N ov® 21, 1949
1'he City Cou.nc,ilm moti.n regular sessionon the. above date® .
Whose _present were Mayor H H Bailey, Councilmen Henry Cooper
C Chapai7.a.n, Roy Spratt, iTmm,pton, anc1 E M Acker.
rJ'h.e minutes of the previous meeting were .r. end_ a,nd accepted. by
the Council°
Spratt madethe motion that Baihey and Acker see Mr h'irkparti_c
Aate Highway ma.n,about laying water and. sewer lines under the
new hi€ hway@ Acker made the motion to order 600 ft. of Fire
IJose. Spratt ,seconed ito Motion carriede Hampton made the motion.
to contact different firms as ho cost of repairs to fix the
water tower® Cooper seconed it® Motion carried.® Cooper made
the motion to adjourn. Acker seconed it® Motion. carried.®
City Caf }Sanger
Sec ®
Dec® 59 1949
'the City Council met in regular session on the above cl.atew
those present were Mayor H n r5ai ley, Counci linen Henry Cooper
C R Chapman, J. P. Hampton, and Roy Spratt®
he minutes of the previous meeting were read a.nd acce-pted by
ihe Council.
it was a.g r�ecl. on to pay t�Tarren 1'ns �.gency only one year on
the insurancedi�e for th,e �'ower Plant, instead of three®.
he monthley bills, were react and Cooper made the motion to pay
a11 bills with the exception of t1^ie above mentiondd Chapman
seconed it® Moti.dn carried®C6bper,s made-�rmdtlbnt. the Sec® write
to the Brazos ?diver Transmission heuthori.t(kes at Gra,ndbury, Tex.
andask that they send a .representative to meet with the City
Council to discuss the possibilites of buying; extra power From
them® Spratt seconed it, motion, carried. 'filth no father business
to attend to, Spratt made the motion to ad_jurn, Cha,-gm.an seconed
into Motion. ca.rri,ed�
O:f' Sanger