02/02/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY 2, 1948 he Cil--- Council met in aregular. .. date members present •.. - - owapwith ayor li.b.Toonpresiding* JACK HOLMES OF THE SANGER TELEPHONE CO CUSTOMER RENTALS RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS PHONES ON he 6anger Telephone Coo he asking for a raise to customers on rentals, "ifty Cents raise on Res phonea I=Fifty Cents raise on business phones d twenty five cent raise on rural• • ; . • - e' 111 1 . Itx•R rz 1. •.• • ec, by kolLAoket that he be given a permit to raise the rates at above rices for the balance of the time that he has a franchise, This motion 3• motion was made by- JoLoHorat and seco by H.D.Cooper that bills amounting hisical condltion &fter business and etc* was talked on, the council ecided to give him twenty five dollbars,and Insist that he stay at me for thirty dVs and try and get well.