11/17/1947-CC-Minutes-Regular1Vov-17�1047. T`he Gity Council met in a regular session on thus date, members present were J .1,. lljr•s L®� ti. J. brown®� h. L. Cooper-- luk),y or loon presiding. The minutes of t1Te previous meeting were read anci approved. first business to come before the council wae� Icy Jones contending f'or 2b.00,that he claimed belonged to him for electric line & e(.juipment,that was built from the main linc,to the Dixon place that he 11u& rentea. )"..tter �,ulet a good deli of ti lLik oil the propoeitiori motion was made by J.-L.Hov-pt(- and sec. by H.D.Gooper that he be paid the 2b.002vdth a bill of Sale be given city -to support same, the motion carrieu. text virus inregurd to blag. occupied by DaVlCI Iioyal,he wt.ntinL to be paid for partition and door, that he bouEj,ht for building while being discussed sec. vial r_sked to Hake trade occuping s�rIle,a.fteT' with hinl to vacate bldg. squtre his account for petitioW,4 door. The i'bot ball lights at school was t�iliced on it1 regt�rd t,o wlTo should taste care of them etc. a motion v;as Au ue by h. L. Gooper and sec by J.L.horst that same be turned over to Prof. J,Ilen and instructions be givell tilat lights be turned you not more tht-.n three times u week and never on 6c.turoay nights. l�T s carried. ' l�o other buvitbess to attend to a. motioll sus made by �_.J.brown anc sec. "by J.L.fl�rst that 'the council ajourn. Ct.rried. �ignec+. Mayor•.-�-�___�_®®e__�.-__�� Dec:®1st®1047 . ,fhe Gi ty LOUnCl1. Islet i=1 is rE�,U�� Y' Sewer loli,iilGiilber':a iJl'E)aGilt 6'li;Y'(:- �J , �®sa�rait ' h. D. i%ooper. � G. PJi..ticker �;- ��. J. bro v,n. �ulayor H. L:. loonpresa ding. rst the reuuilig of tine month-Ly bil.l�s)t�f ter beirlb reed ca motion wbs lti(lE. }Jy tl. L. 1�00 per & SeCOY1(XeCt by } . lVl. l�Cl,cr that r lll.S olnollnt l ll to be allowed rind ordered paid. except, a bill for 49. JO for inspector from I''u 4rbanlev� iuorsc & Co. vraiting on it for inf.'orma.tion. Garrie6. next sti60 talc on Ax.ial�Peubooy,:t btu.. f'or' tlaulinb can,afLer Lhe talk a motion v:jas mode by ii.b.Gooper & sec. by t,.J.brot,?cn that he be given s. 6.00 rLise. '!'his carried. wext vuasgiving the luigrrtwatcla�nan some help during l.;nas klolliday s, a motion sus mtIde by L,wi..r>ckcr and sec. by r,.J.Fsrovun that be furnished or ir-bights to carry clock etc. Vkihile Roy bLker work day & purt of ni; ht. This carried.