09/08/2001-CC-Minutes-SpecialSept- 8--1048 The Gity.Gouncil met in a $AA9aWLeqs.L9on on the above date n members -present were i.J.brovdn-- E.E.Pate -- E.iv.Acker-- C. H. Chapman-- & H..C. Gooper, Mayor H. B. Toon presiding. The object of the above meeting was granting a gentleman the right to put in a skating rink,after cyite a talk on the iria.tterp a motion was made by A.J.Brown and sec. by E.E.Pate that the proposition gave him on city lot be rejected,after the vote however the proposition was granted by a vote of four to one. Carried. Sept-�20--1948. The City Council met in a regular session,members present were G. H. Ghapman-- 11. i). Gooper-- E.E. Pate-® u. J. bro wn-- E. u4. ACker with Mayor-H-B. Tooba ,ire; iciLrb`;. Tice minutes of the previous meeting were rend anci approved. The council talked about several dif'1'erent things pertaining to tcity, one beirig t- he permit granting the school to cloee the sreet for about fifteen minutes while the load up the busses with school children. This wias clone by a motion made by H. U. Gooper & sect, by ii.J.brown. This curried. iVo outer busine;sa to attend to a motion �rau m�..de by E.tUl,tckc;r and sec. by E. E. Pate that the council aj iurn. Garriea. Oct- 4-1348 The Gity Council met in aregular session,mr�mbers present wrere Cooper_ h..1 . k rown-� G. H. Chapman .ticker -� & F,. '. PL be< The minutes of the previous meeting were roust and Copprovect. The first bu�;irless v��.s the reading of tlae montl�ty bills after beira� read by sec. a motion vacs m}tiae by r..J.Lsro�°in sec, ky ti. L. Cooper that bi.Lls be al]..ovvve;d t.nc) orccre:i paid tIle' bi_Lls arnouratirrg to 2127._L2. This c.:_rriec. 1Vo other business to attend to b motion w,tis mde by F1. D. Coopr and sec, by E. iel. a,cker that the council aj ourn. 6 16nE.Ci. MFlyoDelco r.