11/07/1949-CC-Minutes-Regularoct® 17, 1949 29 The City Council mete in regular sessi..on on the above date® Those presents were Mayor H B Bailey, Councilmen C R Chapman. I+ M Acker, H D Cooper, and J P Hampton® he minuets of the previous meeting were read and. accepted by the council® The monthle,y Bills were read. Cooper made the motion to pay them. Hampton seconddit, motion carried Mr Huffhines made his report on the Audit of the Books® It was agreed that he be paid in the amount of 1�'350*00® The selling of the City Dots was discussed and. Nov® 1, 1949 was set as the deadline for all Bids to be in® J P Hampton made the motion to hire B J Ready as permant City Secretary' whose was hired temporilary in June 1949. Cooper second. the riioti..ono Motion carried® Cooper made the motion to hire King as Permant Electrians Hampton second.d it® Motion Carried® It was agreod to send out m notices on deliquin.t taxes. Cooper made the motion to adjure® Acker seconed it ® Motion carried . Nov® 7, 1949 ,. The City Council met in .regular session on the above date® Those present were H P Bailey, Councilmen J P Hampton, Roy Spratt H D Cooper, E M Acker and C R Chapman® The minuets of the previous .meeting were read_ and, accepted by the council® T,e monthely bills were read and Cooper made the motion to pay all. bills, Acker second it, motion carried.® Mr C�ieb a,ndMr Calvert, Engineers front Dal_la.s were h.e.re to discuss possibil.itMes of a survey of our Plant and D.i_sturbution system® The Council agreed to have them come and make a plima.nry survey and meet with the Cou_nel, at a later date to discuss this matter more throughly® Mr Bob Ding and Leroy hemp also -met with the Council to discuss the Fire Hazards in the business Distracts® Kemp is to ask some of the businessmen not to burn trash,on the streets® Kemp discussed. the Retirement Ins® Plan for the Fire inept® and he also asked for 600 fte of Fire Hose for the Dept* The Sec® is to get prices on the Hose® The'Bldsfor the City Lots were open and read Mr .Acker made the motion that all, bids be rejected.® Chapman seconed it, motion. carried® Sec® Is to notify persons who suzmnitted bids® The leasing of the City Dump r-rol'nd.s was dAsrussed by the.. Couno,II Coope;o made the motion. that, Bailey, Spratt and Chapman be the committie to check with the oil ma.n or. this w.atter® Acker seconed I t, motion carried» Cyr Chapman mentioned. that, the SC)-,nkqa Fe had some poles to sell® (cooper will check on this®. J P Hampton made the suggestion that some kind of signal should be arrnnged to warn the people when the water Is to be out off Cooper made the motion. that J P Hampton take care of this matter® Chapman second itq motiorn. carried®. Mr Acker made the motion •to byy a, heater for the prkup Hampton seconed Ito Motion. carried® Hampton made the motion. that Bailey get in touch with Edgar Hale and hire him for weekend_ deity as policeman® Acker seconed. it, motion ca.rri_ed * Hampton made the motion to put a request In the local,. pater, not to shoot fire® crackers in or around SM the bu.sIXess di,stri.c® Cooper seconed it, motion carried. Cooper made the ir1oti on to a,c1 jorarn.® Snra'1 t, seconed. it, motion carrled.s . City of Sanger Mayor Sec '-°,