11/21/1949-CC-Minutes-RegularN ov � 21, �,�3��-g 'the C�_ty Cov.ncila znet.n re ul.ar session. on th.e above date � . `�l.�.ose present were Mayor � � Baa:Ley, Cola.nc,il.men T�enry C,00,��er C � Cha.pro.an, R.oy Spratt, J P Hmmpton, a.nd L� M ��1.cl�er® . �h.e m�..nu.�es o r tb.e _oreva.ous 7zzeetar��; �fzer. e read and acce��ted by the Council �pra.tt madethe zzlot�_on tha,i� F3ai��ey and Acker see Mr Kirkpartic State Fii �hway ma.n. ,about l.a.yar��; wa�i-�er and. sewer lanes under the new ha.f�hwa.y® t�.cker made tb.c motion to order 6C�� i't® off' I+��.rF� Hosed Spra.tt . seconed its , Mota_on carried® Hampton made tl�a.e rrtotion_ to contact cli.��'�'erent :f.'�4rms as o cost off' repair°s to �'�.� th.e water tower® Cooper seconed. at® Motion oarried® Cooper made the motion to adjourn n,cker secaned at® Motion carraed.� C��t�j Q i Sarver Mayor _ �, )� Sec®/ �= )6'��: .� "�c, � -. � _� i�ec® 5, 19��9 �'l�.e C7.ty Councw7_ met in re�;tz7�a,r session on the above d.atP® Whose presen.ta were Mayor H H bailey, Counci�pmen I�enry Cooper C R Cha.x�m.an., J ® �?® Hampton, and_ Roy Sp.ra.tt® `the mi:t�.utes of the previous raeetan�� were read and accepted by �b,e Council �t t�ras a�r�ed on to pay Warren ins hgency only one year on the Insurance d_ue �'or the 1',ower 1?1_ant, ins-f.�ead of three ® . �'he monthl.ey b�.hl.s were read and Cooper rna.de the motion to pay aJ.1. b.i11s with. theexception of. .the above mentior���,®a Cha.pma.n se coned it® ��ot�,�an carried®Cc�bp�x�s�,mad:��mot�i�n:�, the ti ec� write to the l3ra�aos River 'Iransrnass�,o�r��. ?luthoa�it�s at Gra.ndbury, �'ex® a,nd ask that they send a ropresenta,tave to a7zeet wa.th the Caty Counci:� to discuss the possibal, tes o.� btzyin.� extra power From them® Spratt seconed it, znotiora carried® Watb. n.o Father busa�.ness to attend to, Sprai'�t made the motion to adjurn, Char�man seconed. it® ��otaon carried City ��' Sa.n�,er Tfay©r `sec®