06/16/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council June 16, 1980 Present. Mayor Cole, Cooper, IN 11 le, Tet:1) Ut, Spindle and Bridges Others r Present. Lloyd Henderson, Diary Jo Stover, Benny and Joyce Parrent, Bill Rice and Mike Walsh 1. The minutes of the June 2 regular meeting and the June 5 emergence called meeting were approved with the following corrections: Item #7 changed from "and Swindle" to "and Spindle." Item 1�8A - last statement "It was agreed to be eliminated. One correction was made on the emergency minutes: Those absent should read Mayor Cole and Danny Spindle. 2. Disbursements for $10,169.65 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Cooper to approve the Personal Property Tax Resolution on vehicles. Swindle second. Voted unan. 4. Request for Installation of 16 vrater meters -Benny Parrent. Parrent opened by making the following statement: "I need 16 water meters behind my house on Keaton Road." Mayor Cole referred Nir. Parrent to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Parrent wanted to knaA7 how Mr. Rodgers got his meter. Mayor Cole stated Mr. Rodgers nca has two meters since he replaced tie line as requested by Council. Parrent stated that Mr. Rodgers had subdivided and he had not gone through P & Z. Parrent stated he wasn't going to subdivide, he just wanted the 16 meters to water his grass. Mayor Cole explained to Parrent how expensive this would be. The matter of water pressure was then discussed. Mavor Cole stated that Rodgers in the near future will be looping the 2" line from his property to the trailer park which should increase the pressure along Keaton Road. He stated that a vrater line has been run to Gateway and under the highway, but there is no water in the line. As areas grow and develop the City expects to get this line in operation,. Questions from the floor wasraised regarding the Bolivar line. Discussion. Parrent again ask for the 16 water meters. Mayor Cole stated it was his opinion. that Parrent should go to P & Z. He stated he didn't think that Council would be against Parrent putting in the 16 water meters but it would be necessary that he go through P & Z. This statement along with Parrents was stated numerous times. Parrent ask the question "If I build something in back of my house and I own it would you give me the water meters?" Mayor Cole stated "If you own the building yourself you would be foolish to pay double rates for 16 meters. Parrent replied "That's my business." Parrent then ask if Council would supply him with more than one meter if he built more than one '_souse on his property as City did for Rodgers and then ask for Mayor to take a vote from Council. Mayor Cole ask if any of the Councilmen were in favor of giving Parrent more meters? No one responded. Councilman Nesbitt stated he felt this was an improper motion. Other factors would have to be made available to Council before a decision could be made. Mayor Cole stayed with the opinion that Parrent should go through P & Z. 5. Reconsider Post Office Rental -This item was postponed. The regional representative was unable to attend. 6. Other such matters (a.). Lloyd brought Council up-to-date on street sweeper. Still trying to work the bugs out. _ (b.) Summer Street Program to be worked up. (c.) Mayor Cole requested that the City Nave an appreciation dinner for City employees. Bridges stated he would like to include the Fire Department. (f.) The City has hired a new female meter reader Loretta Bradford at .10� per meter. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: r• IN 1 vim Minutes: City Council July 7, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Glenna Krueger, A. M. Davenport, Chuck Mericle, Julie Haisler and Mike Walsh ?. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing on Revenue Sharing Funds open for public participation. No comments were received from the floor. The City Manager then offered the following proposed use for 1980-81 funds. Police Department Fire Department Sanit. Department Park Department !Dater Department Proposed Disbursements: Car - Equipment Equipment Equipment Fire Hydrants Total 15 ,00.00 2,600.00 1,800.00 800.00 2,400.00 $9,100.00 Lloyd informed the Council of a $10,API .13 balance of funds in P.evenue Sharing and stated that he had been aware of the need to replace some fire department equipment. The firemen have requested a new chassis and Lloyd stated he would like to use the money that the City had leftover to help pay on this. Mayor Cole informed Council that Revenue Sharing Funds are not as restricted as they once were and can be used. Mayor Cole declared hearing closed. 2. The minutes of the June 16, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $17,694.73 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt.. Swindle second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Bridges that the City pay Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $8,237.18. Spindle second. Voted unan. �. Council received a list of taxpayers who had not paid their personal property taxes (vehicles) for the tax year 1975. Since the statute of limitations of 4 years has passed the City Tax Assessor asked that these taxes in the amount of $494.00 be exonerated from the rolls. Spindle made the motion to exonerate the list as presented. Bridges second. 'Doted unan. 6. Reconsider Post Office Rental - Item passed over. Representative unable to attend. 7. Central Telephone has requested to place a pay telephone at the Curb line in City Park. This telephone will be the pedestal type with bubble top. Council was not happy about placing the unit in the Park. Glenna Krueger, representing the Beautification Committee and Chamber of Commerce, appealed to Council not to allow the booth in the park. It was agreed by Council that Lloyd talk with the telephone company and find an alternate place if possible.