08/04/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council August 4, 1980 ?resent: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Swindle, Nesbitt, Spindle, and Bridges Absent: John L. Sullivan Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Zary Jo Stover, Jim Smith, Johnny Looper, Kerry Schertz,-Randy Gentle, Lindon Carr, Royce Jones, Benny Johnson, Jerry Jenkins, Joe Sprati , and Chuck Mericle e 1. Bid opening - Two bids were received on the 1980 One Ton Fire Truck Chassis. Chaparral Chevrolet Company, Decatur, Texas came ir. at $7219.29 with options. Sanger Motor Co., Sanger, Texas stated they were unable to quote on a 1980, but submitted a figure of $7412.92 Pius the amount of difference on invoice Write on 1981 models. Bids to layover until tiZey can be cY-ieck d out. A s? ecial meeting called for Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. to accept one of the bids . 2. The minutes of the July 21, 1980 meeting were arproved with correction to No. 6. It should read "it was motioned." in lieu of "It was ruestioned." .:. isbu-rsemerp.ts for $13 , 341. h were ar ;-roved on a motion by Tvesbitt. Second by Swindle. Voted unan. 4. The Tax Levy Ordinance i o. 30-7 for FY 80-81 was ap nroved on a motion by Nesbitt. indle second. Voted unan. S. P Zotion was made by Cooper to approve the Annexation Ordinance No. 80-6 Pending Approval by the Attorney General's office. Bridges second. Voted unan. AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, CERTAIN LANDS SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER, TEXAS, DESCRIBING SAID ANNEXED TERRITORY BY METES AND BOUNDS, AND PRESCRIBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. 6. The following persons terms have expired on the planning and Zoning Board: Jimmy Frazier, Harold Easley, Carl Ray Higgs and Willard Bounds. Willard Bounds and Jimmy Frazier were willing to be reappointed. Carl Ray Higgs said no and Lloyd was unable to contact Harold Easley. Motion was made by Bridges to appoint Bounds and Frazier for another term. Cooper second. Voted unan. Cooper made a motion to appoint Nan Anderson to Board. Lloyd called her and she was unable to accept. Cooper withdrew the motion. Motion was made by Bridges to appoint Georgia Royal to the P & Z Board. Spindle second. Voted unan. 7. Jerry Jenkins met with Council to give an analysis of the City Fire Code. He explained to Council the city needs to be brought up to standard current procedures and presented the Dallas Fire Code as a good example of covering all aspects needed. He asks also how much backing he could expect from the city.when he starts enforcing the code. Mayor Cole agreed that our code needs work but that we didn't need one like Dallas. He suggested that Lloyd and Jerry work together and come up with a workable code for Sanger, Mayor Cole advised Jerry to point out fire hazards to the different businesses but not to shut any of the businesses down. Jerry mentioned that only 30% of the businesses in town had fire extinguishers. 8. Other such matters; (a.) "MT. Region 8 Meeting - Hurst, Texas - The following agreed to attend: Mayor Cole, Lloyd, Henry, Danny, Benny and Donn. (b.) Lindon Carr explained the difference in the labor cost on the revenue statement versus the capital statement. He stated the difference came through special item equipment such as transformers, meters and breakers. The installation cost is added to units when they are set on the docks. (c.) Royce Jones received an unofficial no regarding curb and guttering on property he wants to subdivide. Mayor Cole explained to Mr. Jones it would be necessary to go through proper channels to get official approval. (d.) Lloyd mentioned that Gene Hughes has requested two building permits in tn.e Shirley Additions. He lacks the one year performance bond and everything else is done. He is asking by letter for Council to approve the permits and_that he will not sell any house until everything has been approved and accepted by the city. Council gave approval this be done. (e.) Tom.Wood with -the State -Board of Insurance, stated - in his opinion we could buy fifty fire trucks -and wouldn't -improve -our key rate. Stated -the city -needs to replace all the 4" water -lines. Wants .to look at our future plans�for'new water well. Suggested the city put in a 10.".line on 6th street which would do away with the majority of the 4" lines. -2- (f.) Lloyd advised Council of our new payroll cashier clerk. (g.) Lloyd told Council he would like to come to next Council meeting with plans for modification of City Hall. (h.) Lloyd discussed with Jack Russel possible grant funds for sewer treatment plant expansion, (i.) Donn Nesbitt would like city to start watering the park again. ATTEST: MAYOR