05/03/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 3, 1948 NO QUORUM MAI n the above datep a regular meeting members present .D.Goope.R.Chapman and Mayor H.B.Toon. ot having enough members for a quorum.no business was attended tj rtt •: W i 1.. ! •..S* kjvjqjjvlu ` .D.C000per, with Mayor H*B.Toon presiding. Denton, to give some information on on the well,,the city is trying bo bring into service. After quiet a lot of talk on the viell a otion was made by E-MoAcker and sec. by R.E.P&te that Myers & son ;ro_! f. - . -. eco June®7th 194a. The city council met in e regular session,members present were® E.E.Pnte 1a.J.Brown__ H.D.Cooper with Mayor H,B,Toon presiding. The minutes of the .E.Pate that bills for April amounting to 2409.89 be allowed and ordered aid. This carried. • t . crr• x •IrAIRMsTM• s r:-z• . ,. •..- • •s. as done by a motion made by E.E.Pate and sec. by A 0J.BrovI carried. its 0 ave J.L.Myero and son Op Denton, come over and try and get the wbll roe water having been given the Public 3chool for a number ofyears the ree water any longer and that the motion,that gave them the free wbter everal years agov be rescinded and a water meter be put on them at once. his Was made possible by a motion made by E.L.Pate .. .A.J.Brown motionhis carried. # i o other business a motion was made by, H-D-Cooper and sec. by A.J.Bisp sec.