05/05/1980-CC-Minutes-Regularline from the temporary meter to his two houses. (b.) Report on CATV-Llovd stated that he had talked with Smith Murrin and CATV's earth station would be located on property they are purchasing from The Tanse_y Company in east Sanger. They are buying anproximately two acres. Lloyd stated they had promised cable service by the end of July, 1980. (c.) Lloyd reported that the annual Fire Department Bar-b-cue and Miss Flame Contest was a success. The contest alone brought in over $2,400 not including the money made from the meal. The Fire Department has alread17 designated this money. (d.) The Hageman's who are remodeling and opening The Gorr_er, a private business firm, told Council they would be having a delicatessen and sandwich bar and electronic games such as fussball, etc... The_v are aware that dominoes are prohibited by ordinance and if they add a pool table or billiard t&)le thev will come under the city ordinance and be required to make the necessary fees and permit. It was requested by Council that they secure a building permit for the remodeling. The hours of the establishment will be from 10:30 A.P't0 weekdays and 10:30 to 12:00 P.M. Friday and Saturday. (e.) Ralph mentioned he would appoint a United Nations Day Chairman soon., Meeting adjourned. ATTEST Mawr P'Iinutes: Citv Council May 5, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Bridges and Spindle Others Present° Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Jack Russell, David and Pat Arnold, Mike Walsh 1. The minutes of the April 21, 1980 meeting were approved on a motion by Cooper with the following addition to Item #8 - Street Department ------ ...._.__.... Henry Cooper. S?�indle second. Voted unan. 2. Disbursements totaling $13,538.88 and a supplement bill from Jerry Mitchell Appliance for water cooler installed in the post office for $415.00 leas approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Swindle second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements were not available for ttZis meeting. 4. Grant Study -- In March, City Council elected to employ Pflr. Jack Russell with Governmental Services to study the City and advise us on the grant programs that are available and those which we qualify. Council was presented with the grant survey report. Mr. Russell enumerated on the 17 major areas vhere assistance is available. Administration and r:fariagement Assistance Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation Disaster Planning Economic Development Energy Conservation Programs Fire Department and Emergency 'iedical Assistance Housing Human Service Programs Law Enforcement Improvements Library Improvements Neighborhood Improvements Park Improvements Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Solid Waste Disposal Storm Drainage Improvements Street Improvements Water System Lmprovements He stated the highest priority immediate actions which the City should take to begin implementation of the comprehensive grant resource development plan are as follows: 1. Retain a consultant to submit a CDBG application for the 1981 program. 2. Submit a request for determination. of eligibility under the UDAG program. 3. Decide on a funding strategy for grater and sewer in�rovements. 4. Resolve the solid waste disposal problem. 5. Make the staff assignments and corunittee appointments recommended in the report in order to develop grant capabilities through local resources. 6. Implerent the housing program recommendations as soon as possible in order to improve the City's chances of funding under the C�BG and UDAG programs. 7. Subscribe to the "Small Tam Advisory Service Newsletter, ' published by Governn�ntal Service Agency to keep up-to-date on grant program alianges . It was agreed by Council to subscribe to the "Small Town Advisory Service Newsletter" at a cost of $30.00 for one year subscription. P.'ir. Russell was questioned regarding his contract. He stated he charges $500.00 for the pre -application and everything else would be built into the grant. He mentioned that the Community Block Grant was 100% funded. Lloyd ask if the City should decide to contract with Russell would the City be working directly with him or would he send us someone employed through his firm. Russell stated he would be working with the City except on special areas which would.require engineering help or specialty type service. Council agreed to study the grant report and take action at the next Council meeting. 5. On a motion by Spindle it was ac?reed to table the street name sign estimate of Custom Fnara.ving. Bridges second, �Totina for_ were Cooper, Spindle, Swindle, and "ridges. rTesbitt abstained. gotion carried. 6. Mayor Cole appointed Eunice r7rav as United Nations nay Chairman. 7. Citizens request for Street Light on Business 77 in Sanger South - Lloyd explained that Mrs Floyd Matthews had. brought in a written request signed by four cf her neighbors asking that the Citv install a street light on old Hwy. 77 south of Dee Jays on an existingpole. The pole is located between 108 and 1111 Southside nr., approximately 210 feet South of an existing light at the intersection of Hwy. 77 and Southland Drive. Llo�7d gave two options th-e City could go with. 1. If you elect to install this light and maintain it at City nmense it will cost about $40.00 for installation and $2.28 per month for electric service ?.. You have an electric pol1CV whiC'T states- "If customer requests a street light and a pole is conveniently located, customer can lease light fixture for $2.00 ner month metered or $3.25 ner Tronth unmetered (Plus fuel adjustment on 54 RIAE). If no hole exists customer will Taay estimated cost of installation in advance. "'he City_ r'[anaaer recommended option �` 2 . motion was made by Bridges the Citv go with option 42 which is City policv. Nesbitt second. Voted unan. 8. Water Construction - Mr. & Mrs. David Arnold want to locate a mobile home behind their house on Duck Creek Road which is outside the City limits The City serves the Arnold's wit'Z water at the present time. They came to Council requesting a water tan and meter to service the mobile home. After a lengthy discussion by Council and the Arnolds, the Arnolds withdrew their request deciding to connect to their sewer line and meter the water through t'_ze existing meter. �, The executive session was not held. r'[avor Cole stated there -,iere no new developments. 10. ether such matters- �. Lloy_d stated the Beautification Committee had taken a look at the nark sidewalks an..ci the interior walks are in a deteriorating state. Thev received an estimate of $2600 to replace the interior walks. Llovd ask Council their feeling recYasding eliminating the interior sidewalks and letting the grass cover. Council was in favor of keeping the sidewalks. Lloyd was asked to check with some of the local contractor's about this project and see if anv donations of laror and materials could be gotten. b. Consider painting City Hall - Benny Bridges recommended Jim Hall to do painting. Lloyd is to get an estimate of the cost of painting the building. Lloyd ask if it would be o.k. for him to run an article in the parer requesting bids. It was agreed. c. Donn Nesbitt stated that in T'(av, 1979 Clyde Sanders had requested a 20 MPH sign to be placed on North 8th Street and that Council approved this. The sign was never.erected nor speed control enforced. Lloyd to check on this. d John Swindle related some citizen related problems with door-to� door solicitors. e. Lloyd handed out a sheet explaining the terms `near white blast's and "commercial blast." f. Mw7or Cole stated he had received a copy of a Disaster Plan fora Denton County and that he would an_point a civil defense director for our area in near future. g. Lloyd reported on the landfill site. council received a cony -- of the letter from the state on their inspection_ Llov_d stated that the City would be putting up the portable fences and that he is preparing the letter outlining a nlan of what the City proposed to do to alleviate their waste disposal problems h. Council xras rer_iinded of the 'celabration to honor m. C. Wilson on r [ondav - M3.77 12 from 3.00 p . M. until 5 00 P .n1T at City, Hall. Meeting adjourned. P4inutes: City Council May 19, 1980 Present. Mayor Cole Cooper, Swindle, resbitt, Spindle and Bridges Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover Albert Cline, G. R. Kirkland, and Richard Hensley 1. The minutes of the May 5, 1980 minutes were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $6,371.29 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $7,203.55 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle second. Voted unan 4- The City of Sanger received 4-bids on painting the elevated water storage They are as follows: Pittsburg Tank � Tcaer Company --------------$ 9,951.00 Kirkland Corrosion Control, Inc.-- ---------- 20rOOO.00 water Tank Service Co.- ----------------------- 16,400.00 Dean Jones, Contractor-------------------------- 40,3OO.00 The City engineering firm will review the bids and this item will he placed on the next council agenda for action. 5. Grant Study - r'ir. Jack Azssell with Governmental Service Agency stated by letter he would be willing to serve as grant consultant for t'�e City f_or an initial period beggnning July 1, 1980 and ending December 31, 1980 and provide the following services for the remainder of the year. I. Plan and submit a CvnBG preapplication for the 1981 program. 2. Submit a request for determination. of eligibility under the iJDAG prograr>.. 3. Submit a park grant application 4 Help the City plan a 5-year funding strategy for water, sewer, street, drainage, and landfill improvements. 5. Provide advice and information when requested on implementation of recommendations contained in grant availability survey. MrRussell"s fee for providing these services would be $2100 payable in six (6) monthly installments of $350 beginning July 1, 1980. On a motion by Spindle it was agreed to employ Jack Russell as grant consultant for the $2100 fee. Bridges second. Voted unan. 6. On a motion by Spindle, seconded by Coo?)er, it Was voted unanimous to appoint Dr. J. Clyde Chapman as City Health Officer for a two year term beginning June 3, 1980. 7. No appointment was made for City Civil Defense Director. Plavor Cole requested council's help in coming un �rlth someone with a genuine interest and that would work at getting the city a good plan. Item to be placed on next agenda. 8. Council went into closed session to discuss land accxuisition for a water facility site and landfill site. 9 Council reconvened to open session and on a motion by Cooper agreed to purchase a piece of land, for the amount of $15,Ono , for the construction of an overhead water tower. Bridges second.. Voted unan. 9 Other such. matters a. Mr. Richard Hensley, a�mer of tie De?�endable "'rash Service in Argyle, Texas explained to Council the option of using a commercial hauling service in lieu of operating our own landfill site He told Council there would be a tremendous rate increase over what we are now paying. There would be only 1-day trash service for citizens. Any trash or debris not conforming to the service's standards would not be picked; up Gasoline prices, on site fees, labor, and other factors were discussed with council Mavor Cole thanked Mr. Hensley for his time and explanation of, his services. b. Maw Cole read aloud the letter from T. C. Wilson thanking the City for Telay 12th as "T. C. T??ilson Day" and the birthday celebration held at City Hall. Meeting adjourned. r�AYnR '_`'mutes : City Council June 2, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jki L. Sullivan, Smith D. Murrin, John Gray, Kathy Toups and Mike Walsh 1. The minutes of the May 19 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements fo-r the amount of $13276.14 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Swindle second. Voted unan. 3. CATV - Mr. Smith Murrin, Vice -President of 'CATV Systems, Inc. of Lewisville,Texas was present to request the right of assignment of the T. V. Franchise for collateral purposes to the Citizens National Bank of Dallas. The franchise stipulates the City Council must give approval. Mayor Cole stated that CATV had accepted the City's ordinance and they are now asking the City to give up the franchise as first lien to the bank. Mayor Cole felt it was strictly up to CATV (not the City of Sanger) to put something up for collateral. Once assigned the City would have no control. Mayor Cole stated the City had given CATV a franchise but not an exclusive franchise. Smith Murrin stated that CATV was only trying to comply with Section 12- Assignment of the City Ordinance. Discussion. John L. Sullivan wanted to know what the financial responsibility of Sanger is. He questioned if the bank seeking the collateral would be supervising construction of the system. Stated that Council needed more information about what CATV wants. Stated he would rewrite the letter of request. He ask Mr. Murrin what the assets of CATV of Sanger, Inc. is. Murrin stated they had no cash flow except the $1000 corporation. The liabilities are $212,000 which is equipment. Their loan will be $181,000 with total construction of the system being $237,000. The equity is advanced out of CATV Systems. John L. reminded Murrin that in the beginning he had point blank asked if CATV had the financing complete since it was a no asset company. He wanted to know what the bank was going to do with the assignment. More discussion. Murrin was ask to have the bark write the City a letter giving details of financial arrangements they are malting with CATV. Murrin advised Council of a change in programming. Cinemax will be replacing Take II. 4. Council received a letter from Hunter Associates and a bid tabulation sheet recommending that the City award the bid