01/05/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 5, 1948 he Uity Uouncil met in aregular session on this date members present 6r Heb.Toon presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting sere approved., The frst4business for the council to attend to was the reading of the monthly bills, after being read a motion was made by A.Jabrown and sec. by E.E®Pate that bills amounting to 2785.00 be allowed and ordered paid, This carried. HATTIE RICHARDSON PERMIT TO REBUILD HER HOUSE ON LOT 4, BLOCK 19 OT oDo(;ooper made amotion and it was see. bY EoMoAckerthatshe be given wouldationthat Al 4 houzb6tbuld be built on above lot if it • t be onverted into a commercial building, This carrIed, ecretary was Indructed to try and ellpfearing a possible water shortage next summeroafter this was talked n,,the see. was also insructed to try and get prices on a pump and othep ecessary equipment 1 1.• the job. tm l s • •:_., s 21 t - s- . t ea$her very bad. Signed. Co A* Crowson --sec. l