10/26/1948-CC-Minutes-SpecialOCTOBER 26, 1948 The first. business to attend to was the Mayor talking to council about anew police officer to work for city, telling them of three different applications for job --namely J.P.Hampton jr.-- W.M. George and Edgar Bale, after quiet a talk on the matter a motion was made by E.M.Acker and sec. by H.D.Cooper that Edgar Hale be given the job at 100.00 a month to do police service. This carried. An other thing of interest was the council having with them the new Fire Chief and a Mr. Slack-kSa.lesma.n) for a Fire Truck concern, The new chief telling them his idea,9f what the city needed to do to have necessary fire apparatuses for fire company. After questingng the salesman about,different things in regard to truck ete.the council decided to make a visit to different towns and look some trucks suggested by Salesman. Signed.. Mayor.---------®® No other business4to attend to a motion was made by R.D.Cooper & sec. by E.M.Acker that the council ajourn. Carried. Sec.--L'/-`-------®_-_-