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12/19/1949-CC-Minutes-RegularTleca 193 1949
The City met ln regular sessmon on the above date® Those
present were Mayor IZ B Bail oy, Councilmen Herry Cooper, OR rhaprnan,
T P T'a,mpton, E M Acker and. Roy Sp.r, a.tto
The mit).utes of the previous meeti..n{ were read, and accepted. by the
Pratt mad.o the motion to dive al 1. City > am�l.oy®es /�, p+ iAve dol 14ar Ronus
for Xmas.. Harton. second. it m Motion ca.rriede . Cooper, made the motiontmotionto pay the tntrest du e at Central Hanover Vank in New York® Hampton
seconed. It* Motion Carried. . Cooper made the— motion to adjurno Spratt
seconed. i,.t' . moti.on.
The City Council tnet i,n regular less _on on. the above d0j k5 those
present were Mayor H B Bailey, E M A.cke.r, J P Hampton,
C R rhaDmman, H p Coo�oer and. Roy®
The minutes of t'r�.o previous meeting were .-.road- <°�nd accepted. by th.e
council ® The monthly bull s were read- and Spratt, made the T_rlotioYl
to pay all bills® Acker seconed it® Motion carried® Tlae gt.tGsti„on
Of jWVXX selling electricty to the oil. wells in Pollvar wn,s brought
up. Aft -or much d.,scussion, Cooper made the motdio:a to rrx hook any
well in the Bollvar Cigty lwi.mlts of they wanted its Ch.a,?»na,n seconed.
iwte Motion carri,ede Cooper the znotion to ad jurne,:er seconed.
it® Motion Carried®
rimy of �ang�;.r