12/20/1948-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 20, 1948 HALPRIN SUPPLY CO FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES FIRE TRUCK PUMP BY FLECK & COMPANY GIFTS FOR CITY EMPLOYEES CHRISTMAS PUMP FOR NEW CHASSIC Next the Mayor brought before the council an insurance policy for Fireman,s benefit after explaining it to council., a motiorlwas made by H.D.Cooper and sec. by E..E.Pate that insurance be carried on the boys of the fire department. This carried. No other business to attend to a motion was made by E.E.Pate and sec. by E.M.Acker that the council ajourn Carried. Sec e minutes of tRe previous meeting were read and approved, s • • • • g- L Lnquiry made to them by sec. for Fire Dept Supplles Hose etc. after a balk on this, the see. was instructed to order same from them,the city )e1ng allowed to inspect them before buying, nstructed to try and hurry them .,.1 up on job. 1'j.E.Pate & sec. by H.D.Cooper that for good faithful service.each be given • dollar bill forpresent,ris motion carried. The pump for. new rbassic was next brought up- after the disscusion, a mot.%on was made by H.D.Cooperand sec. by A.J.Hrown that C.L. Fleck Co-- of Da11as be inst:ructed to to order the pump at once. At price quoted to City, This motion carried. No other business®a motion was made by E.E.Pate &sec. by C..R.Chapman that the council ajourn- This carried. ' Signed. Mayor, ---