02/02/1949-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary® 3rd-1949®
The City Council met in aregula.x session®members present were®
C®R®Chapman-d H.D®Cooper-- A.J®Browne-- E®M®Acker® with Mayor
H®P®Toons presiding.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved®
The first business to come before the council was the reading
of the monthly bills --after being read by secretary, a mtion
was made by C®R®Chapman and sec® by A;J.Brown that bills amou-
nting to 3382.59 be allowed and ordered paid® This carried®
Different things pertaining to to the city,s affair was brought
up by Mayor and councilmen,one in particular was Jack Perry
asking council for the right to build a warehouse in a street
just east of his property ,this street not being used by the traffic
of the public,a"ter ,a talk on this the Puouncil deciA:ied that they
couldn,t give hi-.1 a Aced or lease on same.
No otaer business to attend to a motiom was made by A.J Brown
and sec. try E®M.Aeker that the council ajourn® Carried.
The City Council met in a. regular session -members present were
C®R®Chapman--- E®M®Acker-- A®J,Erown-- H®D®Cooper- E®E.Fate®
with Mayor H®B®Toon presiding®
The minutes of the previous meeting.. were read and approved®
The first business to come before the council was the reading
�a the monthly. bills after. being read, a motion was made by
HOXboperns and sec®by C®R®Chapman that bills amounting to
3824®27 be allowed and ordered paid® This carried®
Different thing of interest to council was talked about carried
over to a lator date®
No other business to attend. to a motion was made by E®E®Pate and sec,
by C®R®Chapman that the council ajourm. Carried.
City Of Sanger