 13. Other such matters: (a.) Discuss policy regarding renters who vacate and leave high �r�ater bills -Lloyd explained to Council that on several occasions renters in the City moved because there r,rMs_ a brcken service line that their landlord failed to repair and the renters water bill (No Fault of theirs) would be very high. The renter did not feel it was his responsibility to pay for the excess water usage since the landlord Twas responsible for having the service line repaired and the landlord didn't feel responsible to pay that portion of the bill the tenant used. The City Staff re- quested Council to advise what action they should take when the City finds there is a water leak in a service line. City staff was instructed to advise the tenant or homeowner of the problem and once he:, has been notified to irnediately cut the water off until the leak has been repaired. To help alleviate the delinquent bills when a resident moves out it was mentioned by Bridges to increase a renters deposit from $25.00 to $40,00 and a homeowner deposit from $15.00 to $25.00. Donn Nesbitt second. Voted unan. �-, ,�, _ (b.) Police Vehicles - On a motion bz� Bridges it eggs agreed that the City purchase one Dodge r'[on_.aco fro* the Highway Patrol for a x�rice of $1,500. to be paid for from Revenue Sharing Funds. Spindle second. Voted unan. (c.) Street repair a must. (d.) Donn rlesbitt requested that Custom F._.ngraving be removed from the City's bid list on Capital Items so there would be no conflict of interst. (e.) The shoe shed in the city yard needs painting. (f.) Bridges made the mtoion to nominate Henry Cooper as mayor Protein. Spindle second. Voted unan. (g.) Lloyd invited each of the councilmen to a T"'� Regional meeting to be held April 29th at Everman, Texas. Lloyd told Council he would be willing to set up an orientation for the Council if they would like. It ���as agreed. (h.) ntiayor Cole advised Council he had received a letter and brochure from the Railroad Commission regarding rate making. `This material is available for council to study. Meeting adjourned. ATI`EST: ?!!6�YOR riinutes: April 21, 1980 Dresent• r2ayor Cole, Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges ethers Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Alvin Brown, Cathy Toups, Mike Walsh, Sharon Hageman, Ray Hageman, Bill Schnell, Joe Sigmund, A. CT. Cline, Jesse Coffey 1. Mayor Cole read aloud a Resolution expressing appreciation to Fire Marshall Alvin Brown for his twenty years of service from 1960 to 1980. John Swindle made the motion to ado_p_t the resolution. Donn Nesbitt second. Voted unan. Mr. Brown was presented with a plaque of appreciation. 2. Minutes of the April 7, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $5,748.08 were approved on a motion b_v 7onn �?esbitt. Henry Cooper second. Voted unan. 4. The bids on painting the elevated water storage was discussed. Tom Pardue recommended by letter the city accept the bid of Water Tank Service Company in the amount of $16,400. Pittsburg Tank and Tower Company were low at $9,915.00. Councilman Nesbitt wanted to know about sandblast. Mayor Cole read aloud a letter from Water Tank Service stating they had included a complete sand blasting job. Council discussed the differences of each bid. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to accept the bid of Water Tank Service for $16,400.