06/20/1949-CC-Minutes-RegularJune 20, 1949
lie City Council met in rggular session
Cooper, Roy Spratto•Hampton,
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The minutes of the prevdaus meeting were read and_ approved by the
Mr Roy.Spratt was sworn in by Mayor Bailey.
It was discussed again to pipe water to Depot from the fire
plug -at Chapman Clinic. C R Chapman said the Santa Fe would
furnish the pipe. Chapman will see the Railroad Sup® about it..
The council agreed that all new houses and buildings must be
approved by Fire Marshall and Electrician for wireing before
house is hooked on to city line®. It was also agreed on to put
a meter on M R Cooks house
The juice will be cut off at pole whence house is vacated®.
J P 14a.mpton made motion to sell stock on hand (Electrial Supplies)
and then to purchase only what the City needee Motion was second
by Henry Cooper. Motion carried
It was agreed to take supplies needed for City use,to Warehouse for
safe keeping®. Cooper mentiondd7that all fire plugs should be
checked to see if they are in working ordere. It was agreed to
tvansfer allunpaid bill to new ledger' also to send notices on
ill unpaid bills and if light and water bill are not paid cutt
them off®
The motion was made to raise Schertz. Bros rent one City lot to
10000 and for them to keep it clean. Ready�rwc.s to notifie theme
Motion carried The council agreed that every idem was to be
sold on cash basis as of jtme 20, 1949.
Cooper made the motion that all expense on Fire Dept® must be
approved by council..(With the exception of gas & oi1). Motion
The motion was made to hire Joy Ready for extra work in bringing
the books up to date, espec&lly on back Tax Records Motion Carried®
Cooper made the motion to give 5 days Paid sick leave each year.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Cooper to adjure, Spratt second it. Motion