12/01/1947-CC-Minutes-RegulariVov-17-1047. he City Council we in a regular session on thins date,members present were-- J ®�„ tiJrs t-- ti®J. brovari-- h. D. Uooperd_ ivkr.y or 'loon } presiding. 1 � The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. First business to come before the council vras Ro,y Jones cont.ei iric, For ('5.00, that he claimed belonged to him for electric line 8c equipment, that vYas built from the main line, to the Dixon place that lie ilud. rentea. J.Iter (,wet a good uea.l of taiit o.i the proposition a motion was made by J.L. Hovpt ° and sec, by Fi. D. Cooper that he be paid the 2b.00, with a bill of Sole be given city to support same> 'The motion carrieulc iuext vas inre�ard to blab. occupied. by Davin Roy al, he w€,.nting to be paid for partition and door, that he bought for building while occuping ssme,a.fter beink, discussed sec, v„as asked to Wake trade v,ith him to vacate bldg. squ€,-re his account for petitiorottc door. �.he f'oeit ba11 lights at school v,as tah_ced on in r°egg=rd to v�ho should take cb.re of tnem etc, a motion was ute.de by H.L. (j'ooper and sec by J.-U.Horst that same be turned over to Prof, L•llen rnd instructions be given that lights be turned time..) not more th.n three times, week o and never on 0Z:,turay nithts® l] s carrieu, i�o other busiress to attend to /1a wotioii was wbue- by t,-*J.Lrovvn and sec. by J.i,.hr)rst that the council Gjour'n. Cr,rried. bi�nen ME or Sec. -- - �_-_-----Zf -- - �c-c-lst-1J��7. 'lhe laity l:oU_1(;ii met in u .�'(�uj,�,r' SG.:i10[i,lilE_iilii(;7'� iJrCl�eY1t �iJtr(— J,.�,1i}r'�it, H.D.Cooper.-L.i�;i,.�czscr & M.J,hro;�,n. 1i yor H, :.l'oonprcuioin < first the rcac,izit� of file ;norittily bil-Ls,ufter beinb rebd rti motion w€._s n� de by i. JJ. Cooper secoridect l y , iut. icker that uilLs amounting to 22U0. ,,2 be allowed and ordered paio except, a Lilt for 43.30 for inpcctor horn fuirbanks� Morse & Co, waiting on it for information. Caxrier% iVC'xt WiuS c, - talk on i.®iviai'eabody,s bai. fole hau_Li i cwl,after the talk a motion v:�as made by 11.ti.Cooper & sec. by a:.J.b~rot,*vn that he be given s. 5.00 r��ise, This c mica, iuext uvas Livin motion vuL,ts Made for iue LNight� to Phis carrieu. the idi�;htw:atcl�nan some help dun-inb t.mas Ho_Lli.day s,a by t�.lw,,x,c;ccr and sec. by h.J.fsrovvn -that a. Warn be furnished carry c-.ock etc. Miile Roy baker work city & part of night, 01.0 minutes br. Nord. Dec-16t-ljq'7. Next business to attend to by council was the issusing of LL permit to Johnnie Lee Richardson,to build a residence'in Fire YUae on Lot 4'biock 19 O.T. in the City Of Sanger. The permit was issued after Mayor H. B. Toon 'tiAred' Commissioner iularvin Hall at Bustin in regard to same. His reply was that the builaing could be built as long as it was for a residence ana that it should not be converted into a commercial purposes: phis permit was mao_e possible by a motion made by J.L.Horst and sec, by � I ��.J,hrovpiZ. Carriea. To support the above a letter and telegram ;is in safe. iio other business to attend to a motion vvas made by H.D. Cood(,kr and sec, by h.J.brovvn that the council ajourn. U;rried. Signed. Sec.'/-= December--l5th--1947. The Vitt' Council met in aregular sesNion on the above date, members present J.L. HRrst-- E. E. Pate--E. PA. Acker-- Mbyor H. b. Toon presidine., I3��46 P The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Aothing of importance before the council,a general talk on city matters was enterred into. One in particular was having maps made of sewer lines and water lines , fearing that possibly the ones we have might get last. or destroyed, a motion was made by H.D. Cooper and sec. by E.ii . picker that maps be made and putin a place pf safety. Carried. No other buslness to attend to,a motion was made by & sec.by H.D.Cooper that the council ajourn. Ca_rrieQ. (J ai�;ned. City Of' aunger. Sec, l