08/02/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularAUGUST 2, 1948 REIMBURSING EL LEGAR $25.00 FOR EXTRA TRANSFORMER welfare of the city The t ity Council met in . regular session members present were- E. E. Pa.te-- ti.J.lrawn-- H. D. Cooper--& E.t . e cker. Mayor H. l7.'T'oon presiding over meeting. The minutes of" the previous meeting were read and approved. The first business f'or the council to attend to was, the reinbursin ; L.L.Lel ear 25.00 that had been ckaar ed to him far extra tx•ansformer iox° electric cook stove. This was done by a motion mHde b E.h . i eker and sec. by E.i .Pr te that it be done- This carried.. -• • i ; : -• SSigned. mayor®®-®® .._-----_--®_®®®® ll. ks. Toon. ec• ® f ® 7® r . . l%Towson. . - • L • _ i . _ • e _ . • - • .. • • • a • • . _ • u,• • . . a a • - - • m • _ - ,x , _• • •__ ''' No other business to attend to a motion was uaade by E.iUl.. eker anct sec. by C.x.Chapmany that the council ajourn. Signed. Hda ror® ®®®__®® -_-®_®®®_®