07/21/1980-CC-Minutes-Regularminutes: City Council July 21, 1930 Present: Mayor Cole, Rric ges, nlesbitt, Coox er, Sx indle and Swindle Others Present. Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Benny Johnson, Mire Walsh, and Kathy Toups A1,.sent: John L. Sullivan 1. The minutes of the July 7 and July 14. 1980 meetings were ap_nroved as printed. u. lotion was made by Spindle to approve the disbursements for $7572.09. S<aindle second. Voted unan. John &aincle made the notionto approve a bill for ambulance service of $?.150.0 . Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Mayor Cole q_uestionec? the labor total on the May, 1980 Sanger Electric statement and the labor on the r7ay revenue statement. A difference of .9G exist. He ask Linc on Carr_ to check and- see if an error har' been ma(fe. It was brought to Council's attention that the electric bucicTet is overspent by approximately $500. After more discussion Sanger Flectric Capital Improvements were acorovec on a motion by Cooper. Swindle second. Voted unan. 4. Sanitation Rate Increase - Itc,ras discussed that sanitation rates have not been raised since 1976 and they were increased. by .50 per month at that time. Since the dex artment has not been carrying itself_ 4-1?e City manager recommended the following increases: I. ResiC.er_tial Pick: -up from $3.50 to $0..50 II . Cam r-cial nick-uz (Cans) 1--5 frrom 5 . 5 to $5.5 III . Corrercial nick ur) (containers) Scale C re?.o -? rTo. Weekly 1-5 MinirTLu Charges for Shared Containers Pick-uns Cans C 1 2 3 5 6 2 10.00 6.50 6.25 6.Co0 5.75 5.50 3 12.00 °.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 5 14.50 9.50 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 Councilman Bridges vras not in favor of increasing the residential customers at this time, however, he also felt that a rate increase shouldcarry a unanimous vote from Council and they? be united on an issue such as this. Cooper made the motion to raise t�?.e residential customer rate from $3.50 to $4..50 as recornended. Spindle second. Voter unan. Motion vras made by Bridges that commercial nick -up (Cans) 1-5 be raised from $4.50 to $5.50 as reconnended. Spindle second. Voted. unan. Motion was made by Bridges teat the commercial pick-un (containers) be raised as recorrmended on Scale C. Swindle second.. Voted unan. It was agreed that the Solid E7aste Ordinance be amended to force certain types of business (i.e. cafes, slaughter house) to rexuire a certain number of days they are to be picked up. It was mentioned, that the city needs 3 addi_tional diurmsters. 5. Campground.T7tilities -Benny Johnson -mayor Cole advised Council_ that Johnson's property was approximately 100 yards from the city limits sign and that he is requesting to be annexed in. Don Sables is the owner of the property in between. Johnson said he had talked with Sables. Sables didn't feel it would benefit him by caning into the City. mayor Cole stated we could annex 500' along the highvray right -of Way. Discussion. Mayor Cole ask Lloyd to call Sables and talk with him. Also to run a public notice of the hearing as soon as possible. Johnson to get the city his legal description and Lloyd to call some of the other cities about overnight carping and trailer coach ordinances. Item to be placed on August 4, 1980 agenda. 6. It vas cruestioned by Spindle and seconded. by rTesbitt to adopt the 1980-81 Revenue Sb�aring Budget for Fiscal Year J_980-G1 for the ampunt of $9100. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Spindle to ac?ont the budget ordinance for 1980-81 Fiscal Year. Second by Nesbitt. Voted unan. AP7 ORDITTA`TCr' ADOPTING A 13UDGF"' FOR '�.'HE FISCAL YEAR, BEGITTNIITG ST'P- TEP�iBER 1, 1�`80 AND ETTDINr AUGLTS'.T' 31, 1981; ArdD APPROPRIA"'IrTG mTTr VARInTTS Ar�fOUrdTS THEREOF . R : Other suc'i matters a. LlotTd c�at.Te Council_ a letter from. Chamher President Nesbitt e��t_enc�i ng a dinner invitation on `�'uesday, JLi.ly 29th vri.t'� reference �� the Aubre�T Lake Piroject. b. Lloyd said. he had received letter from Ken [7ood stating the U.S. Postal Service had accented. the rPx�tal of $r�,ono . 'per year. c. Tom Woodwith State Boardof Insurance is comincx to Sander 0^out the key rate. He will give us guidance to uxagrade our key rates. d. Lloyd met with Jack Russell and Tom Par0'ue to get the grant and bond, issue going. The areas considered. were: 11 1. [later - (:^10 grants avail fable at this time.) 2. Sewage - A.lready 111Torking - �E.PA �rar_t 3. Landfill - No funds City Park - Matching r u us - Texas. Parks & T!ilc�iife 5 . Community Develo�xnent - 100 o fur..ded.. . Areas considered (Drainage) (Street Improvements) (Codification of Ordinances) Russell is to run a test with T�DAG to see vahere the city stands for t eir funds. e. Reported the City tanks are filled again. Discussion of ra'�ioning. It was agreed to continue for a while (odd -even) but allow for the citizens to choose the 3 'hours they want to water not keep it on the 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 POM0 ATTEST Minutes: August 4, Present: Absent Others Present City Council 1980 Mayor Cole, Bridges �I.AYOR Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Spindle, and Jon._n L. Sullivan Lloyd Henderson, �Zary Jo Stover, Jim Smith, Johnny Looper, Kerry Scilertz,-Randy Gentle, Lindon Carr, Royce Jones, Benny Johnson, Jerry Jenkins, Joe Sprats;:, and Chuck Mericle F 1. Bid opening - Two bids were received on the 1980 One Ton Fire Truck Chassis. Chapar-rai Chevrolet Company, Decatur, Texas came ir, at $7219.29 with options. Sanger Motor Co., Sanger, Texas stated they were unable to quote on a 1980, but submitted a figure of $7412.92 plus the amount of difference on invoice price on 1981 models. Bids to layover until they can be checked out. A special meeting called for Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. to accept one of the bids. n . The minutes of the July 21, correctto No. 6. It should of "It was ruestioned." ion 1980 meeting were approved with read "it was motioned." in lieu 3 . Disbursemer,.ts for ,913,341.56 were a -roved on a motion by Nesbitt. Second by Swindle. Voted unan. 4. The Tax Levy Ordinance No. 30-7 for FY 80-31 was approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Spindle second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Cooper to approve the Annexation Ordinance No. 80-6 Pending Approval by the Attorney General's office. Bridges second. Voted unan.