10/03/1949-CC-Minutes-RegularSept, 199 1949
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The City Council met in regular session on the abou.ve dat,ee
Those present were Mayor H B Barley, He Do Cooper, J P Hampton
C� R Chohimnon, E M Acker and_ Roy Spratt.
The minuets of the previous meeting were read and accepted by
the Council.
Chapman. made the motion to blty a two ton truck Motion with®
d.ra.wiaed® After more discussion, Chapman made another motion,
to bpy a two ton truck chassice Acker seconed it, motion
carriede A Notice is to be put in Local, paper to ask for
sealed. bids® The Sec® is to notify Jimmie Nichols at Valley
View, Texas®
The overtime subject was discussed. and alsor{the moving of
the City L11mits® it was agreed on to have land surveyed®
I -I D Cooper made the motion that Mr J W scoggins turns i.n
report on all overtime® This overtime is to be turned. in
on first of the Month, and is to be approved by Council
before being paid.® This concerns overtime at the Plant®
The pay is Eighty Five Cents per hour® E M Acker seconed
the motion, motion carried®
Roy Spratt made the motion to adjourn® Cooper seconed. it,
motion carried®.
City Of Sanger
The City Co�_rncil met in regular session on tl�e move date®
�1'hose present we ��e Mayor H B Bai_ley, Henry Cooper, Hoy Sprat L
E M Acker, C R Chapman and J P Hampton® The minuets of the pre
vious meeting were read and accepted by the Councils The
mon.thle,y bills were read® Sprott made the motion to pay theme
Cooper second, it, motion ca.rried_e
Mr Conners from Dallas, who is with Fairbanks®Morse Co®
made talk on The Power Plant and. Disturbution System® He seems
to think we will need a. larger engin in the near future
The Sec® read. a, letter ;from Johnny Chambers who wishes to
snake survey of our Di sturbuti on System' which will cost approxtly
'0.00®00o Hampton made the motion for Chambers to do the Jobe
Acker second. it®, motion carri.dda The selling of Lots 1®2�
of Blk® 10, now owned by the City Of K')anger'wps discussed by the
Cou.ncrl� Hampton made the motin to advertize the lots for sale
in the Local Paper and Dentbn papers and the Council reserves
the right to ac l.lept or reject any and all bids* sprat. t, second_
the motion, motion. carried.® Bids are to be turned in. at City Office
Cooper made the motion to buy the new truck from The Sanger
Motor Co' who had the lowest bid, if they would. get the D & H
Tax cut off, whitch amounts to 80.00. Spratt seconed. the motion,
motion carried_® The motion was made by Hainfoton that Cooper be in
charge of having bed put on New Trucke Acker second. it, motion
carried® Mayor Bailey sub rested_ that The City give a pri ze for
the best poster in School on F1're Preveriti-on Week Cooper, made
noion to give 11T5o00,3®O0 � 2®00®Acker sec, Carried eCoo i�er made