06/05/1980-CC-Minutes-Emergency�.t �,��� landfill once we have to discontinue use. They have agreed and would also be willing to give us a letter of commitment. g. Council requested Lloyd to write a letter of appreciation to Vance Travelstead and Dick Chatfield for cleaning up their lots. h: Council requested City staff to advise them of any new personnel or firings in the future. i. It was requested by Council that the City get back to work on the streets. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: s MP YOt'� PZinutes: Emergency Called Meeting June 5, 1980 Present: Mayor Protein Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt and Bridges Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Maly Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Smith. Murrin, and Roy Lemons, 1. CA'I'V's request for assigr�nt of the Franchsie. Smith Murrin stated to Council it would take r237,000 to complete -the TV Cable of Sanger. The Citizens rTational Bank of Dallas is committed to loan $187,000. John L. ask iRurrin if he could get the $50,000. M.urrin stated yes out of CATV �;%stems. John L. stated that any bank in advancing money would want the collateral of the property that is put with the loan funds. John L. posed the question of why CATV couldn't pledge the stock of CATV Inc. as collateral. P�iurrin stated they could but this was not the manner in which they chose. John L. wants to make the assignment conditional stipulating strict compliance of T. V. Cable of Sanger to the City of Sanger Ordinance 79-9. John L. was ask to prepare a letter to the bank explaining conditions. Lloyd to pickup the letter from John L. and deliver to Council for their approval or dismissal and for signing by r�Tayor Cole. 20 Award paint bid for City Hall. Lloyd advised Council t'�at he had talked. with r'ir. Phillips and his bid for $500.00 does include the paint. The $500.00 is for a turn key job. r�lotion was by Bridges to a��ard the bid to R. B. Phillips for $500.00. Swindle second. Voted unan. Lloyd stated Phillips would be finished with the work within six calandar days after he starts. 3. Other Matters: a. Lloyd advised Council that they will be breaking ground on the new Post Office. Council has instructed Lindon Carr to retire the old poles and install new poles and move -t'�e siren system. One problem - No easements in the alleyway. Lloyd contacted Chambers on February 27, 1980 (read letter aloud) regarding easements. The builder stated no easements are in the alleyway and was shocked to learn the transfer of poles etc., ���ill cost $1478. The builder dosen't want to pay the fees . The City needs to tell him we �Tant it paid or ���e're willing to make an adjustr_ient. Council suggested the City split the cost. Council agreed. lloyd to request easement on the basis of s-plitting the cost. ATI�ST: v�-