12/15/1947-CC-Minutes-RegularI inutes Dr. rbr'a. bec- ist-ijii7. iVext business to attend to by council was the issusing of u, permit, to Johnnie Lee Richardson,to build a residence,in Eire lchme on :Got 4 biock 19 0.T. in the City Of Sanger. The permit was issued after Mayor H.b.Toon mired Commissioner ivlarvin Hall at hustin in regard to same. Hls reply wa.s that the builuinb coula be built as long as it was for u residence nu that that it should not be converted into a commercial purposes. i'. `phis permit vias ma.cLe possibie by a motion made by J.ij.Horst and sec. by �,,J,hrown. Garrieu. To support the above d. letter and t,elegrz-,ni is in safe. vo other business to atteYYu to a motion vas rn�sae by Fi. D. Cooker and sec, L; �.J.tbrown that the council ajourn. Garrieci. December--l5th--1947. T'he City Council rnet in areular session on the a.bave date members present J.L. HRrst-® E. E. Pate-®E. ivi..Acker_® iv ayor H. b. Toon presidin,6. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. iVothing of importance before the council, a beneral talk on city matters was enterred into. One in particular was having maps made of sewer lines and eater lines , fearing that possibly the ones we have might get lost or destroyed, a motion vaAs ma.ae by H.D. Gooper and sec. by L.tr ..acker that maps be made and put in a place pf safety . Carrieci. Ao other business to attend to,a motion was mode by '' 8e s e co by H.D.Gooper that the council ajourn. Gb_rrieo. U Si6neu, Gity Jf G nger. Sec.