04/19/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 19, 1948 ELECTION CANVASS EM ACKER 30 VOTES CR CHAPMAN 30 VOTES JW SCOGGINS APPOINTED CHIEF ENGINEER AT PLANT ROSS ANDERSON APPOINTED THIRED OPERATION AT PLANT MEN GIVEN TWO DAYS OFF AT PLANT A MONTH AND OSCAR VAUGH BE APOINTED RELIEF OPERATOR call rs.ting was called on, above date members present Mayor Ii®i®loon presiding® The object of the meeting was the rthe rdt; C Jvlel :thev.Olty intends to put on pump. They had with him a Mr. Floyd with Driggs®beaver Mch. Go of Dallas for information inregard to ca i The minutes of the previous meeting t read and approved. to explain a fleerleugolurlill rump tor the 5anza Ile wellf after Zim Carrollllllllr Engineer explained everything a motion was made by x: and see. by t• the btW the pumpllllllllthe price being Nineteen Hundred and fifty dollars,net ~ Installition apromazitally one hundred dollaps, This motion carried, he returns 9 .. the'Mayor declared th3 t E.M.Acker and G.R. Chapman..t The vote being react was a motion made by® i .J.Fsrown and sec by E. ul.. cker that J.BG. coggins be appointed Chie' Engineer at pl, t,and that Rdss Anderson be appointed as the third operator at plant,at a salary I f 160.00 a month. This carried. 10 Next was a motion made by h. J . brown and sec, by E. E.Pate that the men at plant be given two dalys off at plant a month, and that Oscar Vaughn be appointed relief operator, `Phis carried. No other business a motion was made by li.li.Cooper & Sec* by %aJ.Fsrowra that the cquzaeil ajpurn. `This carried. Signed. Major. Sec.®- . c,