04/05/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 5, 1948 MONTHLY BILLS TAX ASSESSOR, STOP SIGNS AND STREET SIGNS he.-cilty council met in -& regular ales.91on, members present werie • . . - s vif,. v. o d • 1_ _•• he minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. •rOLAA6 +i t: ii • • _ I read,& motion was made by H.D.Gooper and see, by E.M.Ack hat bills amountinf. lbl2l.70, be • 3 t and ordered paid. he motion carriedo i - -litto Jill • • . . n the matter a. motion was made by AoJ.Brown, and see. by D. ooper hat L4L6'AcIlileill be ••• • -• Tax "Bessor for• rligismweloWeaver be instructed to send some one to see about well ump etc. before buying pumpo This carried. motion was made bylillir•• •t • sec. by ..,•. .. ecretary buy Signs, Thiscarried* io come over and nave wHat it taxela to give the Ulayor & Uounui ome idea. as to what it will cost etc, to put up street signs, Ills amounting to to 6689.55 be allowed and ordered paid. CarrIed. ext the council talked on things pertaining to the city'll o other business to attend to a motion wao made by JtLoHorst and sec. I