11/26/1948-CC-Minutes-SpecialNOVEMBER 26, 1948 OPENING SEALED BIDS FOR TWO TON TRUCK - SANGER MOTOR COMPANY XFAMMUDISO opened the bids were -" • • Ir ••. • being r Co. _ 100,00 fter a talk on the proposition,a motion was made by E.M.Acker nd sec. by H.D.Cooper that Sanger Motor Co. bid be accepted nd orderedto order truck as soon as possible. Carried. *VwUoopeIrz i • •- -- UOKOGha*Acker ' iayor H.B.Toonpresiding,i ,, a • - • .. • - •- ,. _ ..• ._ • .•♦'• -• The first business for the council to attend to was having with them a N[r. Roberts of Denton, representing a Fire Hose concern after he explaining the good quality of his hose etc. he was excused from meeting,and assured his hose deal would get their due consideration. investigationafter an • to quality etc. the above motion was seconded by C..Motion carried. Next was the reading of the city,s bills, after being read a motion Naas made by H.D. Cooper and sec. by C.R.Chapman that the bills be allowed and ordered paid, the amount being 2274.46. This motion carried. Next was the raising of the:salariei dfAbhe operators at plant,, ,J,Brown that they be given a ten dollar raise per month, This Lotion carried. Next was a motion made bJ' C.R.Chapman and sec. by E.M.Acker that ordinances inregard to Building permits 8e sewer ordinances be adopted. This carried. For&