06/07/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 7, 1948 TRASH AND CAN HAULING WATER - CLEANING OUT THE HOLE TRYING TO GET THE WELL IN SHAPE TO PUMP FREE WATER GIVEN TO PUBLIC SCHOOL CAN NOT AFFORD ANY LONGER RESCINDING WATER METER FAM•__ •' n the above datey a regular meeting night, members present were .D.Goope.R.Chapman and Mayor f f 4ot having enough members for a quorum.no business was attended tj .D.C000per, with Mayor H*B.Toon presiding. )enton, to give some information on on the well,the city Is trying ,o bring Into service. Af ter quiet a lot of tLik on the well a otion was made by E.M.Acker and . by E.Eoftte that Myers a son ,R ahead and fR what he could to g..' well in eco The minutes - R f the revious meetings were read and approved. P. - that bills for April. 2409.89 be allowedordered .aide This carried* 'or Laypamounting to U1.5.454 IDe allowed and ordered paid. Uarried, he trash and can hauling job being talked about by council, was put off as done by a motion made by E.E.Pate and see. by A6J.Brownt carried. t. ave J.L.Wlyers and son OP Denton, come over and try and get the wbll .. shape to pump. ree water having been given the Public Ochool for a number ofyears the ree water any longer ... ., w ., his motion •.Il. i : ,.