05/05/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 5, 1948 D MYERS OF DENTO INFORMATION ON THE WELL IXe n the above datep a reguler meeting night, members present were R. Chapman and Mayor H. B. Toon. •t having enough members • oa m.no buainesa was attended . D. Cooper,, with Mayor H* 13. Toon presiding. enton, to give some information on on the well.the city is trying o bring into service. After quiet a lot of talk on the well a otion was made by E.M.Acker and sec. by R.E.Pate that Myers & son o ahead and do what he could to get well in shape. This carried. June®7thm194Ei. The city council met in a regular session members present -were® E.E.Pate A.J.BroRn®_ H.D.Cooper with Mayor HvBgToon presiding. The minutes of the r, oEoPate that bills for April amounting to 2409.89 be allowed and ordered •r•> This carried. as done by a motion made by E.E.Pate and sec. by AOJ.Brownt carried. ave J.L.Uyers and son OP Denton, come over and try and get the wbll n shape to pump. Carried* ree water having been given the Public Ochool for a number ofyears the water ree any longerS • that the motion.that gave them the free wtiter everal years ago, be rescinded and a water meter be put on them at once. . was w. made possible by a motion made by . r. a and sec.by A.J.Brown his motion ..JJ • ` o other business a motion was made by kibDoCooper and see, by ji*JoBr%r4 8igned. Mayor. sec. - e