03/01/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularMARCH 1, 1946 MONTHLY BILLS APPOINTING TAX ASSESSOR FOR 1948 LL MCNEILL BRIGGS WEAVER TO SEE ABOUT WELL PUMP PURCHASE 12 STOP SIGNS COST TO INSTALL STREET SIGNS he minutes of the previous • meeting were.s• and approved. • ..3: _A . to11 R— Jf- • .. _ 41 hat bills almountinf. lbl2l.70,be • • and ordered paid. he motion carried. a ! • A • l n the matter, a. motion was made by AoJ.Brown, and see. by H*D.Cooper hat LoLleollAdNeill be appointed Tax 1 ssessor for 1948, rligslillilloWeaver be instructed to send some one to see about well ump etc. before buying pump, This carried, a .. it r • .. i A Ul •! i K a •, ^ 11• • made • •• •: .µ• see. by a.J.Brown that the ecretary buy 12iiiiiiiiiiiiip Signs,C• - - e3 .. • a . C 1!a R 4 • is •. • ome over • have what it .• to give the L'I :. Uounull •ffz to what it will costto put up street signs • •.- ., •- •.,.... s. • ..-- •..Iiiiiiiiin III, s ills amounting to to 6689.b5 be allowed and ordered paid* CarrIed. ext the council talked on things pertaining to the cjty Namely A Tax o other business to attend to a motion wals made by J.L..Horst and sec.