10/18/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularOCTOBER 18, 1948 The City Council met in aregular session members present were- C,R.Chapman--H.D®Cooper-- E.M®Acker-- and E.E®Pate® With Mayor H,H,Toon presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. First business to come before the meeting was getting a new Fire Chief, James Ready having resigned on account of moving out of city. H.D.Cooper made a motion that the council appoint Leroy Kemp Chief if he would accept the appointment as.chieflthis motion was seconded by E.E.Pate. Motion carried. NEXT was the Mayor talking to council about the law violations in the city,and wanting to get some one to act as city Marshall at a regular salary etc. This seemed to to be what the council wanted. Then they asked Mayor to try and get some one to do the job. No other business to attend to a motion was made by H.D,Cooper and sec. by C.R.Chapman that the cpuncil ajourn, Signed, City Of Sanger, . C.R.Chapmaor ifferent applications for job namely .11 •'.• ••.,•' • Edgar Hale,quiet 6 talkon matter a motionwas - y E.M.Acker and sec. by H.D.Cooper that Edgar Hale be given the ob at 100.00 a month to •• police service.-• other thing of interest was the council having with them the he new chief telling them hie idea.9f what the city needed to o to have necessary fire apparatuses for fire company* After questing*ng the salesman about. different things in regard to truck etc.the council decided to make a visit to different towns and look some trucks suggested by Salesman. Signed.. Mayor.--------®-.® No other business(to attend to a motion was made by H.D.Cooper sec. by E.M,Acker that the council ajourn, Carried. 4