06/02/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularD. Mayor Cole read aloud the letter from T. C. Wilson thanking the Citv for Nlav 12th as "T. C. T?'ilson Dav" and the hirthdav celebration ?geld at City Hall. Meeting adjourned. AT�ST: r'�AYnR "'mutes: City Council June 2, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jo'..lun L. Sullivan, Smith D. Murrin, John Gray, Kathy Toups and Mike Walsh 1. The minutes of the May 19 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $13,276.14 were approved on Gil motion by Nesbitt. Swindle second. Voted unan. 3. CATV - Mr. Smith Murrin, Vice -President of -CATV Systems, Inc. of Lewisville,Texas was present to request the right of assignment of the T. V. Franchise for collateral purposes to the Citizens National Bank of Dallas. The franchise stipulates the City Council must give approval. Mayor Cole stated that CATV had accepted the City's ordinance and they are now asking the City to give up the franchise as first lien to the bank. Mayor Cole felt it was strictly up to CATV (not the City of Sanger) to put something up for collateral. Once assigned the City would have no control. Mayor Cole stated the City had given CATV a franchise but not an exclusive franchise. Smith Murrin stated that CATV was only trying to comply with Section 12- Assignment of the City Ordinance. Discussion. John L. Sullivan wanted to know what the financial responsibility of Sanger is. He questioned if the bank seeking the collateral would be supervising construction of the system. Stated that Council needed more information about what CATV wants. Stated he would rewrite the letter of request. He ask Mr. Murrin what the assets of CATV of Sanger, Inc. is. Murrin stated they had no cash flow except the $1000 corporation. The liabilities are $212,000 which is equipment. Their 'Loan will be $181,000 with total construction of the system being $237,000. The equity is advanced out of CATV Systems. John L. reminded Murrin that in the beginning he had point blank asked if CATV had the financing complete since it was a no asset company. He wanted to know what the bank was going to do with the assignment. More discussion. Murrin was ask to have the bank write the City a letter giving details of financial arrangements they are making with CATV. Murrin advised Council of a change in programming. Cinemax will be replacing Take II. 4. Council received a letter from Hunter Associates and a bid tabulation sheet recommending that the City award the bid F'"42� contract for painting the elevated water storage to Pittsburg Tank and Tower Co. on the basis of the low bid. Motion was made by Spindle to accept the bid of Pittsburg Tank and Tower Co. subject to the contract. Cooper second. Voting for were Cooper, Swindle, Spindle and Bridges. Nesbitt abstained. Motion carried 3-0. 5. These bids were received for painting the exterior of City Hall. They were: Willard Bounds Bill Hall R. B. Phillips $1,750.00 575.00 500.00 Bids are held over until the next meeting to enable the City Staff to check with R. B. Phillips and see if his bid includes paint. 6. Mayor Cole stated that Billy had expressed an interest in the He appointed both as co-chairman program. Jack Looper and Mervyn Tucker City's Civil Defense Program. to serve on the City's Defense 7. Renewal of the U. S. Post Office Lease which comes up in July, 1980 discussed. Mayor�Cole strongly felt the Council should request a more adequate lease and suggested $1,000. Motion was made by Cooper to renew the lease for $750.00 per month for 1-yr. Swindle second. Voting for were Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, and Spindle. Bridges abstained. Motion carried 4-0. 8. Other Matters: a. Frazier and Rodgers Glater Connection - It was the general consensus of the Council that Mr. Rodgers loop a 2" water line to the McNeil trailer park as previously discussed and agreed. Mayor Cole stated it was his understanding that the line would be looped and a 2" line installed when the problem first came up. Instead Mr. Rodgers laid a 12" line. The question arose regarding easements across the McNeil property. Danny Spindle stated that McNeil had agreed to give the easements and if Rodgers could possibly at a later date build other houses and tie on to this line he would be willing to loop the line. Danny also mentioned Mr. Rodgers would probably need another extension if he looped the line. It was agreed. b. Lloyd explained to Council that Sanger had been given an award of recognition for clean up week. He presented the award to Councilman Nesbitt since this was a Chamber of Commerce project. c. Lloyd mentioned that the City crew had found a water valve that was closed on 10th and Bolivar Street. He felt strongly that this could have been the cause for low pressure in the Hillcrest Addition. Lloyd also advised Council that the problem with the lift station had been the empeller was put in reverse. Correction of this should bring the City's electrical cost down. d. The City received.a letter from state granting a landfill compliance extension to September 5, 1980. e. City was advised that the 30-unit Housing for the elderly has been turned down on two points. (l.) an adequate sewer line was not -available. (2.) the enviromental protection agency would rLot approve due to the noise level since property is so close to I-35. Application is to be resubmitted. f. Lloyd has contacted the Corps of Engineers requesting to get the dirt from the lake once they statt to cover our landfill once we have to discontinue use. They have agreed and would also be willing to give us a letter of commitment. g. Council requested Lloyd to write a letter of appreciation to Vance Travelstead and Dice Chatfield for cleaning up their lots. h. Council requested City staff to advise them of any new personnel or firings in the future. i. It was requested by Council that the City get back to work on the streets. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: e MAvOR PZinutes: Emergency Called Meeting June 5, 1980 Present: Mayor Protein Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt and Bridges Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mazy Jo Stover, Join L. Sullivan, Smith Murrin, and Roy Lemons , 1. CAT��'s request for assignment of the Franchsie. Smith P�urrin stated to Council it would take "237,000 to complete the TV Cable of Sanger. The Citizens National Bank of Dallas is committed to loan $187,000. John L. ask �2urrin if he could get the $50,000. Nlurrin stated yes out of CATV ":stems. John L. stated that any bank in advancing money would want -the collateral of the property that is put with the loan funds. John L. posed the question of why CATV couldn't pledge the stock of CATV Inc. as collateral. P�turrin stated they could but this was not the manner in which they chose. John L. wants to make t_he assignment conditional stipulating s-crct compliance of T. V. Cable of Sanger to the City of Sanger Ordinance 79-9. Jahn L. was ask to prepare a letter to the bank explaining conditions. Lloyd to pickup -the letter from John L. and deliver to Council for their approval or dismissal and for signing by x�layor Cole. 20 Award paint bid for City Hall. Lloyd advised Council t'�at he had talked with r�r. Ph.i.11ips and his bid for $500.00 does include the paint. '�he $500.00 is for a turn key job. P�totion was by Bridges to aE�ard the bid to R. B. Phillips for $500.00. Swindle second. Voted unan. Lloyd stated Phillips would be finished with the work within six calandar days after he starts. 3. Other Matters: a. Lloyd advised Council that they wi11 be breaking ground on the new Post Office. Council has instructed Lindon Carr to retire the old poles and install new poles and move the siren system. One problem - No easements in the alleyway. Lloyd contacted Chambers on February 27, 1980 (read letter aloud) regarding easements. The builder stated no easements are in the alleyway and was shocked to learn the transfer of Holes etc., will cost $1478. The builder dosen't want to pay the fees. The City needs to tell him we want it paid or we're willing to make an adjustr_ient. Council suggested the c'-it_y split the cost. Council agreed. lloyd to request easement on the basis of splitting the cost. ATI`EST ,dam �`�� � �` �''�' i v�-