04/21/1980-CC-Minutes-Regular_ (b . ) Police Vehicles - On a motion b�j Bridges it cress agreed ihat the
City purchase one Dodge r'[onaco from. the Highway Patrol for
a price of $1,500. to be paid for from Revenue Sharing Funds.
Spindle second. Uoted unan.
(c.) Street repair a must.
(d.) Donn rlesbitt requested that Custom Engraving be removed from
the City's bid list on Capital Items so there would be no
conflict of interst.
(e.) The shoe shed in the city yard needs painting.
(f . ) Bridges made the mtoion to naTninate Henry Cooper as r'layor Protein.
Spindle second. Voted unan.
(g.) Lloyd invited each of the councilmen to a 'L'"'� Regional meeting
to be held April 29th at Everman, Texas. Lloyd told Council
he would be cailling to set up an orientation for the Council
if they would like. It was agreed.
(h.) n'fayor Cole advised Council he had received a letter and brochure
from the Railroad Commission regarding rate making. This material
is available for council to study.
Meeting adjourned.
_ �'
_ _ ���.:
l`iinutes: April 21, 1980
Present: r2ayor Cole, Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges
Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Alvin Brown, Cathy Toups,
Mike Vlalsh, Sharon Hageman, Ra_y Hageman, Bill Schnell,
Joe Sigmund, A. Z^7. Cline, Jesse Coffev
1. mayor Cole read aloud a Resolution expressing appreciation to
Fire Marshall Alvin Brown for his twenty years of service from 1960
to 1980. John Swindle made the motion to adopt the resolution.
Donn Nesbitt second. Voted unan.
Mr. Brown was presented caith a plaque of appreciation.
2. Minutes of the April 7, 1980 meeting were approved as printed.
3. Disbursements in the amount of $5,748.08 were approved on a
motion b_v Donn Nesbitt. Henry Cooper second. Voted unan.
4. The bids on painting the elevated water storage was discussed.
Tom Pardue recommended by letter the cit_V accept the bid of G7ater
Tank Service Company in the amount of $16,�00. Pittsburg Tank and
Tower Company were low at $9,915.00. Councilman Nesbitt wanted to
know about sandblast. mayor Cole read aloud a letter from Tr7ater
Tank Service stating they had included a complete sand blasting job.
Council discussed the differences of each bid. Donn Nesbitt made
the motion to accept the bid of tnlater Tank Service for $16,400.
Seconded by Swindle. Discussion. City Manager explained that$11,000
had been budgeted for this project and that Mr. Cline had suggested
a pay out arrangement with no interest to be charged. Councilman
Bridges stated he was not in favor of the over spending. He felt it
was too much to spend on o.e dement (the water tower). He felt the
City would be spending too much of the taxpayers money for only
one project. Cooper agreed with Bridges. Spindle remarked that it
did sound like a lot of money. Mayor Cole called for the vote.
Voting for were Nesbitt and Swindle. Voting against were Cooper,
Bridges, and Spindle. Motion failed 3-2.
Albert Cline stated that the City has an $80 to $100,000 investment
and that if the tower had not been recoated and repaired a couple
of years ago the City_ would have lost the tower. If the City would
repair it now it could last another twenty years.
Mayor Cole stated he was in favor of rebidding and consider complete
sand blasting. The first bids did not include the sand blasting
bridges made the motion to rebid on painting the elevated storage
to include a total sand blasting. Spindle seconded. Voted unan.
5. Mayor Cole proclaimed Monday, May 12, 1980 as "T. C. Wilson Day."
rdr. TliTilson has served as city councilman for 10 years, and as Mayor
for 14 years.
6 The accepted Krueger Addition plat did not show the location
DE the water and sewer line installation when it was approved.
Since they have already been installed and rather than provide
the City with an easement described by metes and bounds, Harold
Easley had the water and sewer lines drawn on the amended plat.
The half street on Seventh and the full street on sixth with
curbs and gutter have been completed to city specifications except
for the variance of omitting the lime.
Cooper made the motion to accept the amended plat and the street
construction on 6t1, and 7th street as required. Bridges second.
Voted unan.
7. It was motioned by Councilman Bridges the streets which have
been completed on April 21, 1980 in the Gateway Addition be
accepted bythe City. These streets are Carolyn Drive, Allen
Drive, and David Drive of the Phase I - Subdivision. Cooper
second. Voted unan. Per. Joe Sigmund presented a one year
warranty bond guaranteeing the street construction for one year.
Jesse Coffey stated the street name signs will be up sometime
this week.
8. Mayor Cole made the following appointments to the various city
Police Department -------------------John Swindle
Water Department --------------------Benny Bridges
Fire Department --------------------Danny Spindle
Sewer & Sanitation--------------- ,Donn Nesbitt
Electric Dept.,--------------- ------ Ralph Cole
9. Bridges motion to nominate n2ayor Cole
official voting representative to PICTCOG.
by acclamation as the
Cooper second. Voted
10. Council went into executive session to discuss land acquisition
of the new proposed water facility expansion.
11. Other such matters:
(a.) Report on Rodgers and Frazier water line was accepted
by Council.. Lloyd stated that he had given r�r. Frank
Rodgers a 60 day extension on replacement of his water
line from the temporary meter to his two houses.
(b.) Report on CATV-Llovd stated that he had talked with
Smith Murrin and CATV's earth station would be located
on property they are purchasing from The Tanse_y Company
in east Sanger. They are buying approximately two acres.
Lloyd stated they had promised cable service by the
end of July, 1980.
(c.) Lloyd reported that the annual Fire Department Bar-b-cue
and Miss Flame Contest was a success. The contest alone
brought in over $2,400 not including the money made from
the meal. The Fire Department has alreadiT designated
this money.
(d.) The Hageman's who are remodeling and opening The Corr_er,
a private business firm, told Council they would be
having a delicatessen and sandwich bar and electronic
games such as fussball, etc... They are aware that
dominoes are prohibited by ordinance and if they add a
pool table or billiard table they will come under the
city ordinance and be required to make the necessary
fees and permit. It was requested by Council that
they secure a building permit for the remodeling. The
hours of the establishment will be from 10:30 A.M.
weekdays and 10:30 to 12:00 P.M. Friday and Saturday.
(e.) Ralph mentioned he would appoint a United Nations Day
Chairman soon..
r2eeting adjourned.
�'Linutes : City Council
May 5, 1980
Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Bridges and Spindle
Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Jack Russell,
David and Pat Arnold, Mike TATalsh
1. The minutes of the April 21, 1980 meeting were approved on a motion by
Cooper witiZ the following addition to Item #8 - Street Department-------
Henry Cooper. Spindle second. Voted unan.
2. Disbursements totaling $13,538.88 and a supplement bill from Jerry
Mitc1piell Appliance for water cooler installed in the post office for $415.00
was approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Swindle second. Voted unan.
3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements were not available for this meeting.
4. Grant Study - In March, City Council elected to employ P�lr. Jack Russell
with Governmental Services to study the City and advise us on the grant programs
that are available and those which we qualify. Council was presented wi+.�. the
grant survey report. Mr. Russell enumerated on the 17 major areas where
assistance is available.
Administration and 11asia.gement Assistance
Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation
Disaster Planning
Economic Develop