11/01/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularNOVEMBER 1, 1948 The City Council met in a regular session,members present were A.J.Brown-- H.D.Cooper E.M.Acker-- C.R.Chapman, with Mayor HoB.Toon presiding. E.E.Pate- The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. j First business was the reading of the monthly bills -after being read by secretary, a motion was made by A.J.Brown & sec. by H.D.Cooper that bills amounting to 1942.74 be allowed and ordered paid. This carried. it I Edgar Hale (Police Officer) be granted the authority TO purchase Gas for 30 DAYS ON THE city's credit • know about what It will cost etc. This carried. No other business a motion was made by E..Pate & sec.by E.M.Acker that the council ajourn-- Carried. Signed. Nov-l5th-1948 Seo. '= =' The City Council met ina regu]_ar session, members present were-- E.E.Pate--H.D.Cooper-- E.hR.Acker - O.R.Chapman-- with H.B.Toons- Mayor- presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The first business to attend to was- to get bids on a new Fire Truck after talking about the matter for quiet awhile a motion was made by- E.M.Acker Sec. by H.D.Cooper that city advertise for a price on a 2 Ton Truck-- Specifications as follws. The motion carried. 2-- Ton Truck. 4- 25 Ten Ply Casing for rear Wheels)for Duals) 2- 750- 20 --8 Ply Casing for Front. Standard Chassics--- 160" Wheel Base, 2--Speed Axle. Several other things pertaining to city,s business ws discussed. No other business to attend to a motion was made by E.M..4eker and sec. by E.E.Pate that the council ajourn. This carried.