07/08/2008-CC-Agenda Packet-Work Session (2)AGENDA CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP TUESDAY, JULY 89 2008 6:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Review and Discussion of 2009 Budget and Tax Rate. 3. Adjournment. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general publat all times, and said Notice was posted on the following date and time: ��() 0 at p.m. and shall remain posted until is Rosalie Chavez, City City of Sanger, Texas tel This notice was removed from the official:;bulle'tin:�;boarc by This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. 2008 Property Tax Rates in Ctiy of Sanger This notice concerns 2008 property tax rates for Ctiy of Sanger. It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of properly value. Last year's tax rah: Last year's operating taxes $004,855 Last year's debt taxes $815,848 Last year's total taxes $2,120,703 Last year's tax base $3531686,291 Last year's total tax rate 0.59960 /$100 This year's effective tax rate: Last year's adjusted taxes $2,108,956 (after subtracting taxes on lost property) This year's adjusted tax base $330,1421406 (after subtracting value of new property) = This year's effective tax rate 0,63880 /$100 (Masimmn rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearings.) This year's rollback tax rate, Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after $1,2971903 subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any transferred function, tax increment financing, state criminal justice mandate, and/or enhanced indigent health care expenditures) This year's adjusted tax base $330,142,406 = This year s effective operating rate 0.39313 /$] 00 a 1.08 = this year's maximum operating rate 0,42458 /$100 + This year's debt rate 0.22786 /$100 = This year's total rollback rate 0,65244 /$100 Statement ofIncrease/Decrease If Ctiy of Sanger adopts a 2008 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of $0.63880 per $100 of value, taxes would increase compared to 2007 taxes by $57,785. Schedule A -Unencumbered Fund Balances The following estimated balances will be left in the units property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Type of Property Tax Fund Schedule B - 2008 Debt Service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). Description of Debt Principal or Contract Payment to be Paid from Property Taxes interest to be Paid from Property Taxes Other Amounts to be Paid Total Payment 94 CO Debt Service $200,000 $12,000 $636 $212,636 2002 CO Debt $95,000 $90,650 $730 $186,380 Service 2006 Comb. Tax & $161,000 $110,192 $700 $271,892 REV CO 2007 CO Debt $20,000 $242933 $0 $44,933 Service Service Note $497298 $11,940 $0 $61,238 Payables Total Required for 2008 Debt Service $777,079 - Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in Schedule A $0 Amount (if any) paid from other resources $u Excess collections last year $o = Total to be paid from taxes in 2008 $777,079 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will $0 collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2008 = Total Debt Levy $7775079 This notice contains a summary of actual effective and rollback tax rates' calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at 1505 E. McKinney Street, Denton, TX. Name of person preparing this notice: Steve Mossman Title: Denton County Tax Assessor Collector Date Prepared: July 26, 2008 FVL� DENTON COUNTY TAXING ENTITIES 2007-2008 CITY TAX RATE ISD TAX RATE COUNTY TAX RATE TOTAL AUBREY 0.52624 1.39806 0.23589 2.16019 COLONY 0.69750 1.37000 0.23589 2.30339 CORINTH 0.S5698 1.43400 0.23589 2.22687 HIGHLAND VILLAGE 0.56963 1.37000 0.23589 2.17552 KRUM 0.58983 1.36550 0.23589 2.19122 LITTLE ELM 0.53580 1.46000 0.23589 2.23169 PILOT POINT 0.59000 1.30000 0.23589 2.12589 ROANOKE 0.37512 1.33505 0.23589 1.94606 BANGER 0.59960 1.34000 0.23589 2.17549 AVERAGE 0.56007 1.374734 0.23589 2.170702 v Percent change 2008 to 2009 adjusted for additional electric Additional Electric Franchise Tax Additional on books electric cost Adjusted 2009 budget % change from 2008 to 2009 2009 2008 $ 141215,74300 $ 15,530,845.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 351,800.00 $ 14,929,045.00 $ 14,215,74300 105 Percent change 2008 to 2009 adjusted for additional electric Budget 4aU9 $ 15,530,845.00 Additional Electric Franchise Tax $ 250,000.00 Additional on books electric cost $ 351,800.00 Adjusted 2009 budget $ 14,929,045.00 % change from 2008 to 2009 105% Loos $ 14,215,743.00 $ 14,215,743.00 Power Angle Broom for Skidsteer /Skid Steer /Loader /Compact Tractor -Quick Sweep... Page 5 of 6 .:/nr:riinrnnr/U<.rrdrnlJr�•rr.ur•/;ai�I►y.uiu/drrr.rri.y'rurr/2Jrui./r�ynr//rdGrrarrvivrrun.rr'L--.'/,:••r;/ri i \� � '` �` NOWO _ ; � s3 � R � �,�,� f ' Standard Model 6B" !select ��afer package sulJ separately) Optional: Unrvnrs,il yrirn harnn:x for hydraulic models with attachment contruls. fhs CaVr1SV?8•pinl and .lohn DnnrniNnvr Rolland/CASE i bobcat (tJ pin} Optional: Pistol Grip Control Harness is rccluired ii :kid steer i. NOT eyuippeJ v�ith attachment controi system. Only need when ordoring hydrntlic anglirxJ modol. � � � � ,, D ��� � � r Easily assembled grcaseable bearings for cxtendud vlear lilt FEATURES • Our universal Quick Attach Plates fit most skid steers • Easy operation • Exclusive Torsion Float Suspension • Fast bristle change time • Manual 25° right and left angle • Optional power angling 25° right &left angle • Requires minimum hydraulic system of 10 gpm Ca 2000 psi • Greaseable bearings for lodger wear life • Hydraulic drive motor (no chains) mounted inside brush arbor e Loader arms raise arlrl lower broom ° Large 32" heavy-duty bristle packages available. Storage stand E:T•N More and larger diamt filament than most of our competit Largo 32" heavy duty bustle packages available (sold separately) 68" 'Tinrkint) 14'Idth 68' L'Jorking VdlJth (fully anril�tl) 63"'<_t' 25" ©rcorn Anyling man 25'lopt. hyd. Drivo System hyd. motor direct drivo flow 1)ange 10 • 20 GP7.1 [irlstlo Dlamch:r 32' ©ristlo Sections (nuvrt.�or) 33 tig-toy, 2 straight Mounting Plate univorsal Sh ,�ping Wrlght 19[7d Ol:crttin}� tVclght 7154' 8A" As" 7T !9'25" rnan 25"lopt. hyd. hyd. motor dtroct dry IO -20 GP7.1 32" 40 tig•zag. 2 stragl univorsal 8!i47 Y 775N http://buyattachmentsdirect.com/skidsteerattachments/power-angle-broom/ 7/9/2008 Power Angle Broom for Skidsteer /Skid Steer /Loader /Compact Tractor -Quick Sweep... Page 3 of 6 `��� A1ilf� �' \� _ ��-_ ` Quick Attach Universal Wire Harness (tor hydraulic model only) -Add Sti Factory Installed Faster Flat -Faced Couplers -Add $ ' Factory Installed Parker Flat•Faced Couplers -Add 51; fhe exdusivr�E•2 Sweep Floating Torsion Suspension System"' assists the operator in keeping consistent and correct bristle down•pressure. This alloys the broom to float, while sv�eeping uneven areas for excullunt purformancu. This ruducus uxcussrva wuar on the bristles, resulting in longer bristle life. Diroct Drivo Motor mounted inside the brush arbor - no more chain tightening) A Perfect Sweep... I he quick �1+'c•1�i� I'!w:rr ,�\n�le. I\nxnn i clt�.i�nc11 1� 11r111'�'-illifl' �11'ec'IVII![ l!i �Ill'1, �I1ct1V, All�l t1Chl:l' Uh15'�tlll nt.urnal. It ,luic_kl�• nu!unts t!! �'uur.kia stem ur tr;lc_ lr�a�ler. I'c��uurin(t :r (i�" !n• :�-}�� 1ai�lrh, h�'.lr.ullic anylr chan:,'c, ,ut.l tltc cxclu.ilr I:-! �11•cch Flt!atin�,' Tc!rsiu �uatcnsicm ���stcnY"� Sho'n�rt 'n'ith optionel hydraulic solenoid angling http://buyattachmentsdirect. com/skidsteerattachments/power-angle-broom/ 7/9/2008 Power Angle Broom for Skidsteer /Skid Steer /Loader /Compact Tractor -Quick Sweep... Page 1 of 6 e..^._ �� /� � - �'' Power Angle Broom for Skidsteer /Skid Steer / Loader /Compact Tractor Quick Sweep The Quick Sweep Power Angle Broom is designed for heavy- duty sweeping of dirt, snow, and other unwanted material. It quickly mounts to your skid steer or tractor loader. Featuring a 68" or 84" width, hydraulic angle change, and the exclusive E-Z Sweep Floating Torsion Suspension SystemT""! . Our universal Quick Attach Plates fit most skid steers . Easy operation . Exclusive Torsion Float Suspension . Fast bristle change time . Manual 25° right and left angle . Optional power angling 25° right &left angle . Requires minimum hydraulic system of 10 gpm @ 2000 psi . Greaseable bearings for longer wear life . Hydraulic drive motor (no chains) mounted inside brush arbor . Loader arms raise and lower broom . Large 32" heavy-duty bristle packages available. The Quick Sweep Power Angle http://buyattachmentsdirect.com/skidsteerattachments/power-angle-broom/ 7/9/2008 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP TUESDAY, DULY 159 2008 6:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Review and Discussion of 2009 Budget and Tax Rate. 3. Adjournment. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessiblejy at a general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on the following date and time: is Rosalie Chavez, City City of Sanger, Texas This notice was removed from board on and shall remain posted until at This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. TIME TABLE ON ADOPTION OF BUDGET AND TAX RATE 06/02/08 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 07/08/08 BUDGET WORKSHOP 07/15/08 BUDGET WORKSHOP 07/22/08 BUDGET WORKSHOP 07/25/08 CHIEF APPRAISER CERTIFIES TAX ROLL 07/28/08 Notice of Quarter Page Ad -Appraisal District on Property Tax Rates (First Quarter Page Notice) 08/01/08 72 - HOUR NOTICE FOR MEETING. 08/01/08 BUDGET MUST BE FILED WITH CITY CLERK OR CITY SECRETARY NOT LESS THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE TIME THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY PASSES THE TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, THE BUDGET SHOULD BE READY FOR INSPECTION BY ANY TAX PAYER, L.G.C. 102,0060 08/18/08 MEETING OF GOVERNING BODY TO DISCUSS TAX RATE; 1F PROPOSED TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE REVENUE THAN THE PROCEEDING YEAR'S REVENUE TAKE RECORD VOTE AND SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING, 08/19/08 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX INCREASE, SEND TO PAPER (FIRST QUARTER PAGE NOTICE) PUBLISHED AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS BEFORE PUBLIC HEARING. 08/22/08 72 - HOUR NOTICE FOR PUBLIC HEARING 08/28/08 FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX RATE (SPECIAL CALLED MEETING) 08/28/08 MEETING TO HOLD FIRST PUBLIC HEARING. PUBLIC HEARING MUST BE HELD ON PROPOSED BUDGET ON A DATE NOT LESS THAN 15 DAYS SUBSEQUENT TO THE DATE OF FILING THE BUDGET WITH THE CITY SECRETARY, AND PRIOR TO THE DATE THE GOVERNING BODY PASSES THE TAX LEVY ORDINANCE, 09/02/08 SECOND PUBLIC HEARING; SCHEDULE AND ANNOUNCE MEETING TO ADOPT TAX RATE 3-14 DAYS FROM THIS DATE ****2nd Public Hearing may not be held no earlier than 3rd day from 1st Public Hearing 09/02/08 MEETING TO HOLD SECOND PUBLIC HEARING, PUBLIC HEARING MUST BE HELD ON PROPOSED BUDGET ON A DATE NOT LESS THAN 15 DAYS SUBSEQUENT TO THE DATE OF FILING THE BUDGET WITH THE CITY SECRETARY, AND PRIOR TO THE DATE THE GOVERNING BODY PASSES THE TAX LEVY ORDINANCE, 09/15/08 MEETING TO ADOPT TAX RATE, MEETING IS 3 TO 14 DAYS AFTER PUBLIC HEARING, AND BY SEPTEMBER 1, OR AS SOON AFTER AS PRACTICABLE. Notices to paper Meetings or Public Hearings He Buget Post Agendas Introduction It is my pleasure to present the City of Sanger'a budget for the Fiscal year 2009. Municipal budgets are always challenging and the current economic issues have made this budget especially challenging. We have been very conservative in revenue estimates because of the current economy. This means that expenditures have also been curtailed. Most of the City's costs are fixed costs. These costs include debt service, insurance, fuel, etc.... Personnel costs are also a large part of the budget. After allocating funds for fixed costs and without cutting personnel, little is left this year for capital improvements and capital equipment. There are always more needs than funding. This requires prioritizing of the needs and planning. This year's budget is fairly lean because of the conservative revenue projections. There have been some significant changes in the structure and content of the budget this year. One of the changes is the budget message itself. The budget message is intended to explain both the structure A the budget and the atmosphere in which it was created. The budget message outlines the highlights A this year's budget. It also discusses the City's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT analysis) for the upcoming year. Finally, it discusses the structure of the budget, where revenues come from and where the money goes. The budget message should provide the reader insight on municipal government finances and make the raw numbers more understandable. I encourage the reader to take a few moments to read through the budget message. I believe it will give you valuable insight on the budget process. It will also provide insight into the thinking and conditions in which the budget was prepared. ...........: FY 2009 Budget Highlights This year's budget has changed significantly in format from last year. These changes are designed to meet the following goals. 1) Accurately account for expenditures; 2) Make the budget more transparent and understandable; 3) More accurately account for the true cost of each department. Two major changes being made to accomplish these goals are expansion of individual line items and charging each department for their true electric costs. These changes are explained in detail below. Expanded Line Items Additional line items have been added to the budget to allow us to more accurately track revenues and expenditures. Further, some items included in capital costs last year are being moved to Maintenance costs because they better fit that category. Contractual services are now a section instead of one line item increasing transparency and understandability. Some costs under contractual services have been moved to other areas of the budget where they are a better fit. We have also added expense line items for the court budget for each revenue item requiring a pass through to another agency. This transition makes this year's budget look rather erratic as expenditures get moved from on area to another. Next year it should look much neater and be even more understandable. Finally, an "Other" line item has been added to certain sections of the budget. This is necessary for the rare expense that just does not fit any particular category. In general, no funds will be budgeted in the "Other" line and expenses will only be taken from the "Other" account when they do not fit any other category. True Electric Costs In the past we have sold electricity to ourselves at a discounted rate. This year's budget will reflect the true retail cost of electricity used by the City. Billing at the actual rate has the following advantages: 1) It more closely shows the actual expense of each department. 2) It reflects actual revenues for the electric department and reduces perceived line loss. 3) It will make the department heads more aware of the expense and encourage conservation. 4) It is a fairness issue in that we do not discount our rates for any other customers. Since we collect the monies on one side and expense it on the other it is a wash from a revenue/expenditure standpoint. To cover these costs on the General Fund side, we have increased the franchise fee from 3% to 5% effective October 1, 2008. Since we do not pass through the franchise fee to our customers, this will not increase their bill. The change will only mean that we will transfer 5% of gross revenues to the general fund instead of 3%. Fuel Costs Another major increase seen in this year's budget is fuel costs. We have increased funds for fuel dramatically and continue to implement policies to conserve fuel. However, for the City to provide services requires fuel. If fuel prices continue to rise even the increases may not be enough to cover next year's costs. At some point we may have to consider curtailing some services due to the rising cost. Personnel Costs In 2009 we will implement our new merit pay plan. Under this plan employees will be eligible for a merit raise on their anniversary or promotion date. Each year a benchmark merit raise will be set. This year it is 3%. Based on an employee's performance, they will be eligible for a raise between 2.25% and 4.5% assuming they meet a baseline score on their review. We are also proposing a 3% cost of living adjustment effective Octoberl, 2008. This is to assist employees with the rising cost of living expenses. When combined with the merit increase, employees will be eligible for increases ranging from 5.25% to 7.5% in 2009. We will not be adding any full time employees this year. Additionally two positions will remain budgeted but unfilled, one in Water and one in Electric. VVe have also defunded the Economic Development Directors position and those job functions will be absorbed primarily by the City Manager. We are adding additional funds to the Ambulance Fund for a second paramedic to cover peek call periods. These will be contract positions like the current 24 hour paramedics we currently have. Summary Again, there have been major changes throughout the budget this year. This makes it difficult to compare to last year's budget. However, in future years these changes will make the budget more understandable and more truly reflect the actual cost of each department. SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is a look at the City's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). It is intended to give the reader a strategic perspective of current and future issues. These issues have an effect on both revenues and expenditures. A good example this year is the threat posed by the weakening economy. A very conservative fiscal approach is being taken this year due to that threat. Strengths While the local economy has slowed it has not been impacted as severely as the rest of the nation. Sanger also continues to enjoy some new housing starts and receive inquiries from industrial and commercial prospects. Sanger's location is one of its greatest strengths and needs to be aggressively marketed. To that end, ads were recently placed in the Greater Dallas Chamber's Industrial Real Estate Guide and the Greater Dallas Chamber's Economic Development Guide. These ads highlight Sanger's location and access to both IH 35 and the Railroad. Rail and Interstate access and developable industrial land also top the list of Sanger's strengths. Another asset is the quality of life enjoyed by the citizens of Sanger. Sanger residents have access to all of the amenities of the metroplex while enjoying life in a quiet, small town atmosphere. Access to Lake Ray Roberts is also a quality of life asset and an economic boost for Sanger. Sanger Electric is another strength enjoyed by the City of Sanger. Sanger Electric generated over $7,000,000 in gross revenue last year. This revenue not only supports the Enterprise Fund but the General Fund as well. Without this revenue property taxes and other utility fees would need to be much higher. Sanger also enjoys having both a. 4A and 4B economic development board. These boards generate approximately $250,000 annually in revenue each. These monies have allowed Sanger to compete economically and make quality of life improvements. These funds are currently being used to fund the Streetscape improvements downtown as well as other infrastructure improvements. Weaknesses To a large extent cities in Texas are dependent on property taxes to fund their general revenue operations. In Sanger approximately 45% of general fund operating revenues come from property tax. The weakness here is that almost half of the property tax in Sanger comes from residential improvements (See Figure 1 below). Demand for service is much higher from residential than commercial. This means that, when averaged out, residences rarely pay in property tax for the services provided by the City. Commercial properties, however, typically generate more property tax than they require in services. Growing our commercial property tax base is essential to providing quality service to our customers while limiting the property tax burden or residents. Figure 1 Percentage of Property Tax by Source ■ Residential ■ Commercial agriculture Personal Property Another weakness is median home prices in Sanger. While the median home price in the DFW Metro area is around $200,000, the median home price in Sanger is half that. This results in a much lower tax income per lot than in other areas. We need to diversify our housing mix to include houses in higher price ranges that generate higher property taxes. This will also help alleviate the tax burden on families with lower incomes and those with fixed incomes. Another weakness that stifles growth is the fact that as the city limits expands we add areas that are not in our water supply CCN. Because the water supply corporation that serves these areas does not provide fire protection, development is severely limited. This will continue to be an issue until some permanent resolution is found. Opportunities Industrial development Despite the economy, several companies are currently looking to locate or relocate to Sanger. As mentioned under strengths, Sanger is uniquely located to service both North Texas and Southern Oklahoma and has hundreds of acres of developable land with both interstate highway and rail access. Not only are these properties being marketed by the land owners but the City is also marketing these properties through the Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce. Sanger must capitalize on these industrial prospects and aggressively market its strengths. To do this will require additional investment in Infrastructure to ensure that industrial sites are "shovel ready" when companies are ready to move. Residential development While residential development has slowed, we are continuing to see new housing starts. The good news is that the value of new housing is increasing. Sanger is poised for continued residential growth. It is important that this growth be diversified across a wide range of the housing market from starter homes to homes that exceed $500,000 in price. Homes in higher price ranges generate higher property taxes but typically require the same amount of services as homes of lesser appraised value. This allows the City to provide services at a lower appraised value, saving everyone on their property taxes. Currently the average home value in Sanger is approximately $100,000. At that value a home will generate approximately $600 in City property tax. In comparison a $250,000 home generates $1500 at the same tax rate. Simply put, higher priced homes translate into lower property taxes and increased services for everyone. Commercial development Commercial development will follow residential development. Sanger is experiencing some commercial growth and should see more as the area's population increases. The good news is that Sanger has plenty of developable commercial property. The City must continue to promote commercial development, especially development that generates both property and sales tax. Threats While North Texas has largely been spared the devaluation of home prices seen in the rest of the country it has not been totally immune. Through both property appreciation and growth Sanger has seen property tax income grow at a healthy rate each year for the past decade. This may not be the case for the next couple of years. With the slowdown in home sales and stagnant home prices, property tax revenues are predicted to be flat and could possibly decrease. With our dependence on property tax revenues we must be very conservative on our budgeting of revenues. Another threat that bears close watch is the increase in goods and services, especially vehicle fuel. You will see this year significant increases in fuel budgets. Even these increases may not be enough if fuel costs continue to rise. We are looking at all possible avenues to conserve. However, we cannot provide essential services without burning fuel. High fuel costs are also driving up the cost of other goods as well and these increased costs also impact services. Another concern related to increased costs for fuel and goods is shrinking utility revenues. As costs rise people will conserve more and use less utilities, thereby reducing revenues. Financial strains will also increase bad utility debts, further impacting revenues. The lack of sufficient Emergency Reserves is another threat. While the City maintains healthy reserve fundsI the majority of these funds are either dedicated to a special purpose or pledged toward bond reserves. The City needs to also build up a healthier operating reserve. That build-up has begun this year and will continue next year. These funds would be used only in the event of a major emergency such as a tornado to cover revenue shortfalls. Understanding the Municipal Budget This section is intended to give the reader an overview of how the budget works. Municipal budgets are governed by Federal and State Statutes and local regulations. The intent here is not to explain every requirement for municipal budgeting but to discuss generally how the budget works. The City operates four major funds. They are the General Fund, Enterprise Fund, 4A Economic Development Fund and 4B Economic Development Fund. These funds are explained in detail below. The City's fiscal year runs from October 15t until September 30th each year. The budget process begins in the spring of each year internally. Budget workshops are held during the summer of each year with the City Council and economic development boards. Public hearings are also held on the budget. The budget must be approved and next year's property tax rate set before October 1' each year (see Timetable for Adopting the Budget). When the economy is volatile, such a lengthy process can lead to financial issues down the road. For example, a road project that is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2009 would be estimated in the spring of 2008, over a year earlier. Due to market volatility the estimate could be significantly higher or lower than anticipated. This can occur frequently in government and is usually not understood by the public. To a great extent the City works on a pay as you go basis. Revenues must be sufficient to cover expenses. Sometimes this can create some short term issues because of the timing of revenues. For example, the largest revenue stream in the General Fund is property taxes. However, we do not receive the bulk of these funds until the second quarter of the fiscal year. This means that other revenues must be used to cover expenses in the first quarter and that discretionary expenses (like buying new vehicles) are usually deferred until after the first quarter. Because the City cannot spend money it does not have, it must find an alternative method of financing large infrastructure projects. Replacing or adding new roadways, water lines, sewer lines and drainage improvements are very expensive. After paying for operations most cities do not have sufficient funds left over to pay for these improvements as they are done. Therefore, Cities sell municipal bonds to pay for these improvements up front. The bonds are then paid off over a period of time, spreading the expense over a number of years. The City must pledge either property tax, or some other revenue like utility fees toward repaying the bonds. The downside is that these pledged funds cannot be used for other purposes in future years. This means that long term debt must be managed and controlled so that necessary improvements are made without hamstringing future budgets. Another important point is that revenue numbers in the budget are estimates of what we think will be collected next year. The monies you see in revenue are not sitting in the bank October 1st waiting to be used. If revenues do not meet projections, then expenditures must be curtailed to meet those shortfalls. If revenues exceed projections, then excess fund balances at the end of the year can be used to supplant next year's revenues. Unfortunately the last two years we have suffered from the former and not the latter. If significant fund balances exist at the end of this year staff will recommend that the money be used to build up operating reserves. General Fund The General Fund is the fund used to finance the operations of general government. The General Fund includes Public Safety, Public Works, Community Services, Administrative Services, and Support Services. Public Safety includes Health Services, Police, Municipal Court, Animal Control, Code Enforcement, Fire and Ambulance Departments. Public Works includes the, Public Works Administration, Streets, Parks, and Sanitation departments (Sanitation is contracted out to a third party operator). Community Services include the pool, Sullivan Senior Center, Economic Development, the Library and Community Center. Administrative Services include The Mayor and Council's budget, and the Administration Department. Support services include Custodial, Vehicle Maintenance and Tax Services. The cost of Administrative and Support Services are split between the General Fund and Enterprise Fund. Percent of Budget by Category, General Fund FY 200loos SupporlServices Community Services Public Works Public Safety Administrative Services ■ Percent of Budget by Category, General Fund General Fund revenues come from a myriad of sources Including property tax, sales tax, court fees, Fire and EMS revenues and franchise fees. By far, the largest revenue stream is property tax. Due to growth and appreciation of property values, Sanger has enjoyed increasing property taxes each year. However, due to the cooling economy, this may not be the case in the future. This may result in property taxes stagnating or even shrinking in future years. If that is the case, then General Fund operations may be impacted. General Funds are used primarily for Public Safety, Public Works and Community Service operations. They are also used to pay debt service on bonds for infrastructure improvements. General Fund services are also paid for with the transfer of excess revenues from the Enterprise Fund. These funds come primarily from the Electric Department. Without these funds, property taxes would have to be increased or services cut to balance the budget. Enterprise Fund The Enterprise Fund is made up of utility departments including Water, Wastewater and Electric and their supporting departments like Data Processing. Administrative oversight costs and support services are split between the Enterprise Fund and General Fund. Enterprise utilities are intended to generate more revenue than is needed for operations. This helps generate revenue to pay for infrastructure improvements and support the General Fund to defer higher property taxes. The Electric Department is the major producer of both gross and net enterprise revenues (see chart below). 2008 Estimates Gross Utility Revenues 1 Expenditures in the Enterprise Fund are overwhelmingly spent on Public Works as they should be. Expenditures include daily operations of the utilities, capital improvements, and debt service on bonds for capital improvements. This year we are budgeting more money for repairing and upgrading existing infrastructure. While these funds are modest this year, we plan to increase them each year and use them to leverage other monies from the County and State. Economic Development Funds ■ Water � Wastewater [Iectric FY 2007/2008 Expentitures by Category, Enterprise Fund support services Public Works Administrativc5crvices OSv 2044AOSti60%SOY4100Y4 ■ FY2007/2008 Expentitures UV Category, Cnterprise Fund Under Texas Law, certain municipal governments can establish Economic Development Corporations for the purposes of attracting economic development and other limited purposes. These corporations are overseen by Boards appointed by the City Council. Sanger is one of the few Cities that has both a 4A and 413 Economic Development Board. Both of these corporations receive revenues from a separate %2 cent sales tax. This sales tax generates a little over $250,000 each year for each of the corporations. The 4A Board can fund specifically authorized projects that spur economic development. Historically this money has been used to pay off the debt for the land associated with the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. Over the years the 4A Board has also built up a modest reserve. With the Wal-Mart debt paying off soon, the 4A Board is poised to further fund improvements related to economic development. The 46 Board can fund any project authorized under the 4A statutes. In addition the 46 Board can fund improvements in other areas including parks and recreation. Historically 4B monies have been used to help fund infrastructure improvements, park and recreation improvements and, most recently, the downtown streetscape project. The 4B Board also maintains a modest reserve and is currently debt free. Thanks to these two boards the City of Sanger has been able to provide economic development incentives and make park and recreation improvements that it simply could not afford otherwise. While these funds can only be used for limited purposes, having them frees up other revenues for other purposes. Conclusion The Municipal budgeting process can be confusing especially when looking only at the raw numbers. The best example of this is sanitation. We collect sanitation fees along with the other utility fees. (You write one check for all of your municipal utilities.) These fees are then deposited in the Enterprise Fund. However, since sanitation is not an enterprise department, the funds must be transferred to the General Fund for accounting purposes. We then pay the third party sanitation provider through an expense in the General Fund. Without an explanation, accounting issues like these can be very confusing. This budget message is intended to shed light on the budget process and provide a general overview of its structure. It is also intended to shed light on the thoughts and concerns that went into formulating the budget. I hope you have found it helpful. w M smi � V m m m .p ,A � .p W W W W N N N N N N N IMA 104 104 O O v 0 O Q1 N O M� N O M� N O W �J M U9 S N O W Ln O I, O M M 0) O p N i = —I r to G p n "Ti D 'o D n D m en a D rp O rp m n o o a- c rD o o w� d rD c Z rS n1 X x �• �; 7p m r+ Q- -, cn O < �_ — rD p ° p W a rn vim, c rDO O M r- C< m m N 3 c M rD oo a W n Sp 2 Qo C m rn rD n' �' O n-- c, o o a cn Z rD 7' c O to c 'O v vmi =1 n rD < m F+ (D m O D O O f D uoa m LA rt O V)c rD 4 amn. N m rD m m m �' Ln In � rD ( O TI In C (D 3 a VIM Vm� VIM Vv l V), in in in in in t4 in v> ino inn in ijm� in in i4r in in i/I• c Q1 00 A IMA I-' •A N FA I -' N W 00 N m rptp �O I -A •AA N 00 01 00 � � V 00 104 .P N W m 0 lD N U'1 rD 00 W O 00 IMA W m mk 00 `MA lD N m to m N N `A 00 `D V N W i1 P to O 41A 0 N (D `I �I W N W •A V W Ln LD O •P I-h V v W Im N V 0o O O 00 V O N CPI �I W P O R N lD IWA 00 00 � p F+ A 0 0 0 m O m O N IMA m W U9 W m Ul m N N O W lD p O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 l O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I 4A i/r Qkr i/1h in• V)* t/lp 'A' i/) i/> Vn i/} in i/f (/) O .O U1 V1 rD N N U7 00 w 1NA 04h •P N N W to `I" O N a• W cn Q1 N Ln N .{A 00 00 U'1 m N m W •A V E, lD W Ol N V Q1 v O 00 N 00 W lD N 00 01 `P 00 O 00 D 1-� I-' p Ul cn INA N O •A Ln �4 `P 00 lD 00 m I-' �4 m N W V N N U1 N N m� O O V 01 O O O O Ul O O O m O m U'1 U'1 I' N A •P tD O 00 N W to ,A O N V 0 0 0 0 0 O V O rn V, N O to O tD oo O W W U 1 IV O O 00 C C 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 xA 00 O A O �I m O 00 ,A O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O 00 O O V U9 U9 U9 w W N I-h I-, b•A hA O O v m O W •4b N O M �I W W U•1 O I=a O rD rD 0j m O c w c Q D cu 6 rt m rr 3 OrD d O 20 Q. 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THE BUDGET SHOULD BE READY FOR INSPECTION BY ANY TAX PAYER. L.G.C. 102,006, 08/04/08 MEETING OF GOVERNING BODY TO DISCUSS TAX RATE; IF PROPOSED TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE REVENUE THAN THE PROCEEDING YEAR'S REVENUE TAKE RECORD VOTE AND SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING. 08/05/08 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX INCREASE, SEND TO PAPER (FIRST QUARTER PAGE NOTICE) PUBLISHED AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS BEFORE PUBLIC HEARING. i8/15/08 72 - HOUR NOTICE FOR PUBLIC HEARING (BOTH ON SAME AGENDA) 08/18/08 FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX RATE ******BOTH PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE SAME DAY******* 08/18/08 MEETING TO HOLD FIRST PUBLIC HEARING, PUBLIC HEARING MUST BE HELD ON PROPOSED BUDGET ON A DATE NOT LESS THAN 15 DAYS SUBSEQUENT TO THE DATE OF FILING THE BUDGET WITH THE CITY SECRETARY, AND PRIOR TO THE DATE THE GOVERNING BODY PASSES THE TAX LEVY ORDINANCE. 08/25/08 SECOND PUBLIC HEARING; SCHEDULE AND ANNOUNCE MEETING TO ADOPT TAX RATE 3A4 DAYS FROM THIS DATE ******BOTH PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE SAME DAY******* 08/25/08 MEETING TO HOLD SECOND PUBLIC HEARING, PUBLIC HEARING MUST BE HELD ON PROPOSED BUDGET ON A DATE NOT LESS THAN 15 DAYS SUBSEQUENT TO THE DATE OF FILING THE BUDGET WITH THE CITY SECRETARY, AND PRIOR TO THE DATE THE GOVERNING BODY PASSES THE TAX LEVY ORDINANCE, 09/02/08 MEETING TO ADOPT TAX RATE, MEETING IS 3 TO 14 DAYS AFTER PUBLIC HEARING, AND BY SEPTEMBER 1, OR AS SOON AFTER AS PRACTICABLE. Notices to paper Meetings or Public Hearings He BUget Post Agendas 'p O O I� 00 O) d 0 1� O O O w O CV 0) •- (3) O L O 0 d I� O O O CO r- N N N N p N 00 00 M d O N O O O N O Ct) 0 0 0 0 CO O M 1� O O C O dt 0 M NO 0 1` ti O M 1� CO to M O +-' O co O d V- Cn O d co r� to M N O N N N LO O O LO V- N T� 1 00 IE N w O � co R CV d 00 00 M C_ - N co p 0 IT co � LO �- R dN N C) Q O O O I� CO LO 0 0 0 O CO O M 1� O �Y O O co CO N T- 00 M O O V) ow (fl 0 00 CO 0 V r� CO 1� LO � t` O e— CO i� M W M UD O co O mt r- LO O v co 1~ CO co gyp.+ O N N N V) m 0) LO e- N T- V� N � � 00 O � N m LLIU) ZZZ W U O w Z ULLJ 000�F- -I�ww mmmaZ OI-xU w UQ O fvu'� wwwZ� n. to ¢ m W W 06 06 06 d w J QO O 0) WWLL•W W W!-W QOOO W E mLL.d000CLzU_ O WZ ZO mO mO pO LLZ F-00OZmmmZZ 4a0Kmaao.0 wd _0 0 0 O m OOOwww m m JF- (,) v� Uw U U QJ Q QQ Om Om OO ONzO OO JJNNNNNNNN N 0) N M CO M 0 1` 00 O O �- N M d LO C m 000 00 O � V- V- N N N N N N C W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O .� p 1` 0 ti 0 1` 0 1` 0 ti 0 f` 0 ti 0 0 I` 0 1� 0 r� 0 1� 0 1� 0 r� 0 I� 0 001000000000000000 0 ti` I ti 1` ti 1� 1` 1` 1` 1*� 1` t� ti I` Q O M O O CO O� O O O O O O tf� O ti O O O r- V- O O O O 0 O O M O LO f` O O to N d OO�ON�r�I`�O�ti0mm0wm N C O U) O CO O C'M O to 0) 0) 0 0 M 0 U) O N (0N M O O 00 CN v 4T NO N� co r- d 0 N M O M O O O O m O O O O O N LO d CO Oco O O LO T- O O 00 0 O O M O O ti CM N U) C) OCflr`O(Ot�r�r�Or-r�OLOCMCMMM 0) O +� O M LO 00 O M to r- O co cM LO co N 00 M U*) N ti M O 00 co M tt7 m � O N N W d O O O O O UD cc tp LO O +- O to LO O O c6 O O 0) LO 0 O N tt7 O O O �- N M O O c r LO N~ N 0 L 0 M r co 0 M tj N Q OM000000000ON d co LO O to M O O M O O O M O Cn CM N LO 0 00 00Irft0 Of`r��OT-I Cm0 o m m m LO 0 °' O M LO 0o O CO LO O co co LO to ' 00 co U) N r� CO (D � 00 co M to e- O � � N m U co Z U W Z w xzzzz W LU J w m w 0 0 0 0 a* 11 accoW zU� 0 Z m m m m w vw wL-�- zw »»» z W W z W wwwwww w Z z w w CL Z x� �F- wX� �F-0fZ —�--mojj�tS�2S��� az,LILZ CLZMW QCW WOOOOOWOOOj%mmO 0 0 0 0 0 0ZZ f° O O O O O O O �Wpmmmmmm V LL? wwz� LU w>>>>>>>w mmmmmOmmm»22222 �F— 0c �U wLIE of m U U U U U U W V m N N N O CD O h h I` _V TOMr- 0) 0) 0) (0 (0 co a QZ 00 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 m U) e- N M M (fl h O N M t~ M 00 N M d M O t~ 0 cc 000 T- N N N N N N N N J W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 tirr t�r`r`r`tir�r%�r`tir`P� r�r`r�lt�nti a 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tir�r�r`r�r�tititititir tiIft r tir`ti a Development FTE 3 3 FTE 6 6 FTE 1 1 FTE 15 15 FTE 3 3 VO L 20 20 Library FTE 2 2 Public Works • i l O O 00 O O O O O O O O 00 O p O N O d; 00 Q O O P O d; 0 0 tC O O O M !V M m r-I d' h w r� Ln 00 m t0 O O C M Ln N 00 M Ln tD (h tD m m N N O O O N t71 i.D N ri m tD Ln m e-i m N a-t O in Lai M O O T=4 CI ri d 00 N r•i h r-i rq M Ch 00 N O r•i O N M L7) 0) ri 00 O O OI;zt N i-1 e-i C) N N N N O) N d d� O N t n `V, Wq O a 0 a` i/i i/� to in to to v)w to to to to vim ih 4^ in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c ao 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Ln m O M M N to i� 00 4;* LL i Ln N i� 00 00 i\ q* n W W ih 00 0) rL .d m M I m Ln ri d d r� Ln Ln a 00 N i� Ln to n 00 00 m tD l0 N N Q) m r•i 00 i� 00 O N VMI ti N N 00 ri M '� lD r•1 Ch m i/ in t/} in• in i/)• in in into in V► c c C O a 'O N m W d um N a, G0 �, c -O Q tw c c F; O U F- %v a 0 a G LM � N W L�0 L.. a LO 4a � V a a LLL U a lot > ? 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W J Q co0= u U O •� O N c> > co C to i3 ++ W L' V `�° ?. a i? c y > a i O .c = L E O X M -G L J ya. Z W Q a c� rts .Q 0 0 c L E 0 0 a, a O a O v cv a 2 o Q c C7 U Q a a Q u Q C� a s> N U u.i F (A �.. W W O rmi O to 00 O N 4 Ln LD r� 00 v1 O N cr tD O N� w O N tD O O O LL. Q Li 0 O ri a^i r-i N N N N N N N M m M m et d CT � w w tD i\ f" F- m N7-02-08 8:30 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-08-09 BUDGET FUND : 001 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS ACCOUNT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME =____= ANNUAL BUDGET 001-00-4120 COMMUNITY CTR. FEES 4,500.00 001-00-4130 VARIANCES & PLATS 22,500900 001-00-4140 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPOSITS 1,200.00 001-00-4150 DOG POUND FEES 4,000.00 001-00-4190 SOLID WASTE COLLECTIONS (TRFS) 0.00 001-00-4210 SWIMMING POOL INCOME 7,500.00 001-00-4310 PROPERTY TAX 2-, 30-0, 000. 00 001-00-4321 PENALTY & INTEREST 23,000.00 001-00-4410 HOTEL MOTEL TAX 16,000.00 001-00-4425 STATE SALES TAX 525,000.00 001-00-4450 MIXED DRINK TAX 5/000000 001-00-4510 BUILDING PERMITS 75,000.00 001-00-4520 HEALTH PERMITS 23,000.00 001-00-4530 ELECTRICAL LICENSES 800.00 001-00-4540 PLUMBING LICENSE FEES 11-000000 001-00-4545 FIRE ATARM/FIRE SPRINKLER 0.00 001-00-4550 AC & MECHANICAL LICENSE FEES 600.00 001-00-4555 IRRIGATION & BACKFLOW LICENSE 0.00 001-00-4600 DEFAULT/COURT 18,100.00 001-00-4601 RESTITUTION FEE-LOCAL-RSTL 0.00 001-00-4602 RESTITUTION FEE-STATE-RSTS 0.00 001-00-4603 JUDICIAL FEE-COUNTY-JFCT 4,800.00 001-00-4604 JUDICIAL FEE -CITY 1/000000 001-00-4605 TEEN COURT 0.00 001-00-4606 EXPUNCTION FEE-EXPUNG 0.00 001-00-4607 STATE TRAFFIC FEE 24,500.00 001-00-4608 CONSOLIDATED COURT COST04 56,000.00 001-00-4609 STATE JURY FEE-SJRF 5,400.00 001-00-4610 CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 400.00 001-00-4611 CJP - POLICE 0.00 001-00-4612 LEMI COURT COST 0.00 001-00-4613 LEOA COURT COSTS 0.00 001-00-4614 JUVENIL CRIME & DELINQUENCY 30.00 001-00-4615 CHILD SAFETY COURT COST 10,000.00 001-00-4616 SECURITY FEES 1,300.00 001-00-4617 INSURANCE & DISMISSAL FEES 700.00 001-00-4619 JCPT 75.00 001-00-4620 DAP DEFERRED ADJUDICATION 34,000.00 001-00-4624 TECHNOLOGY FEE COURT 3,500.00 001-00-4625 FINES 60,000.00 001-00-4626 IMPOUND FEES 0.00 001-00-4627 WARRANT FEES - FTA 12,400.00 001-00-4626 ARREST FEES 5,300.00 001-00-4630 LEOSE-POLICE 0.00 001-00-4631 FUGITIVE APPRENHENSION 150.00 001-00-4632 TIME PAYMENT FEES 0.00 001-00-4633 CTVOC - POLICE 400.00 001-00-4636 CORR.MANGT.INSTIT.CJCF 30.00 001-00-4637 TRAFFIC CODE 1,550.00 001-00-4640 DEF.DRIVING. DDC (COURT) 1,200.00 001-00-4642 CASH BONDS COURT 200.00 PAGE TOTAL: 31250,135.00 PAGE : 1 �� as S0 o"6 1 l PAGE TOTAL: 31250,135.00 PAGE : 1 �� as S0 o"6 1 l �7-02-08 BUDGET FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ACCOUNT NO# 001-00-4643 001-00-4644 001-00-4645 001-00-4646 001-00-4647 001-00-4648 001-00-4650 001-00-4660 001-00-4670 001-00-4680 001-00-4685 001-00-4690 001-00-4710 001-00-4715 001-00-4720 001-00-4740 001-00-4750 001-00-4760 001-00-4765 001-00-4770 001-00-4780 001-00-4800 001-00-4801 001-00-4891 001-00-4901 001-00-4902 001-00-4910 001-00-4911 001-00-4912 001-00-4913 001-00-4914 001-00-4915 001-00-4920 001-00-4930 001-00-4940 001-00-4950 001-00-4960 001-00-4980 001-00-4985 001-00-4990 001-00-4991 8:30 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT 08-08-09 BUDGET 001 GENERAL FUND ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS ACCOUNT TIME PAYMENT LOCAL SEATBELT SAFETY MUNICIPAL SERVICE BUREAU T IME PAYMENT STATE BEER & WINE PERMIT FEES INDIGENT DEFENSIVE FD, FRANCHISE FEES-ATMOS ENERGY FRANCHISE FEES/EMBARG FRANCHISE FEES-COSERVE DCEC FRANCHISE FEES-CEBRIDGE FRANCHISE FEES EF FRANCHISE FEE/IESI DUMPSTERS LIBRARY - DENTON CO. INT/LOCAL LIBRARY GRANT MISC. INCOME LIBRARY FIRE-DENTON CO. INT/LOCAL FIRE RUNS/ REIMB.AMB. DENTON F.I.R.E. INSURANCE BILLING FIRE - GRANT FUNDING INTERMEDIX REVENUE(A B) TDHCA STATE GRANT FUNDS** INTEREST INC. G.F. INT. INCOME DEBT SERVICE SANITATION TRANSFER FR ENT.FDS 2006 CARRY OVER BOND FDS 07 CARRY OVER BOND FD. PWKS MISC. INC. G.F. BEAUTIFICATION BOARD OVER AND UNDER FEMA DISATER FUNDS TDHCA GRANT FUNDS TDCA SECTION VII HOUSING ASST. BANGER ISD/RESOURCE OFFICER RETURN CHECK FEES PARK DONATIONS/GRANT FDS LOAN PROCEEDS FOR POLICE BLDG BOND PROCEEDS DUE FROM ENT. FD PAYROLL TRANSFERS FROM 4A/4B BUDGET TRANSFER FROM ENT FUND TRANSFERS FROM MM, SGS. PAGE TOTAL: TOTAL REVENUES: NET REVENUES/EXPENDITURES: PAGE: 2 ANNUAL BUDGET 2,600.00 0.00 3,400.00 2t700.00 0.00 1,000.00 65,000.00 16,000.00 1000000 11/500000 350/000000 1,500.00 18,000.00 4,777.00 8,'500.00 10,000.00 200/000000 0.00 115,000.00 425,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 577,500.00 0.00 0.00 10/000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,560.00 32/500000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,016,537.00 5,266,672.00 5,266,672.00 Department: CITY COUNCIL GF Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008=2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested 5110 5160 Regular Salaries Workers Comp. 35.00 25.92 52.00 35.00 Subtotal 35.00 25.92 52.00 35.00 Supplies & Materials 5201 Other 5210 5215 Office Supplies Food 1200.00 400.00 985.46 40.79 1200.00 400.00 1350900 250.00 5220 5225 5230 Postage Maps & Subscriptions Advertising 400.00 250.00 200.00 400.00 400.00 5235 Dues & Registration 2200.00 1858.50 2691.00 2800.00 5240 Travel 2000.00 447.95 2000.00 2100.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies 130.86 131.00 Subtotal 6450.00 3663.56 6822.00 6900.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services** 5415 Accounting Services 7500.00 5420 5430 Contractual Services Professional Services *** 2500.00 44164.00 12,577.13 441670A6 13000.00 44163.00 50000.00 Subtotal 46664*00 57,247.29 57163.00 57500.00 6040 Furniture & Fixtures Subtotal 0.00 0 0600 Total 53149.00 60p936*771 64037s001 64435.00 TML-UPDATE- $1,400 **Elections DRE's and Election workers ***2002 Law suit-10-5430 & Franklin /a `o 2 f apartment: Administration count # Account Name cries &Benefits 5110 Regular Salaries 5111 Merit Increase 5120 Overtime 5125 l.ongivety 5128 Auto Allowance 5130 FICA 5140 Retirement 5150 Health Ins. 5160 Workers Comp. 5170 TEC _ 5175 EAP 5180 Medical/Physicals 5182 Backsround Checks � Subtotal Supplies &Materials 5201 Other 5210 Office Supl 5215 Food 5220 Postage 5225 Maps & Su 5230 Advertisinf 5235 Dues & Rel 5240 Travel 5245 Janitorial S 5275 Filing Fees Subtotal Maintenance &Opera 5301 Other S305 Contengen 5310 S320 5325 lies R&M Buildinf Vehicle Fuel R&M Vehicle Subtotal ,•lid es Reserve GENERAL FUND 2007/2008 2007-2008 Budgeted Actual to Date $ 94,000.00 $ 42,205.21 $ 1,156.00 � $ $ 7,191.00 $ $ 8,072.00 $ $ 9,000.00 $ $ 135.00 $ $ 188.00 $ $ 119,742.00 $ 1,390.00 $ $ 260.00 $ $ 660.00 $ $ 100.00 $ $ 3,500.00 $ $ 2,500.00 $ $ 2,500.00 $ $ 700.00 $ $ 500.00 $ $ 12,110.00 $ $ 1,200.00 $ $ 300.00 $ 250.00 $ $ 1,750.00 $ 186.73 $ 788.00 $ 2007-2008 Estimated 94,000.00 $ 3,212.58 $ 3,197.29 $ 4,428.15 $ 56.85 $ 22.50 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 135.00 $ 188.00 $ .31 � $ 118,411.00 1,311.00 $ 78.00 $ 350.00 $ 138.00 $ 1,202.00 $ 1,182.00 $ 440.00 $ 234.00 $ 162.00 $ 5,097.00 $ 100.00 $ 97.00 $ 197.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 700.00 $ 200.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 000.00 $ 600.00 $ 400.00 $ 600.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 300.00 250.00 $ 1,550.00 $ 2008-2009 97,000.00 1,940.00 300.00 1,050.00 3,000.00 7,939.20 7,939.20 9,325.00 80.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 28.973.40 200.00 700.00 200.00 2,750.00 2,500.00 600.00 500.00 12,450.00 10,000.00 1.200.00 500.00 11,700.00 Page 1 of 4 ._Department: Administration GENERAL FUND Contract Services 5401 Other Services 5410 TML Insurance $ 49,000.00 $ 27,453.00 $ 49,000.00 $ 52,500.00 5415 Accounting services 5420 Contractual Services $ 10,000.00 $ 10,371.00 $ 12,000.00 5425 Legal Services $ 14,000.00 $ 4,725.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 14,000.00 5426 Credit card fees 5430 Professional Services (FRMR AUTO ALLO $ 2,400.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 4,000.00 5435 Medical Services $ 1,200.00 $ 486.00 $ 1,000.00 5440 Engineering/Archtectural 5442 Master Planning Services 5450 Technical Support $ 500.00 5451 Annual Software Support Subtotal $ 76,600.00 $ 44,235.00 $ 74,400.00 $ 71,000.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 4,300.00 $ 1,486.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 2,500.00 5515 Electric service $ 2,100.00 $ 466.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 5516 Gas Service $ 500.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 6,400.00 $ 1,952.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6010 Computer Equip $ 4,471.00 $ 1,486.00 $ 4,000.00 6025 Computer Hardware $ 500.00 6026 Computer Software $ 4,500.00 6028 Electronics 6030 Motor Vehicles $ 1,310.00 $ 1,314.00 $ 1,350.00 Subtotal $ 5,781.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,350.00 $ 5,000.00 Total $ 222,383.00 $ 108,378.31 $ 216,811.00 $ 234,623.40 Page 2 of 4 Department: Public Works Administration - GF Account # Account Name Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted Each Fund 2007-2008 Actual to Date Each Fund 2007-2008 Estimated Each Fund 2008-2009 Requested Each Fund 5110 Regular Salaries $ 64,479.00 $ 37,496.00 $ 66,OOO.00 $ 55,900.00 5111 Merit Increase $ - $ - $ 11118.00 5120 Overtime $ 1/500600 $ 626.00 $ 11250.00 $ 300.00 5125 Longivety $ 260.00 $ 256.00 $ 256.00 $ 75.00 5130 FICA $ 51047.00 $ 2/868000 $ 51047.00 $ 4/585044 5140 Retirement $ 5/219000 $ 21935.00 $ 5,219.00 $ 41585.44 5150 Health Ins. $ 61000.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 61000.00 $ 51600.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 135.00 $ 205.00 $ 791.00 $ 250.00 5170 TEC $ 315.00 $ 99.00 $ 315.00 $ 135.00 5175 EAP $ 35.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 100.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 821955.00 $ 47,985.00 $ 84,878.00 $ 72,733.88 Supplies & Materials 5210 Office Supplies $ 1,200.00 $ 11379.57 $ 1,200.00 $ 11500.00 5220 Postage $ 100.00 $ 175.95 $ 220.00 $ 300.00 5230 Advertising $ 250.00 $ - $ 250.00 $ 250.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 61750.00 $ 2,172.00 $ 31500.00 $ 11250.00 5240 ITravel $ 200.00 $ 585.91 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 125.00 $ 289.57 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 5275 Filing Fees $ 250.00 $ 75.98 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 Subtotal $ 80875=00 $ 4,678.98 $ 50970.00 $ 41100.00 Maintenance & Operation 5310 R&M Building $ 250.00 $ 161.50 $ 250.00 $ 350.00 Subtotal $ 250.00 $ 161.50 $ 250.00 $ 350.00 Contract Services 5420 Contractual Services $ 21500.00 $ 11487.00 $ 2,500.00 $ - 5440 Engineering/Archtectural $ - $ - $ - $ 31500.00 5442 Master Planning Services $ - $ - $ - $ ' 5450 Technical Support $ - $ - $ - $ 750.00 5451 Annual Software Support $ - $ - $ - $ 21750.00 Subtotal $ 2,500.00 $ 1/487000 $ 21500.00 $ 71000.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 800.00 $ 610.00 $ 970.00 $ 11000.00 5515 Electric service $ 400.00 $ 277.00 $ 910.00 $ 21500.00 5516 Gas Service $ - $ 277.00 $ - $ 500.00 5520 Cell Phone $ - $ - $ - $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 1,200.00 $ 1,164.00 $ 1,880.00 $ 4,500.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6025 Computer Hardware $ 21000,00 $ 10175000 $ 1,175.00 $ 1,400.00 6026 Computer Software $ - $ - $ - $ 1,200.00 6030 Motor Vehicles $ - $ - $ - $ ' 6040 Furniture & Fixtures $ - $ - $ $ ' Subtotal $ 2/000200 $ 1,175.00 f $ 1,175.00 $ 21600.00 Total $ 971780.00 $ 56,651.48 $ 96,653.00 $ 91,283.88 City of Sanger Capital Project Request for FY 2008-2009 Budget Project Name/Title: Water/Wastewater Stuand Master Plan Project Phase: Date: May 295 2008 Requesting Department: 116 ineering Department Priority: High Purpose: New X Modify Delete Other Account No.: 1. Program Description: Water and Wastewater System Study — Develop a model for the existing water and wastewater system. 2. Program Objectives (desired results): Identify problem areas; develop a future CIP program on a 5, 10 and 20 year out. Develop a component for the Impact Fee Study. 3. Alternatives considered and justification for this project: As mentioned above it will identify problem areas and allow for the development of CIP program and Impact Fee Study. 4. Outside Contractor Estimated project Cost Engineering Contingency (5%) Annual Operating Expense Total 5. Proposed Method of Financing: Use water and wastewater fees. 6. Approved for Funding: Yes No Internal Personnel Impact M & O Impact Capital Equipment Requirement Materials Other Cost Annual Operating Expense Total Department: Police Account# Account Name Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 20074008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 501,956.00 $ 501,956.00 $ 575,000800 5111 Merit Increase $ 11,500900 5120 Overtime $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 5125 Longivety $ 3,496.00 $ 3/496600 $ 4/600600 5130 FICA $ 381400.00 $ 381400.00 $ 48,920.00 5140 Retirement $ 39,705.00 $ 39,705.00 $ 48,920.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 72,000.00 $ 721000.00 $ 67,700.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 11,120.00 $ 11,120900 $ 15,500600 5170 TEC $ 11100.00 $ 1/100000 $ 2/000200 5175 EAP $ - $ - $ 500.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 600.00 5182 Background Checks $ 200.00 Subtotal $ 692,777.00 $ - $ 6920777.00 $ 800,440.00 Supplies & Materials Office Supplies $ 1,535.00 $ 336.47 $ 1,535.00 $ 21000.00 Food $ 200.00 $ 166.68 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 E Postage $ 600.00 $ 200.00 $ 300.00 $ 700.00 Dues & Registration $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 11500.00 5240 Travel $ 51000.00 $ 41800.00 $ 21000,00 $ 51000.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 500.00 $ 256.05 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 5255 Wearing Appeara) $ 8/000000 $ 31746.70 $ 31000.00 $ 61000.00 5260 Safety Equipment $ 34,000.00 $ 16,349.67 $ 34,000.00 $ 30,000.00 5265 Drug Prevention $ 4/000000 $ 31796.20 $ 4/000000 $ 41000.00 Subtotal $ 54,235.00 $ 30,05137 $ 45,935.00 $ 49,900.00 Maintenance & Operation 5310 R&M Building $ 11600.00 $ 839.44 $ 11600.00 $ 11600.00 5311 R&M Equipment $ 11600.00 $ 950.00 $ 11600.00 $ - 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 30,000.00 $ 91410.48 $ 551000.00 $ 65,000.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 15,000.00 $ 51682.24 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 41000.00 5376 Immunizations $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ - $ 200.00 Subtotal $ 48,400.00 $ 17,082.16 $ 731200.00 $ 85/800900 Contract Services 5430 2ssional Services (Child Advocacy) $ 71000.00 5450 Technical Support $ 31000.00 5451 Annual Software Support $ 51500.00 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 151500.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 31000.00 $ 11937.85 $ 31900.00 $ 21500.00 5515 Electric service $ 31700.00 $ 2,357.68 $ 41800.00 $ 61000.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 71800.00 $ %750.00 $ 71800.00 $ 71800.00 5530 Internet $ 260.00 Subtotal $ 141500.0O $ 8104533 $ 16,500.00 $ 16,560.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6025 Computer Hardware $ 31000M $ 2/552989 $ 31000*00 $ 3,000.00 6035 Police Vehicles $ 38,000.00 $ 38,000.00 $ - $ 38,000.00 6040 Furniture & Fixtures $ 2,000.00 $ 1/880001 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Subtotal $ 43,000.00 $ 42,432.90 $ %000.00 $ 43,000.00 Total $ 852,91200 $ 970612.36 $ 833,412.00 $ 11011,200.00 CHILD EN'S March 26, 2008 ADVOCACY CENTER City of Sanger justice & healing ATTN.• Mayor Joe Higgs P.O. Box 729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Higgs, Thank you for the continued partnership between the Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County (CACDC) and the City of Sanger over the past several years. Due to the nature of the services that the Children's Advocacy Center provides to both Sanger residents and the Sanger Police Department, the CA CDC Board of Directors is requesting that our agency receive funding as a line item on the city budget. Because many of the services provided are mandated by the Texas Family Code (attached) and would need to be provided by the city if we did not exist, we are requesting that the City Council looks at the CA CDC as a different category of service provider unlike other social services agencies vying for limited funding. We are requesting that the City of Sanger consider 'fair share " support of the Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County in the amount of $6,875.80,for FY2008-09. A `fair share" request has been sent to all other municipalities in the county. During the 2007 calendar year, the Children's Advocacy Center served 37 Sanger residents living within the city limits. This represented 2.5% of our entire clients served. Last year our agency provided 375 services to Sanger residents and the City of Sanger Police Department representing 2.28% of total services provided by the Center. Examples of services include forensic interviews, case reviews, court preparation, advocacy, free counseling to child victims and non -offending family members, and other vital services. In 2007, the cost to operate our agency was $636,166. After subtracting federal, state and county funding, this left the Center with $301, 459 in expenses to seek from other sources offunding. Based on service calculations, a request of $6,875.80 ftom the City of Sanger general fund truly represents a fair share of cost for services provided. We are confident that upon investigation that the City Council will see the logic in paying for services provided to the residents of Sanger as well as the Police Department. We l�okforward to discussing this topic with you at your earliest availability. Board President 214.384.6340 6Ay1;, CHI LDREN'S ALLIANCE Susan Romer„ Board Vice President 214.808.6529 United Way Hrr.lin, �br Cr de o/Ab.,r f�,. fFild.i a 11"r SUBCHAPTER E. CHILDRENS ADVOCACY CENTERS § 264.4+o I . DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "center" means a children's advocacy center. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 255, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. � 264.402. ESTABLISHMENT OF CHILDREN'S ADVOCACY CENTER. On the execution of a memorandum of understanding under Section 264.403, a children's advocacy center may be established by community members and the participating entities described by Section 264.403(a) to serve a county or two or more contiguous counties. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 255, � 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. Amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 185, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003. § 264.403. INTERAGENCY MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. (a) Before a center may be established under Section 264.402, a memorandum of understanding regarding participation in operation of the center must be executed among: (1) the division of the department responsible for child abuse investigations; (2) representatives of county and municipal law enforcement agencies that investigate child abuse in the area to be served by the center; (3) the county or district attorney who routinely prosecutes child abuse cases in the area to be served by the center; and (4) a representative of any other governmental entity that participates in child abuse investigations or offers services to child abuse victims that desires to participate in the operation of the center. (b) A memorandum of understanding executed under this section shall include the agreement of each participating entity to cooperate in: (1) developing a cooperative, team approach to investigating child abuse; (2) reducing, to the greatest extent possible, the number of interviews required of a victim of child abuse to minimize the negative impact of the investigation on the child; and (3) developing, maintaining, and supporting, through the center, an environment that emphasizes the best interests of children and that provides investigatory and rehabilitative services. (c) A memorandum of understanding executed under this section may include the agreement of one or more participating entities to provide office space and administrative services necessary for the center's operation. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 255, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. § 264.404. BOARD REPRESENTATION. (a) In addition to any other persons appointed or elected to serve on the governing board of a children's advocacy center, the governing board must include an executive officer of, or an employee selected by an executive officer of. (1) a law enforcement agency that investigates child abuse in the area served by the center; (2) the child protective services division of the department; and (3) the county or district attorney's office involved in the prosecution of child abuse cases in the area served by the center. (b) Service on a center's board by an executive officer or employee under Subsection[O] (a) is an additional duty of the person's office or employment. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 2555 § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. Amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 185, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003. § 264.405. DUTIES. A center shall: (1) assess victims of child abuse and their families to determine their need for services relating to the investigation of child abuse; (2) provide services determined to be needed under Subdivision (1); (3) provide a facility at which a multidisciplinary team appointed under Section 264.406 can meet to facilitate the efficient and appropriate disposition of child abuse cases through the civil and criminal justice systems; and (4) coordinate the activities of governmental entities relating to child abuse investigations and delivery of services to child abuse victims and their families. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 255, � 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. � 264.406. MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM. (a) A center's multidisciplinary team must include employees of the participating agencies who are professionals involved in the investigation or prosecution of child abuse cases. (b) A center's multidisciplinary team may also include professionals involved in the delivery of services, including medical and mental health services, to child abuse victims and the victims' families. (c) A multidisciplinary team shall meet at regularly scheduled intervals to: (1) review child abuse cases determined to be appropriate for review by the multidisciplinary team; and (2) coordinate the actions of the entities involved in the investigation and prosecution of the cases and the delivery of services to the child abuse victims and the victims' families. (d) A multidisciplinary team may review a child abuse case in which the alleged perpetrator does not have custodial control or supervision of the child or is not responsible for the child's welfare or care. (e) When acting in the member's official capacity, a multidisciplinary team member is authorized to receive information made confidential by Section 40.005, Human Resources Code, or Section 261.201 or 264.408. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 255, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 575, § 32, eff. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 185, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003. City Primary Secondary Total % of Total Argyle 17 11 28 1.9% Aubrey 25 20 45 3.1 % Carrollton 62 43 105 7.2% Coppell 4 4 8 0.5% Corinth 28 30 58 4.0% Dallas 18 15 33 2.3% Denton 154 133 287 19.6% Flower Mound 32 28 60 4.1 % Frisco 14 13 27 1.9% Hickory Creek 4 2 6 0.4% Highland Village 7 9 16 1.1 % Justin 17 16 33 2.3% Krugerville 2 3 5 0.3% Krum 10 7 17 1.2% Lake Dallas 15 18 33 2.3% Lewisville 117 83 200 13.7% Little Elm 37 38 75 5.1 % Oak Point 3 4 7 0.5% Pilot Point 10 12 22 1.5% Ponder 13 13 26 1.8% Roanoke 13 7 20 1 A% Sanger 20 17 37 2.5% Savannah/ Providence Village 8 6 14 1.0% The Colony 42 30 72 5.0% Trophy Club 4 5 9 0.6% Cooke County 23 18 41 2.8% Wise County 7 12 19 1.3% Other* 87 69 156 10.6% Total 793 666 11459 100% Other includes cases where victims lived in other Denton County cities, outside of Denton County or city of residence was unknown. Updated 01/15/2008 0 0 (D DO (r 0 (D 0 0 m C 77 _ 0 0 CD 0 0 0 _ o_ v _z 0 CD (n v 3 m a a 0 cn (D m (D T C i� (D VIO IIIIIIII p n O� —I CA �1 � T O r r r C__ o sv o h v o o m su o v o o n °m v =� cncn v 3 IIIIIII,l�m =11111111114m�m cn � cn )vom o o oc� co C�no o ; M7 O o m _ < o c O O Cho (D O+ O (D _ n n —o 0 D O is :D _ (D a C� O m CJ7 p _' -> Cn A W W N Iro - O W -� W 1 N (n N CIO W W 1 O W N. -, co 1 O Cn 1 CU •1 �A N -� 1 W Oo �4 W CO N CA O �1 V J (n N W V N 1 A _ _ v E cn 0o O -W W �j 1 1 N N- •W1 ONO CDN O W -� O W 1 III 0 Uri O �1 MIMI 00 1 CD •i1 O 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 N) 00 0 0 �I 0 0 0 Cn N O -P O (fl CO O CA 1 I I 00 CD C)CDCDO O C) C)(DC) O C)N N C)0 C) 0 ONO 0 0 0 CA O O O O O O Y .A N 1(D CD 0 0 N O O O" CD CD0-I 1 CO O N O O O O O jW�jCD,CD I O N O O N CD (D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 00 -� O O O N O O O W O O N P O 1 O Cn O 0 0 Cn O -� N O O -� O 1 1 0 0 0 N Cn N co N O N -� Cn V M O O O O W w Cn 1 0 0 CD 0 I 1 W O O O CD O W A N -> W O O O O II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cn O W (X> O O O Co O O W W O (D 0 1 CO W N N O 1 O W CIO -> W N �I -1 -� -� Cn W N 00 �l 1 W W N co .1 1 1 1 CD W V �1 O O -� W •1 N (n 1 1 1 1 1 O W W W Cn (A O M/ W m W W 01I N w P O M �! 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(n w N 1 C) 4Lh a) � •A W .P CA W -� N N Cn ONO (J7 N -� W N -� 0) N N V W ° flJ N CO ;i O O C n V N V O V V O N O N 4 O CO -A W V W (n W V� N V .A 111114 O N O N CD .A. cn V V 11 0 CD O O V W V O (D 4 00 CA) O -� V W co 0 V W <D N D Q 9a� o o°aCY 0 n r/n) Cary �Ur/ng T 0 V/oti C h°rap y D °�pl � Thera °�p�nsation � py 'O4�gtt°n v aanc cD .°Urt pr�paralion � O xt°n arni/a�a�Ss�ssme � Y T her, nt Up (�vritt�n 'r°Up Therap ana V erba/) Y U) 'fOr''�ati°n ana �. ie�,s ref�rra/S ccn CT �r ant COnSU/t n ciin ucv o an/F ^^U) �Oja/ N/ � story n wing � sera � py �lnaitraU � 'sting a/) (D C) CID �th�r 3 (D N O Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County Municipal Fair Share Calculation / � U � a �� o4 o o �\ ° o � * Argyle 28 473 2.87 $8,655.09 $17000,00 $11852,06 Aubrey 45 708 4.31 $121997067 $0.00 $101122,44 Carrollton 105 1230 7.48 $22,557.44 $15,000,00 $23,118,77 Coppell 8 319 1.94 $5,850,46 $3,500,00 $37225,13 Corinth 58 774 4.71 $141203,95 $10,000.00 $21,617,96 Dallas 331 237 1.44 $41342,61 $0.00 $5,779,69 Denton 287 3258 19.82 $59,771.17 $8,500,00 $52,240,75 Flower Mound 60 635 3.86 $117640,60 $14,401,00 $14,401,33 Frisco 27 179 1.08 $3,256,96 $0.00 $1,532,74 Hickory Creek 6 31 0.19 $572,98 $300.00 $223,52 Highland Village 16 210 1.28 $31860,10 $16,413,00 $16,413,05 Justin 33 388 2.36 $7,117,05 $1,000.00 $31767,98 Kru erville 5 103 0.62 $1,869,73 $0.00 $11468,87 Krum 17 247 1.50 $4,523,55 $0.00 $6,897.31 Lake Dallas 33 520 3.16 $9,529,61 $7,000,00 $8,589.71 Lewisville 200 2810 17.09 $51,538,31 $19,000,00 $57,030,55 Little Elm 75 531 3.23 $9,740,71 $7,000,00 $13,666.90 Oak Point 7 60 0.36 $1,085.65 $1,468,67 $1,468,87 Pilot Point 22 272 1.65 $4,975,91 $0.00 $12,293,82 Ponder 26 277 1.69 $5,096,53 $0.00 $6,546.06 Roanoke 20 107 0.65 $1,960,21 $5,109.12 $5,109.12 Sanger 37 375 2.28 $6,875.80 $0.00 $8,046,86 The Colony 72 625 3.80 $11,459,66 $0.00 $6,961,18 Trophy Club 91 79 0.48 $1,447.54 $510,91 $510,91 Other Denton Co. 452 2.75 $8,293,18 $0.00 $5,172.98 Cooke Count _ 41 309 1.88 $5,669,52 $0.00 $7,344,36 Dallas County 144 402 2.45 $71388,47 Wise County 19 144 0.88 $2,653,82 $0.00 $6,067,08 *Other 11701 6821 4.15 $121515,16 $0.00 $141784,51 Total 1,4591 16,4371 99m971 $301,459m4lj $11 0,020101 $318,36102 The city's fair share was calculated by multiplying the municipality's % of services by the expenses remaining after federal, state, and county funding provided to the Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County. * Other includes clients from cities outside of Denton, Cooke, and Wise Counties. * Other Denton County includes clients from unincorporated areas of the county. Equipment Name: City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 2008-2009 Budget Patol Car Requesting Department: _Police Desired Funding: Purchase x Number Requested: 2 Date: _5-29-08 Department Priority: _I_ Total Estimated Cost: $_38,000.00 Lease/Purchase Lease Account # 1. Why do you need this piece of equipment? Replace existing units due to mileage and nonnat wear #7—1000,000 miles 2. What is the main use of this equipment? Patrol Units 3. Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: 5. Total Equipment Cost: $_38,000.00_ If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: $_19,000.00 Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) 6. Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) 7. Proposed Method of Financing: Purchase only. No Financing 8. Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on equipment and any other supporting documentation you feel is necessary. Department: Animal Control Account # Salaries & Account Name Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008=2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 281392.00 $ 281392.00 $ 29,250.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 585.00 5120 Overtime $ 2,500.00 $ 2/500000 $ 2/000000 5125 Longivety $ - $ - $ 150.00 5130 FICA $ 2,172.00 $ 21172.00 $ 21546.80 5140 Retirement $ 21246.00 $ 21246.00 $ 2,546.80 5150 Health Ins. $ 6/000800 $ 61000.00 $ 6/200000 5160 Workers Comp. $ 532.00 $ 532.00 $ 550.00 5170 ITEC $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 135.00 5175 EAP $ - $ - $ 35.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 50.00 5182 Background Checks Subtotal $ 410942.00 $ 410942.00 $ 441048.60 Supplies & Materials 5210 Office Supplies $ 150.00 $ 125.61 $ 125.61 $ 150.00 5223 Chemicals $ 500.00 $ 335.76 $ 400.00 $ 11000.00 5240 Travel $ 200.00 $ 140.00 $ 200.00 $ 500.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 600.00 $ 275.00 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 5248 jAnimal Care Expenses $ 8,000.00 $ 5,352.70 $ 12,000800 $ 12,000200 5250 Tools & Equipment $ 500.00 $ 496.01 $ 300.00 $ 500.00 5255 Wearing Appearal $ 800.00 $ 600.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 5260 Safety Equipment $ 700.00 $ 670.00 $ 500.00 $ 700.00 Subtotal $ 11,450.00 $ 7,995.08 $ 14,625.61 $ 151950.00 Maintenance & Operation 5310 R&M Building $ - $ - $ - $ 51000.00 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 41200.00 $ 21496.95 $ 41200.00 $ 41500.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 21000.00 $ 1/660000 $ 1/500000 $ 2/000900 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 21000.0O Subtotal $ 61200.00 $ 4,156.95 $ 58700.00 $ 131500.00 Contract Services Subtotal - Utilities 5515 Electric service $ 31000.00 $ 823.92 $ 1,700.00 $ 51500.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 600.00 $ 500.00 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 Subtotal $ 3,600.00 $ 1,323.92 $ 20300.00 $ 61100.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6030 Motor Vehicles $ - $ - $ - $ - Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - Total $ 630192.00 $ 130475.95 $ 64,567.61 $ 79,598.60 Department: FIRE - 24 Account # Account Name Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 5110 5111 Regular Salaries Merit Increase $ 1351000.00 ? $ 77,145.85 $ 1251360.00 $ $ 162,100.00 31242.00 5112 Temp/Part Time Salaries $ 30,550.00 $ 19,572.00 $ 19,572000 $ 351550.00 5120 Overtime $ 51500.00 $ 18,508.45 $ 25,000600 $ 201000.00 5121 FLSA OT 5125 Longivety $ 764.00 $ 764.00 $ 764.00 $ 1,000.00 5126 5130 Special Pay FICA $ 13,144.00 $ 71729,61 $ 11,545.00 $ 17,671936 5140 Retirement $ 81068.00 $ 6,421.00 $ 9,631.50 $ 17,671.36 5145 FF Pension $ 41800.00 $ 2/640000 $ 31960.00 $ 41800.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 18,000000 $ 11,465.00 $ 17,197950 $ 16,625.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 41500.00 $ 5/504000 $ 71333.00 $ 71500.00 5165 Disability Insurance $ 5,900.00 $ 7/104400 $ 10,656.00 $ 101500.00 5170 TEC $ 250.00 $ 400.08 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 5175 EAP $ 140.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 100.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 226,476.00 $ 157,253.99 $ 231,519.00 $ 297,449.72 Supplies 5210 & Materials Office Supplies $ 31000,00 $ 41562.32 $ 61000.00 $ 5,000.00 5215 Food $ 1/000000 $ 321.34 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 5220 Postage $ 11250.00 $ 799.00 $ 11198.00 $ 1,250.00 5223 Chemicals $ 11500.00 $ 641.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 11500.00 5225 Maps & Subscriptions $ 750.00 $ - $ - $ 750.00 5230 Advertising/Public Education $ 1,500.00 $ 673.92 $ 11009,00 $ 2,000.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 71500.00 $ 41662.00 $ 61993.00 $ %500.00 5240 Travel $ 2,300.00 $ 361.23 $ 21300.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 500.00 $ 251.93 $ 510.00 $ 500.00 5250 Tools & Equipment 5255 Wearing Appearal $ 121000.00 $ 41071A7 $ 10,500900 $ 51750.00 5260 Safety Equipment $ 21600.00 $ 783.00 $ 21600.00 $ 11,000.00 Subtotal $ 331900.00 $ 17,126.91 $ 30,610.00 $ 39,300.00 Maintenance & Operation 5310 R&M Building $ 151000.00 $ 101293.21 $ 141800.00 $ %000.00 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 61000.00 $ 7/507611 $ 11,260.50 $ 251000.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 100000.00 $ 111558.71 $ 151000.00 $ 121500.00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 41900.00 $ 41900.00 $ 121500.00 5345 Lease Equipment $ 21000.00 $ 21000.00 5376 Immunizations $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 5390 Radios $ 1%500.00 $ 12,344.89 $ 12,344.89 $ 10,500900 Subtotal $ 490150.00 $ 411703.92 $ 591055.39 $ 721250.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services $ 31300.00 $ 11487.35 $ 3,000.00 5450 Technical Support $ - $ 1,000.00 5451 Annual Software Support $ - $ 1,500.00 Subtotal $ 3,300.00 $ 1,487.35 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,500.00 utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 1/000000 $ 695.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 5515 Electric service $ 6,400.00 $ 3,193.92 $ 6,400.00 $ 8,500.00 5516 Gas Service $ - $ - $ - 5520 Cell Phone $ 2,500.00 $ 856.30 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,250.00 5525 Pagers $ 3,200.00 $ 2/130000 $ 3,200.00 $ 3/500000 5530 Internet Subtotal $ 13,100.00 $ 6,875.22 $ 11,800.00 $ 14,250.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) AFG 95/5 $ 65,000900 Fire Prevention 90/10 $ 50,000.00 SAFER Grant 5 year Progressive Total $ 115,000.00 Capital Expenses 6020 Building Improvements 6025 Computer Hardware $ 2,500.00 6026 Computer Software $ 1,000.00 6031 Firefighting Vehicles 6060 Fire/EMS Equipment $ 8,500.00 $ 1,393.76 $ 5/000900 Subtotal $ 84v500.00 $ 1,393.76 $ 5,000.00 $ 3,500.00 Total $ 334,426.00 $ 225,841.15 $ 34%984.39 $ 544,249.72 Department: Ambulance - 25 Account # Account Name Salaries & Benefits 5110 Regular Salaries 5111 Merit Increase 5112 Temp/Part Time Salaries 5120 Overtime 5121 FLSA OT 5125 Longivety 5130 FICA 5140 Retirement 5145 FF Pension 5150 Health Ins. 5160 Workers Comp. 5165 Disability Insurance 5170 TEC 5175 EAP 5180 Medical/Physicals 5182 Background Checks Subtotal Supplies & Materials 5201 Other 5205 Data Processing Supplies 5210 Office Supplies 5215 Food 5220 Postage 5223 Chemicals 5225 Maps & Subscriptions 5230 Advertising/Public Educati 5235 Dues & Registration 5240 Travel 5245 Janitorial Supplies 5250 Tools & Equipment 5255 Wearing Appearal 5260 Safety Equipment 5262 EMS Supplies Subtotal Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other 5305 Contingency Reserve 5310 R&M Building 5311 5320 Vehicle Fuel 5325 R&M Vehicle 5326 R&M Minor Equipment 5345 Lease Equipment zoo//2008 zoo? -zoos Budgeted Actual to Date $ 118,800.00 $ 62,337.00 7 $ 20,000.00 $ $ 21500.00 $ Ca on $ 10,810.00 $ 3/500000 $ 1,485.00 $ 2007-z008 z008-2009 Estimated Requested 1051437.00 $ 125,500.00 990.00 I$ 764.00 $ 844.79 $ _ t 1,500000 $ 764.00 500.00 $ 521.79 � $ 1,050.00 1 $ 157,859.00 � $ 69,457.58 � $117,251.00 � $ 1,000.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 7,500000 $ 2,300.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000000 $ 4,950000 $ 907.22 $ 321.34 $ 514.52 $ 439.16 $ 673.92 $ 3,320.00 $ 361.23 251.93 $ 1,500.00 $ 750.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 750.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 6,993.00 � $ C� 1,201.63 $ 3,000.00 $ 783.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 20,394.00 $ 331140.56 $ 29,167.95 $ 50,693.56 $ $ 61000.00 $ 5,968.00 $ $ 6,000.00 $ 2,358.00 $ $ 2, 000.00 9,000.00 $ 6, 000.00 $ 000.00 500.00 11,840.00 1,500.00 750.00 1,000000 750.00 750.00 1,500.00 8,000.00 2,000000 750.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 36.000600 9,000.00 � 0,000.00 6,000.00 2,000000 5376 Immunizations $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 5390 Radios $ 5,000.00 $ 2,980.00 $ 5/000000 $ 5,000.00 5399 Fines Subtotal $ 22,750.00 $ 120894.00 $ 23,750.00 $ 42,750.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services $ 3,300.00 $ 1,487.35 $ 3,000.00 5430 Professional Services (Intermedix) $ 51,000.00 5450 Technical Support $ - $ 1/000900 5451 Annual Software Support $ - $ 1,500.00 Subtotal $ 3,300.00 $ 10487.35 $ 3,000.00 $ S%500.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 1/000000 $ 695.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 5515 Electric service $ - $ - $ - $ 8,500.00 5516 Gas Service $ - $ - $ - 5520 Cell Phone $ 1,000.00 $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 5525 Pagers $ - $ - $ - $ - 5530 Internet Subtotal $ 2,000.00 $ 695.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10,500.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6020 Building Improvements 6025 Computer Hardware $ 2,500.00 6026 Computer Software $ 1,000.00 6032 Ambulances $ - $ - $ - $ - 6060 Fire/EMS Equipment $ - $ - $ - 6065 Safety Equipment Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 3,500.00 Total $ 230,859.00 $ 113,701.88 $195,694.56 $ 338,240.00 i� 200CALLS BY TIME OF DAY -AV 0600-1159 14 21 12 17 24% 26% 21% 29% 1200-1759 20 23 F21 16 135% 28% 28% 1800-2359 18 23 14 20 ��� ��1% 28% 24% 35% 0000-0559 5 � 13 � 10 4 8% 16% 17% 7% DENTO KRUM PILOT POINT SANGER CITY SANGER COUNT 18 82 36% 127% 17 97 34% 32% 10 I $5 20% 128% 5 37 10% 1 12% N % 13% 10% 10% FO/0 FO/0 FO/0 FO/0 � FFI —_ — 1% 1%Fo/o�2% _ _� 45 38 36 [66% 364% 66% 64% _ 24 16 20 16 y �4% 28% �35% 32% - 2 2 0% 0 0% 3 1% 152 65% 76 32% TOT Encounters �FFFF�� 57 80 57 57 50 � 301 --- - 40 34 42F57 185 - --- — — f _ 36 Transports 63 /0 52 /070 /068 /061 /o_ - — — -0 ^ -� -- 0 0 0 _ _ 0 `-- Aeromedical 0 /o �0 /o I 0 /o �0 0 /o r —1% 12 0 1 Dead On Scene I Fo/*/o � 3% �0%�2%�l% I 0 0 UnfoundedI'0% Fo/oW/o W/o Fo/o -- - — --21 37 17 22[29% 15 112 Refusals IF FFFFF T 36% 46% 38% 30% 1 37% •s. �Tin�e - JAN FEB I�1R APR 1 I:a1" J l \` 0600-1159 10 20 10 8 l o 20 /0 30 /0 21 /0 16% 18 /0 0 /o 1200-1759 �200 21 23 23 20 1 32% 29% 37% 46% 28% 50% 20 17 14 15 26 0 1800-2359 �32% [23z 22% I30%[37X 0% 0000-0559 9 12 11 4 ( 11 1 14% �16% 18% 8% 115% 50% TOT 48 NI.ipPage �.lA\�FEB�tii.�R�:aPR�1I,a1'�J�"v�JUL(.aL�G�SEP�UCT�NO��'�DEC�®i DENTON 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 10/0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 1 1 00/0 KRUM 1 w 0 Fo/o Fo/o Fo/o 11% 0% F —FF1 FFr 0% PILOT �- 0 3 0 F4/o 005 POINT 0% 4% 0% 0% 0% F 11% SANGER Al49 39 30 50 0 10 CITY 67% 68% 63% 60% I71% 0%FFFFFF,2 66% _ ��_ _ _ �� SANGER 18 20F36/o �18 20 2100 COUNTY 29% 27% 36% 28% 100% FFFFFFI� 31% Encounters Transports iAeromedical Dead On Sce Unfounded Refusals 162 72 61 49 70 2 316 46 53F537o/o 40208 �100% �� ��� 74% 73%65% �� 57% 65% _� � 'F — 0% 0%[�Fo/o� 0% 0% 0% 10% (3% ne 3% % 0%Fo?/00% F[—F� 1%I - _ 0% 0% 0%lo/o 14 19 24 17 30 22% 26% 39%o 34% 42% 0% 32% b, _, L008 Automatic Aid Received Mutual Aid Given Automatic Aid Given `ithers Year: 2007 Mutual Aid Calls Per Year, Summary 15� _�_ 26 ,_ 2 I 62 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 # of Calls Automatic Aid Received 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 12 3222 Vehicle Accident - No Injuries 1 443 Light ballast breakdown 1 561 Unauthorized burning 1 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 15 Mutual Aid Given 111 Building fire 2 130 Mobile property (vehicle) fire, other 1 131 Passenger vehicle fire 1 143 Grass fire � 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 1 3222 Vehicle Accident - No Injuries 1 3224 Vehicle Accident with Injuries 1 6/2/2008 442 Overheated motor 1 611 Dispatched &canceled en route 13 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 26 Automatic Aid Given 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 2 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 2 Others 111 Building fire 5 130 Mobile property (vehicle) fire, other 1 143 Grass fire 9 171 Cultivated grain or crop fire 1 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 27 3222 Vehicle Accident - No Injuries 4 3224 Vehicle Accident with Injuries 10 411 Gasoline or other flammable liquid spill 1 531 Smoke or odor removal 2 551 Assist police or other governmental agency 1 911 Citizen complaint 1 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 62 Total Mutual Aid Calls for Year: 105 b, _.1008 Mutual Aid Received Automatic Aid Received Mutual Aid Given Automatic Aid Given ethers Year: 2008 Mutual Aid Calls Per Year, Summary 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 # of Calls Mutual Aid Received 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 2 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 2 Automatic Aid Received 143 Grass fire 1 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 2 700 False alarm or false call, other 2 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 5 Mutual Aid Given 111 Building fire 5 121 Fire in mobile home used as fixed residence 1 130 Mobile property (vehicle) fire, other 1 140 Natural vegetation fire, other 1 142 Brush, or brush and grass mixture fire 2 1 6/2/2008 143 Grass fire 13 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 6 322 Vehicle accident with injuries 1 480 Attempted burning, illegal action, other 1 611 Dispatched &canceled en route 10 631 Authorized controlled burning 1 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 41 Automatic Aid Given 611 Dispatched &canceled en route 1 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 1 Others 111 Building fire 2 131 Passenger vehicle fire 1 140 Natural vegetation fire, other 1 142 Brush, or brush and grass mixture fire 1 143 Grass fire 9 151 Outside rubbish, trash or waste fire 2 311 Medical assist, assist EMS crew 1 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 14 3222 Vehicle Accident - No Injuries 3 3224 Vehicle Accident with Injuries 5 561 Unauthorized burning 1 600 Good intent call, other 1 611 Dispatched &canceled en route 1 631 Authorized controlled burning 1 Total # of Incidents by Aid Type 43 Total Mutual Aid Calls for Year: 92 2 i40 To: Mike Brice, City Manager From D. Pennington, Fire Chief CC: Assistant Chief E. Branham Date: June 2, 2008 Re: Crew Staffing Regarding our ambulance budget for 2008-2009, there is a large increase to the regular salaries (25-5110). This is due to adding anew medic position staffed 24 hours a day. The position will be counted as a contractual medic not requiring benefits for the position. I have attached a summary of the number of calls, dispatch times, locations in the county, and number of transports for M-2007 thru 5-31-2008 We have a capital project planned, for the replacement of the overhead bay doors at the station. We plan on using the R&M building funds from both the fire and ambulance budget for the project. We are requesting funds under 24-6031, for the replacement of our command unit. We have already discussed this issue and we are perusing other avenues to replace this vehicle, but I wanted to place it on the budget in case we are able to find other resources. 1 Project Nant e/Title4 Over Bead Doors Project ase: Date: �-2R-2tX1R Requesting Department: Fire Department Department Prio»ity: 1 Purpose: New X Modify Delete Other Account No.: 1. Program Description: Replace tracks on old overhead bay doors. Have new roll -up doors in place of e.�stnig ones. Place better remotes on the doors and install some safety censurers at the bottom of each door, to keep it from coning down in case something is in the way. 2, Program Objectives (desired results): To reduce the maintenance cost of the old doors. 3. Alternatives considered and justification for this project: Continue to pay someone to patch work the doors. Outside Contractor Estnnated project Engineering Contingency Annual Operating Expense E 1500 Eaclr 8 doors Total 112000 Proposed Method of Financing: General operating budget 6. Approved for Funding: Yes No Intertral Personnel Irnpact M & O Impact Capital Equipment Requirement Materials Other Cost Armual Operating Expertise Total City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 20M2009 Budget Equipment Name: Medic 672 New Ambulance Number Requested: 1 Date: 5-25- Requesting Department: Fire Depvtment Departments Priority: Desired Funding: Purchase X Lease/Purchase Lease Total Estimated Cost: $I35,St)0.()0 Account # 1. Why do you need this piece of equipment'? It will replace one of our older ambulance unnits, due to the costly repairs to keep this unit in service. 2. What is the main use of this equipment? To provide an MICU ambulance to our community and to the surrounding unincorporated area in our fire district. 3. Will other deparrinents benefit from this purchase? (Explain) Having a reliable transport ambulance is a benefit to everyone in the city's work force and to the community. 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: Age and the high mileage of the uniit. 5. Total Equipment Cost: $135,500.00 If more dean one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: Is rental or lease an option? (E�cplain) 6. Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) There may be some nneiv items that leave to be purchased, but we will ri'annsfer the largest portion from the older unit (radios, supply holders, supplies, etc.). 7 E? Proposed Method of Financing: General Funds Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on equipment and any other supporting documentation you feel is necessary. Incident Of Incident 181 Tyke ®f Incident: 100 Series -Fire 200 Series -Explosion 300 Series -Rescue at EMS 400 Series -Hazardous Conditions(No fire) 500 Series -Service Call 600 Series -Good Intent Call 700 Series -False Alarm &False Call 800 Series -Severe Weather & Natural Disaster 900 Series -Special Type Print Date: 6/2/2008 Page 1 of 1 ❑ 100s Fire ❑ 200s F�cplosion ❑ 300s Rescue &EMS ❑ 400s Hazardous Condilions(No fire) ❑ 500s Service Call ❑ 600s Good Intent Call 700s False Alarm & ❑ False Call ❑ 800s Severe Weather & Natural Disaster ❑ 900s Special Type Graphed Items are sorted by Incident Type Total Of Incidents: 99 1 676 27 184 80 24 3 3 Grand Total: 1097 Percentage Value: 9.02% 0.09% 61.62% 2.46% 16.77% 7.29% Type Of Incident Most Frequent: 300 Series -Rescue &EMS 2.19% 0.27% 0.27% 5 - k a ID90 err f . ,.y June 3, 2008 Chief David Pennington Sanger Fire Department Email: dpennington@sangertexas.org Quote #5550 Chief Pennington, Per your request we are quoting one (1) Frazer Type I 12' Generator Powered Module mounted on a variety of chassis. For your convenience all pricing has been itemized below. Frazer Type I 12' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Ford F-350 6.4L diesel chassis Module upgrade for diesel chassis Energy/ fuel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee Frazer Type I 12' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Ford F-450 6.4L diesel chassis w/ air suspension system Module upgrade for diesel chassis Energy/ fitel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee Frazer Type I 12' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Chevy C3500 6.OL gas chassis w/ air suspension system Energy/ fuel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee Frazer Type I 12' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Chevy C3500 6.6L diesel chassis w/ air suspension system Module upgrade for diesel chassis Energy/ fuel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee $ 64,000.00 $ 325500.00 $ I 9500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 24J50.00 $ 1,000.00 Total $ 125,450.00 $ 64,000.00 $ 40,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 21000*00 $ 245450900 $ I ,000.00 Total $ 133,450.00 $ 64,000.00 $ 32,000.00 $ 25000400 $ 24,700.00 $ 1,000.00 Total $ 123,700.00 $ 64,000.00 $ 38,_500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 24,700.00 $ 1 A0.00 Total $ 1315700400 Frazer Type 112 Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Dodge Ram 3500.5.7L gas chassis w/ air suspension system Energy/ fuel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee Frazer Type I 12' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Dodge Ram 3500 6.71, diesel chassis w/ air suspension system Module upgrade for diesel chassis Energy/ fuel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee Total Total Optional Items: Dual Kussmaul 20 amp auto ejects in lieu of standard $ 64,000 $ 32,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 225300.00 $ L000.00 $ 121,800.00 $ 64,Q00.00 $ 415000.00 1,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 22,300.00 $ 11000400 $ 131,800.00 $ $ Small needle/ miscellaneous pouch between squad bench cushions $ 150vOO Akro bins (48 small and 6 large) $ 350.1 Paramedic Design holders PD-IV & PD-V above CPR seat $ 400400 Double blank insert on console $ 125.00 Engel 14 qt. refrigerator w/ 120VAC adapter & hasp $ 650.00 Aluminum ramp in rear $ incl. All pricing is F.fJ.B. Houston. Per TMVCC we are quoting these through our licensed franchise dealers, Knapp Chevrolet, Freeway Ford, and Lawrence Marshall Dodge. Of course these modules have standard Frazer features including all alununum powder coated cabinets, seamless cushions, horizontally mounted oxygen cylinder, fluorescent lights, filtered dr conditioning, 100% vinyl flooring, protective cot plates, all LED emergency lighting, IMPACT self-contained suction, on -board battery charger, and stainless steel grab handles, just to name a few. Thank you for the opportLu�ity to quote this job. If you have any questions please call me at 8Sg- 372-9371. Best Regards, Laura Richardson Frazer, Ltd. LGR:KL. June 3, 2008 Chief David Pennnington Sanger Fire Department Email: dpenningtonCC@sangertexas.org Quote #5551 Chief Pennington, Per your request we are quoting one (1) Frazer Type I 14' Generator Powered Module mounted on a variety of chassis. For your convenience all pricing has been itemized below. Frazer Type 114' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Ford F450 6.41, diesel chassis Module upgrade for diesel chassis Energy/ fuel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee Frazer Type I 14' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Chevy C4500 8.1L gas chassis w/ air suspension system Energy/ fuel surcharge (optional Items (see below) HGAC fee Frazer Type 114' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Chevy C4500 6.6L diesel chassis w/ au• suspension system Module upgrade for diesel chassis Energy/ fuel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee Frazer Type I 14' Generator Powered Module 2008/2009 Dodge Ram 4500 6.7L diesel chassis w/ air suspension system Module upgrade for diesel chassis Energy/ fuel surcharge Optional Items (see below) HGAC fee $ 74,000.00 $ 40,500.00 $ 15500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 25,300.00 $ 1,000.00 Total $ 1449300400 $ 74,000.00 $ 37,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 25,550.00 $ 11000.00 Total $ 139,550.00 74,On1.t}0 $ 48,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 25,550.00 $ 1,000.00 Total $ 152,050.00 00 $ 74,0.00 $ 46,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,0OO O $ 23,150.00 $ 1,000600 Total $ 148,150.00 Optional Items: Dual Kussmaul 20 amp auto ejects in lieu of standard $ 850D00 Wig Wag headlight flasher (not available on Ford) $ 250A0 (4) Whelen 600 series red/clear split grille & intersect LED's in lieu of standard $ 500.00 (2) Whelen 600 series red/clear split wheel well LED's in lieu of standard $ 125.00 (1) Whelen 600 series LED in rear in lieu of Whelen 508 series load light $ 225.00 (2) Federal Signal PA300 sirens in lieu of standard with foot switch $ 750.00 Buell 10" air horn with momentary switch on console $ 11300400 Exterior treadbrite on corners, wheel wells, and rear $ 200.00 2 high "D" cylinder holder next to laydown 02 $ 1.50o00 SS wheel covers $ N/C Electric door locks on side door, rear entry doors, and front I/O with switch at console and rear storage compartment $ 1,250.00 Extra overhead grab rails $ 275.00 Extra oxygen outlet in ceiling over patient's head $ 350.00 Blade pouch below action wall $ 225.00 Double locking aluminum drug box $ 250.00 175-3 single position cot mount $ N/C Laerdal suction $ 75.00 12VDC Laerdal outlet $ 1.50,00 Squad bench cabinet with padding on the end $ 500.00 3 high glove box holder/ end rail combo at end of squad bench $ 450.00 Paramedic Design holder PD4 above squad bench $ 450.00 2 high aluminum glove box holder on rear wall $ 125.00 Extra sharps container and bracket on rear wall $ 75.00 EVAC Hi-Bac child safety seat $ 700.00 Furnish and install two (2) antennae and your radio with speaker $ 600.00 Paint module and chassis red $ 3,500.00 Striping and lettering $ 2,200.00 (3) Large aluminum map holders at rear of console $ 525.00 Lifepak bracket $ 675.00 3M diamond grade conspicuity tape in Chevron pattern on entire rear of module $ 1,500.00 On -Spot tire chains (not available on Dodge) $ 2,400.00 3M Opticom $ 1,700.00 Cabinet aft of CPR seat $ 15000000 Lip at bottom of front I/O and lip up on shelf of front I/O $ MOM Oxygen regulator $ 150.00 (2) small aluminum map holders on passenger's side of console $ 300.00 Small needle/ miscellaneous pouch between squad bench cushions $ 150.00 Akro bins (48 small and 6 large) $ 350.00 Paramedic Design holders PD4V & PDN above CPR seat $ 400.00 Double blank insert on console $ 125.00 Engel 14 qt. refrigerator w/ 120VAC adapter & hasp $ 650.00 Aluminum ramp in rear $ incl. All pricing is F.O.B. Houston. Per TMVCC we are quoting these through our licensed franchise dealers, Knapp Chevrolet, Freeway Ford, and Lawrence Marshall Dodge. Of course these modules have standard Frazer features including all aluminum powder coated cabinets, seamless cushions, horizontally mounted oxygen cylinder, fluorescent lights, filtered air conditioning, 100°Io vinyl flooring, protective cot plates, all LED emergency lighting, IMPACT self-contained suction, on -board battery cliarger, and stainless steel grab handles, just to name a few, Thank you for the opportunity to quote this job. If you have any questions please call me at i3g8- 372-9371. cpfOAOA- .aura Richardson LGR:KL. Department: COURT Account # Account Name Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007=2008. Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 63,836.00 $ 26,091.38 $ 63,836.00 $ 65,750.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 11315.00 5115 Police Court Activity $ 400.00 $ (41017.22) $ 400.00 $ 41500.00 5120 Overtime $ 21000.00 $ 193.41 $ 21000.00 $ 21000,00 5125 Longivety $ 620.00 $ (72.00) $ 620.00 $ 800.00 5130 FICA $ 51400.00 $ 2/018965 $ 5,400.00 $ 51885.20 5140 Retirement $ 51050.00 $ 1,618.74 $ 5,050.00 $ 5,885.20 5150 Health Ins. $ 12,000.00 $ 51715.15 $ 12,000.00 $ 81625.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 250.00 $ 84.81 $ 250.00 $ 225.00 5170 TEC $ 200.00 $ 31.11 $ 200.00 $ 270.00 5175 EAP $ - $ - $ - $ 70.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 100.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 891756.00 $ 31,664.03 $ 8%756.00 $ 950475.40 Supplies & Materials 5210 Office Supplies $ 51200.00 $ 1,622.37 $ 11100.00 $ 51200.00 5220 Postage $ 600.00 $ 200.00 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 11200.00 $ 770.00 $ 100.00 $ 11200.00 5240 Travel $ 1,800.00 $ 11741.94 $ - $ 1/000800 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 700.00 $ 367.62 $ 100.00 $ 700.00 5255 Wearing Appearal $ - $ - $ - $ 150.00 Subtotal $ 9,500.00 $ 4,701.93 $ 11600.00 $ 8,850.00 Maintenance & Operation 5310 R&M Building $ - $ (11228.31) $ - $ - 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 11200.00 5335 Permit Fees (R&M Equipment) $ 11200.00 $ 11200.00 $ - 5378 Juror Fees $ 700.00 $ 412.00 $ 100.00 $ 700.00 5379 Jail Fees $ 10000000 $ 140.00 $ 200.00 $ 11500.00 Subtotal $ 2,900.00 $ 523.69 $ 300.00 $ 31400.00 Contract Services 5410 TIVIL Insurance $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $ - $ 150.00 5415 Accounting services 5420 Contractual Services $ 221400.00 $ 8,701.73 $ 7/700900 5424 Court Services $ 23,000.00 5425 Legal Services $ 141000.00 $ 71243.51 $ 10,000.00 $ 18,000.00 5426 Credit card fees $ - $ (207.22) $ 200.00 $ 500.00 5450 Technical Support $ - $ - $ - $ 500.00 5451 Annual Software Support $ - $ - $ 625.00 $ 21100.00 Subtotal $ 36,550.00 $ 151888.02 $ 18,525.00 $ 44,250.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 1/200900 $ 459.84 $ 900.00 $ 1,300.00 5515 Electric service $ 11500.00 $ (161.98) $ 1,200.00 $ 61000.00 Subtotal $ 2,700.00 $ 297.86 $ 2,100.00 $ 7,300.00 5700 Court Cost 5703 Judicial Fee County - JSF $ - $ - $ 2,000.00 $ 4/800000 5707 State Traffic Fee -, STF $ - $ - $ 8,500.00 $ 24,500.00 5708 Consolidated Court Cost 04 -C $ - $ - $ 1,200.00 $ 56,000.00 5709 State Jury Fee - JRF $ - $ - $ 145.00 $ 5,400.00 5710 Consolidated Court Cost - CCC $ - $ - $ 25.00 $ 400.00 5714 Juvenile Crime & Delinquence $ - $ - $ 20.00 $ 30.00 5719 Judicial & Ct Personal Trng Fur $ - $ - $ 20.00 $ 40.00 5731 Fugitive Apprenhensive - FA $ - $ - $ 90.00 $ 150.00 5733 CVC $ - $ - $ 250.00 $ 400.00 5736 Corr. Mgmt. Instit. - CMI $ - $ - $ 10.00 $ 30.00 5740 Cash Bonds $ 100.00 $ 100.00 5745 Collection Agency Fee $ 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 5746 ITime Payment Fee - State $ - $ - $ 1,400.00 $ 2,600.00 Subtotal $ - $ - $ 190260.00 $ 99,950.00 Capital Expenses 6010 Computer Equip $ 1,500.00 $ 652.58 $ - 6025 Computer Hardware $ 1/000000 6026 Computer Software $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 1500.00 $ 652.58 $ - $ 10500.00 Total $ 142,906.00 $ 53,728.11 $ 112,281.00 $ 260,725.40 Department: CUSTODIAL GF Account# Account Name Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 10,920.00 $ 51333.80 $ 91490.00 $ 111250.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 225.00 5120 Overtime $ 733.32 $ 875.00 $ 500.00 5125 Longivety $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 50.00 5130 FICA $ 836.00 $ 434.28 $ 836.00 $ 958.00 5140 Retirement $ 864.00 $ 473.97 $ 864.00 $ 864.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 21700.00 $ 2,434.08 $ 21852.00 $ 3,125.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 175.00 $ 282.92 $ 375.00 $ 372.00 5170 TEC $ 50.00 $ 40.61 $ 42.00 $ 50.00 5175 EAP $ 1.34 $ 6.00 $ 16.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 50.00 5182 Background Checks Subtotal $ 150593.00 $ %734.32 $ 151388.00 $ 171460.00 Supplies & Materials 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 250.00 $ 125.00 5250 Tools & Equipment 5255 Wearing Appeara) $ 200.00 $ 129.20 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 5260 Safety Equipment Subtotal $ 450.00 $ 129.20 $ 325.00 $ 200.00 Maintenance & Operation 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 250.00 $ 103.07 $ 250.00 $ 350.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 300.00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment 5399 Fines Subtotal $ 500.00 $ 103.60 $ 500.00 $ 650.00 TOTAL $ 160543.00 $ 90966.59 $ 161213.00 $ 18,310.00 *There were some payrolls expensed from ADM. Department: (Building Inspections) Development Services Account # Salaries & Account Name Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted Total 2007-2008 Actual to Date Amount 20074008 Estimated Total 2008-2009 Requested Funds 5110 Regular Salaries $ 110,760.00 $ 65,787.10 $ 100,000.00 $ 14%000.00 5111 Merit Increase $ - $ - $ - $ 2,980.00 5120 Overtime $ 500.00 $ 463.21 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 5125 Longivety $ 292.00 $ 256.00 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 5130 FICA $ 8,534.00 $ 21868.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 121214.40 5140 Retirement $ 81824.00 $ 2/935000 $ 4/700900 $ 12,214.40 5150 Health Ins. $ 171000.0O $ 31500.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 141700.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 700.00 $ 205.00 $ 350.00 $ 364.00 5170 TEC $ 200.00 $ 99.00 $ 150.00 $ 450.00 5175 EAP $ 1.34 $ 6.00 $ 105.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 150.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 1461810.00 $ 76,114.65 $116,256.00 $ 193,277.80 Supplies & Materials 5210 Office Supplies $ 2/500400 $ 11628.80 $ 2,200.00 $ 21200.00 5220 Postage $ 400.00 $ 284.50 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 5230 Advertising $ - $ 654.60 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 5235 Dues, Registration & Training $ 500.00 $ 793.20 $ 11000.00 $ 21000.00 5240 Travel $ 900.00 $ 177.82 $ 350.00 $ 500.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 275.00 $ 283.06 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 5250 Minor Tools $ - $ 119.90 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 5255 Wearing Apparel $ 550.00 $ 250.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Subtotal $ 5,125.00 $ 4,191.88 $ 51375.00 $ 60525400 Maintenance & Operation 5310 R&M Building $ 400.00 1 $ 19.00 1 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 1,100.00 $ - $ 1,250.00 $ 1,600.00 Subtotal $ 1,500.00 $ 19.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,750.00 Contract Services 5420 Contractual Services 1,487.00 $ 1,650.00 it 1,650.00 5450 Technical Support $ - $ - $ - $ - 5430 Professional Services $ 12,000.00 $ - $ 131000.0O $ 3,000.00 Subtotal $ 121000.00 $ - $ 130000900 $ 40650.00 utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 700.00 $ 894.17 $ 11350.00 $ 1/000600 5515 Electric service $ 500.00 $ 655.00 $ 11000.00 $ 50000400 5516 Gas Service $ 500.00 $ 655.00 $ 850.00 $ 900.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 700.00 $ 36.60 $ 500.00 $ 550.00 Subtotal $ 21400.00 $ 21240.77 $ 30700*00 $ 71450.00 Capital Expenses 6010 Computer Equip $ - $ 116.50 $ 125.00 $ 500.00 6030 Motor Vehicles $ 18,000.00 $ - $ 18,000.00 $ Subtotal $ 18,000.00 $ 116.50 $ 181125.00 $ 500.00 Total $ 185,835.00 $ 82,682.80 $ 1571856.00 $ 214,152.80 Department: STREETS Account # Account Name As of April 29, 2008 2007/2008 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted 5110 Regular Salaries $ 45,500000 5111 Merit Increase 5120 Overtime $ 250.00 5125 Longivety $ 384.00 ONNNNEENONE 5130 FICA $ 3,443.00 5140 Retirement $ 31526.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 6,000.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 61366.00 awffimpnom 5170 TEC $ 100000 5175 EAP $ - 5180 Medical/Physicals 5182 Background Checks MMUMMMUN Subtotal $ 65,569.00 5201 5210 5215 5223 5235 5240 5245 5250 5255 5260 & Materials Other www Office Sup Now Food wma Chemicals Dues & Re ools & lies istration Supplies earal 2007-2008 Actualto Date $ 21300.00 $ $ 11350.00 $ $ 400.00 $ $ 700.00 $ $ 71000.00 $ $ 1/000000 $ Subtotal $ 17,750.00 $ Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other $ 31000.0O 5310 R&M Building $ 11000.00 $ 5315 Building Lease $ 5/334000 $ MMwwwwwwww 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 10,000600 $ 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 10,000800 $ 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 31700.00 $ 5330 Equipment Rental $ 31500.00 $ 5360 System Maintenance $ 54,000.00 $ 5380 signs $ 51000.00 $ 5390 Radios $ - $ Subtotal $ 95,534.00 $ 2007-2008 Estimated _ 45,500.00 $ $ 250.00 $ $ 384.00 $ $ 3,443.00 $ $ 31526.00 $ $ 61000.00 $ $ 100.00 $ 2008-2009 47 ,000.00 940.00 1,000.00 700.00 3,915.20 3,915.20 5,500000 3,500.00 135.00 25.00 50.00 $ 65,569.00 � $ 66,680.40 � 611.50 $ 175.00 $ 324.13 $ 206.07 $ (81.73) $ 382.35 $ 3,008.89 $ 149.31 $ 2,333.31 $ 6,010.96 $ 6,321.24 $ 0000000 1,634.81 $ 80.00 $ 3,977.22 $ 3,115.31 $ 2,385.54 $ 1,048.28 $ 300.00 $ 555.65 $ 353.26 $ (140.10) $ 655.45 � $ 255.96 $ 3,999.96 $ 0,355.93 $ ,802.53 $ 137.14 $ 3,960.94 $ 5 ,340.53 $MPME 2 $ 57 1,000.00 250.00 2.300.00 700.00 5,500.00 1,200400 2,200.00 1,000.00 15 ,000.00 10,000.00 3,700000 2,500000 45,000000 10,000000 2,000500 Contract Services 5401 Other Services 5450 Technical Support $ - $ - $ - $ 500M 5470 Contract Utility Work $ 5,000.00 5471 Contract Tree Trimming $ 51000M Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 10,500000 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 1/200000 $ 1150716 $ 2,583.87 $ 1/000000 5515 Electric service $ 100,000000 5516 Gas Service $ 43,000.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 900.00 5530 Internet $ 600.00 Subtotal $ 44,200.00 $ 1,507.26 $ 2,583.87 $ 102,500.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6012 Street Improvements $ 65,675900 6013 Sidewalk Improvements $ 50,000.00 $ 17,424.68 $ 291870M $ 50,000.00 6016 Drainage Improvements 6017 Sign Improvements $ 3,000.00 6026 Computer Software $ 350.00 6039 Heavy Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 20,000.00 6040 Furniture & Fixtures $ 1,500.00 Subtotal $ 50,000.00 $ 17,424.68 1$ 29,870.88 1 $ 140#525,00 Total $ 2730053.00 1$ 55,592.99 1$160,871.23 1 $ 426,455.40 City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 2008-2009 Budget Equipment Name: 30 Cole Planner w/water Number Requested: 1 Date: 05/29/2008 Requesting Department: STREETS Department Priority: 1 Total Estimated Cost: $143635.00 Desired Funding: Purchase Lease/Purchase X Lease Account # 30w6039 l . Why do you need this piece of equipment? The 24" Cole Planner I have now is not able to keep up. 2. What is the main use of this equipment? Street repairs, Water leaks, Patches, etc... . 3. Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) Yes, both Electric and Water will be able to use this equipment. This equipment will cut streets on repairs they have to or have done. 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: My alternative will be to go back to saw cutting the city streets. This equipment is bigger and will help me get the job done a lot quicker. 5. Total Equipment Cost: $ 14,635.00 If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: $ Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) 6. E? Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) N/A Proposed Method of Financing: Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on eauipment and any other supporting documentation you feel is necessary. City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 200&2009 Budget Equipment Name: Angle room, Requesting Department: STREETS Desired Funding: Purchase Number Requested_ 1 Date: OS/29/08 Department Priority: 1 Total Estimated Cost: $3,450.00 Lease/Purchase X Lease Account # 30-6039 1. Why do you need this piece of equipment? To be able to clean up loose trash and debris along the sidewalks, and curbs 2. What is the main use of this equipment? To clean up, and prepare maintenance areas. 3. Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) Yes, the whole city will. 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: Alternative is to rent or push broom. This item will keep from debris building up. 5. Total Equipment Cost: $ 3,450.00 If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: $ Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) 6. Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) N/A 7. Proposed Method of Financing: 8. Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on eauipment and anv other supportina documentation you feel is necessary Department: PARKS Account # Account Name Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 252,620900 $ 252,620.00 $ 255,000000 5111 Merit Increase $ 51100.00 5120 Overtime $ 51100M $ 50100.00 $ 5,000.00 5125 Longivety $ 21132.00 $ 2,132.00 $ 2/400000 5130 FICA $ 19,879,00 $ 191879.00 $ 211208.00 5140 Retirement $ 20,555000 $ 20,555900 $ 21,208.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 541000.00 $ 541000.0O $ 271650.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 51760.00 $ 51760.00 $ 7/000000 5170 TEC $ 11400.00 $ 11400.00 $ 950.00 5175 EAP $ - $ - $ 250.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 500.00 5182 Background Checks $ 100.00 Subtotal $ 361,446.00 $ 3610446.00 $ 346,366.00 Supplies 5201 & Materials Other 5210 Office Supplies $ 10000.00 5211 Landscape Materials $ 51000.00 $ - $ 51000.00 5215 Food $ - $ - $ 250.00 5221 Beautification Board $ 4,000.00 $ 21096.70 $ 3,594.34 $ 41000.00 5222 Boards & Comm. Supplies $ 800.00 $ - $ 200.00 5223 Chemicals $ 8,000.00 $ 8/000000 5230 Advertising $ - $ 240.00 $ 411.42 $ 300.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ - $ 599.00 $ 11026.85 $ 800.00 5240 Travel $ - $ 87.50 $ 150.00 $ 300.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ - $ 252.16 $ 432.27 $ 500.00 5248 Animal Care Expenses 5250 Tools & Equipment $ 21000.00 $ 776.37 $ 11330.92 $ 2/000900 5255 Wearing Appearal $ 41000.00 $ 10262.27 $ 21163.89 $ 2,000.00 5260 Safety Equipment $ 3,500.00 $ 724.00 $ 1,241A4 $ 11500.00 5270 Program Supplies (flags) $ 1,000.00 $ 1/600000 $ 11600.00 $ 2,000.00 Subtotal $ 281300.00 $ 71638.00 $ 11,950.83 $ 271850.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other $ 11000.00 $ 11100.00 $ 1/885971 5311 R&M Equipment $ 2,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 171.42 $ 21000.00 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 10,000000 $ 7,108.05 $ 12,185022 $ 281000.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 61000.00 $ 61301.94 $ 10,803.32 $ 10,000900 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 2,200.00 $ 1/783005 $ 31056.65 $ 31000.00 5329 Christmas Display $ %250.00 $ 128.99 $ 221.12 $ 31250.00 5343 Sports Field Maintenance $ 15,000000 $ 4/915975 $ 8,427.00 $ 101000.00 5347 Vandalism Replacement $ 500.00 $ - $ 500.00 5360 System Maintenance $ 1/000000 $ 52.20 $ 11000.00 5390 Radios $ - $ - $ - $ 750.00 Subtotal $ 40,950.00 $ 21,489.98 $ 36,750.44 $ 58,500.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services 5450 Technical Support $ 500.00 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 500400 utilities 5510 Phone Service $ - $ - $ 1/000000 5515 Electric service $ 8,000.00 5516 Gas Service $ - $ - $ - $ 750.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 1/800000 $ 267.03 $ 457.76 $ 500.00 5530 Internet $ - $ - $ - $ 600.00 Subtotal $ 10800000 $ 267.03 $ 45736 $ 10,850.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6011 Park Improvements $ - $ 9/000000 $ (91000000) $ 10,000.00 6030 Motor Vehicles $ 20,000.00 6037 Tractors & Riding Mowers $ 10,200900 6040 Furniture & Fixtures $ 1,500.00 6057 Lawn Maintenance Equipment $ 3,000.00 Subtotal $ - $ 9/000000 $ (9,000000) $ 44,700.00 Total $ 4320496.00 $ 38,395.01 $ 401,605.03 $ 488,766.00 City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 2008-2009 Budget Equipment Name: JOHN DEERE 757 MOWER Number Requested: I Date: 05/29/08 Requesting Department: PARKS Department Priority: Total Estimated Cost: 8,000.00 Desired Funding: Purchase X Lease/Purchase Lease Account # 32-6037 1. Why do you need this piece of equipment? To replace old mower. 2. What is the main use of this equipment? To mow parks and ballfield. 3. Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) Yes, to mow city yards. 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: Old mower is past hours for retirement, and breaks down a lot. 5. Total Equipment Cost: $ 8,000.00 If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: $ Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) 6. Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) No 7. Proposed Method of Financing: 8. Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on eguipment and any other supporting documentation you feel is necessary. City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 2008-2009 Budget Equipment Name: Half Ton Truck Number Requested: 1 Requesting Department: PARKS Department Priority: _ Desired Funding: Purchase X Lease/Purchase 1. Why do you need this piece of equipment? To replace old truck. 2. What is the main use of this equipment? To haul mower trailers. Date: 5/29/08 Total Estimated Cost: $201000.00 3. Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) No 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: Old truck is past retirement age and miles. Lease Account #32-6030 5. Total Equipment Cost: $ 20,000.00 If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: $ Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) 6. Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) Yes, tool box, headache rack and safety lights. 7. Proposed Method of Financing: 8. Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on equipment and any other supportins documentation you feel is necessary. Department: POOL Account # Account Name Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries 5111 Merit Increase 5112 Temp/Part Time Salaries $ 24,OOO.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 25,000.00 5130 FICA $ 11836MOO $ 11836.00 $ 2,000.00 5170 TEC $ 375000 $ 375.00 5175 EAP $ - $ - 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 600.00 5182 Background Checks $ 200900 Subtotal $ 26,211.00 $ 26,211*00 $ 27,800.00 Supplies & 5201 Materials Other 5210 Office Supplies $ 100.00 $ 100.00 5223 Chemicals $ 6,000.00 $ 907.50 $ 1155531 $ 6,000.00 5230 Advertising $ 150.00 $ 150.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 500.00 $ 200.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 5255 Wearing Appearal $ 650.00 $ 650mOO 5260 Safety Equipment $ 200.00 Subtotal $ 11,400.00 $ 907.50 $ 1055531 $ 11,300.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other 5310 R&M Building $ 500.00 $ 80000 $ 137.14 $ 1,000.00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 51000*00 $ 1,783.42 $ 3,057.29 $ 5,000LO Subtotal $ 5,500.00 $ 1,863.42 $ 3,194A3 $ 6,000.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services Subtotal $ - $ - $ $ " Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 11200mOO $ 236.94 $ 500.00 5515 Electric service $ 21OOOoOO $ 2103127 $ 3,485.60 $ 8/500000 Subtotal $ 312OOoOO $ 2,270.21 $ %485.60 $ 9/000200 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - Total $ 46,311.00 $ 5,041.13 $ 34,44634 $ 54,100.00 Department: Fleet Services - GF Account # 008 - 36 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 33,655.00 $ 19,673696 $ 331655.00 $ 35,000.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 700.00 5120 Overtime $ 11250.00 $ 366.17 $ 11250.00 $ 1/000000 5125 Longivety $ 160.00 $ 130.00 $ 160.00 $ 200.00 5130 FICA $ 21683.00 $ 1/441089 $ 21683.00 $ 2,936900 5140 Retirement $ 21774.00 $ 11543.55 $ 21774.00 $ 21936.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 6,000.00 $ 31518.69 $ 61000.00 $ 5,000.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 11650.00 $ 660.92 $ 1)650.00 $ 875.00 5170 TEC $ 150.00 $ 94.73 $ 150.00 $ 135.00 5175 EAP $ 35.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 100.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 481322.00 $ 481322.00 $ 48,967.00 Supplies & Materials P 210Office Supplies $ 700.00 $ 277.69 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 215 Food $ 50.00 $ - $ 50.00 $ 50.00 223 Chemicals $ - $ - $ - $ 11500.00 235 Dues & Registration $ 1/000000 $ - $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 5240 Travel $ 200.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 200.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 1/000400 $ - $ - $ 11000.00 5250 Tools & Equipment $ 51000.00 $ 21515.32 $ 51000.00 $ 51000.00 5252 Mechanic Supplies $ 1,500.00 5255 Wearing Appearal $ 500.00 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 5260 Safety Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 8,450.00 $ 2,995.01 $ 71152.00 $ 11,850.00 Maintenance & Operation 5305 Contingency Reserve 5310 R&M Building $ 11500.00 $ 11087.26 $ 11700.00 $ 11500.00 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 1,200.00 $ 626.99 $ 1/200900 $ 1/700900 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 21000.00 $ 11200.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 21500,00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 800.00 $ 799.22 $ 799.22 $ 800.00 5345 Lease Equipment $ 600.00 $ 135.00 $ 270.00 $ 600.00 Subtotal $ 61100.00 $ 3,848.47 $ %969.22 $ 71100.00 Contract Services 5450 Technical Support $ 250.00 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 250.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 700.00 $ 349.34 $ 700.00 $ 500.00 5515 Electric service $ 3,000.00 $ 11920.09 $ 31000.00 $ 5,000.00 5516 Gas Service $ 250.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 500.00 $ 111.21 $ 500.00 $ 250.00 Subtotal $ 4,200800 $ 2,380.64 $ 4,200.00 $ 6,000.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6020 Building Improvements $ 15,000.00 $ 4,297.50 $ 151,000.00 $ 1,000.00 6025 Computer Hardware $ 600.00 $ 886.00 $ 886.00 $ 500.00 6026 Computer Software $ - $ 21000.0O 6055 General Equipment $ - 51000.00 Subtotal $ 15,600.00 $ 5,183.50 $ 15,886.00 $ 81500.00 IIIIP Total $ 82,672.00 $ 14,407.62 $ 81,529.22 $ 82,667.00 1,17) A ar City of Sanger Capital Project Request for FY 200&2009 Budget Project Name/Title: Shop Expansion Requesting Department: Fleet Services Purpose: New Modify _X 1. Program Description: Project Phase: Department Priority Delete Other Account No.: 1 Date: OS/28/08 Remove internal wall to open up south bay as apart of repair shop. Add to rooms on south side for chy storage and restroom. Remove old restroom to allow use of full shop. Add a/c and heating unit to office. 2. Program Objectives (desired results): To allow more work space to a already over crowded building. 3. Alternatives considered and justification for this project: 4. Project Bud et: Outside Contractor Estimated project Cost $253000.00 Engineering I ? Contingency C Annual Operating Expense Same as current Total $25,000.00 5. Proposed Method of Financing: Budgeted item. 6. Approved for Funding: Yes No Internal Personnel Impact M & O Impact Capital Equipment Requirement Materials Other Cost Annual Operating Expense Tot al $0.00 $0.00 S ame as current 91 City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 2008-2009 Budget Equipment Name: Hoffman Tire Machine Number Requested: 1 Date: OS/28/08 Requesting Department: Fleet Services Department Priority: I.Total Estimated Cost: $_10,148.00 Desired Funding: Purchase X. Lease/Purchase Lease Account # 1. Why do you need this piece of equipment? Existing tire machine will not do 50% of tires in our fleet. 2. What is the main use of this equipment? Tire removal and installation on vehicle rim. 3. Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) Yes, will cut down on down time considerably. Currently taking some tires to a tire shop in Denton. 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: Will not have to pay an outside source to do the job any longer. 5. Total Equipment Cost: $_10,148.00 _ If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: $ Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) 6. Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) Possibly having a electrical circuit installed. 7. Proposed Method of Financing: 8. Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on eauipment and any other supporting documentation you feel is necessary. City of Sanger Capital Project Request for FY 2008=2009 Budget Project Name/Title: Car Wash Area Requesting Department: Fleet Services Purpose: New _X_ Modify 1. Program Description: Project Phase: Department Priority: Delete Other Account No.: Full service wash bay with industrial vacuum. 2. Program Objectives (desired results): Able to hold employees more accountable for appearance of vehicles and equipment. 3. Alternatives considered and justification for this project; 4. Project Budget: Outside Contractor Estimated project Cost Engineering Contingency Annual Operating Expense Total � $50 5. Proposed Method of Financing: Budgeted item. 6. Approved for Funding: Yes No Date: OS/28/08 Internal Ex enses Personnel Impact $0.00 M & O Impact Capital Equipment Requirement Materials Other Cost Annual Operating Expense Total Department: Sullivan Center Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Supplies & Materials Food $ 150.00 $ 70.61 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 ft5245 Janitorial Supplies Subtotal $ $ 400.00 550.00 $ $ 193.36 263.97 $ $ 400.00 550.00 $ $ 400.00 550.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other $ 200.00 $ 158.68 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 5310 R&M Building $ 1/000000 $ 1/000000 $ 1,000.00 Subtotal $ 1/200000 $ 158.68 $ 11200.00 $ 11200.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services $ 5/200900 $ 51000.00 $ 51000.00 5430 Professional Services $ 51000.00 Subtotal $ 5,200.00 $ %000.00 $ 51000.00 $ 5,000.00 utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 600.00 $ 264.43 $ 550.00 $ 550.00 5515 Electric service $ 800.00 $ 712.62 $ 11070.00 $ 21500.00 5516 Gas Service NA Subtotal $ 1,400.00 $ 977.05 $ 10620.00 $ 3,050.00 Capital Expenses 6020 Building Improvements 6040 Furniture & Fixtures Department Total $ 81350.00 $ 61399.70 $ 8,370.00 $ 9/800000 Department: LIBRARY Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 900400.00 $ 39,622.79 $ 861387.00 $ 97,500.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 1,950.00 5112 Temp/Part Time Salaries $ 11710.00 $ 41254.75 $ 11710.00 $ 1,710.00 5125 Longevity $ 11974.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1/500900 $ 11600.00 5130 FICA $ 71046.00 $ 3/396688 $ 6,900.00 $ 8/092080 5140 Retirement $ 5,331.00 $ 21931.01 $ 51800.00 $ 8,092.80 5150 Health Ins. $ 121000.00 $ 51633.87 $ 121000.00 $ 81550.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 267.00 $ 140.83 $ 280.00 $ 280.00 5170 TEC $ 800.00 $ 28.52 $ 800.00 $ 450.00 5175 EAP $ 70.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 100.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 119,528.00 $ 570508.65 $115,377.00 $ 1280445.60 Supplies & Materials 5201 Other 5210 Office Supplies $ 1,900.00 $ 1,254.23 $ 21000.00 $ 21000.00 5215 Food $ 35.00 $ 16.56 $ 17.00 $ 35.00 5220 Postage $ 900.00 $ 400.00 $ 900.00 $ 925.00 5225 Magazines & Subscriptions $ 11140w00 $ 727.25 $ 11100.00 $ 11140.00 5227 Books and other Library Materials $ 7,750.00 $ 14,000.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 285.00 $ 290.00 $ 290.00 $ 290.00 5240 Travel $ 700.00 $ 108.01 $ 200.00 $ 700.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 550.00 $ 411.83 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 5270 Program Supplies $ 2,400.00 $ 1,066.91 $ 2,100.00 $ 3,600.00 Subtotal $ 7,910.00 $ 4,274.79 $ 15,057.00 $ 23,390.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other 5310 R&M Building $ 21600.00 $ 1/271080 $ 1,700.00 $ 21500.00 5312 (old R&M Eq) $ 11800.00 $ 198.39 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 51.00 $ 500.00 5332 Office Machine Lease $ 430.00 $ 480.00 5346 Book Lease $ 1,740.48 $ 1,776.00 Subtotal $ 40400.00 $ 1,470.19 $ 3,921.48 $ 51256.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services 5420 Contractual Services $ 41990.00 $ 41271.58 Do Not Use 5450 Technical Support $ 495.00 $ 3,000.00 5451 Annual Software Support $ 11425.00 $ 11425.00 Subtotal 41990aOO $ 41271.58 $ 11920.00 $ 4,425.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 1A00.00 $ 550.97 $ 11100v00 $ 11100.00 5515 Electric service $ 7,500.00 $ 21651,42 $ 71300.00 $ 121000.00 5530 Internet $ 1,280.00 $ 21240.00 Subtotal $ 8,600.00 $ 3,202.39 $ 9,680.00 $ 15,340.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Loan Star $ 4,777.00 $ 5/250600 Capital Expenses 6020 Building Improvements 6050 Books $ 2,300.00 $ 14,000.00 $ - $ 3,939.09 $ - $ 1/800000 Subtotal $ 16,300.00 $ 3,939.09 $ - $ 1,800.00 Total $ 161,728.00 $ 74,666.69 $145,955.48 $ 183,906.60 City of Sanger Capital Project Request for FY 2008-2009 Budget Project Name/Ttle:_ Integrated Library System Start -Up_ Project Phase: Requesting Department: Purpose: New _X 1. Program Description: Library Department Priority: Date: 6/2/2008 Modify Delete Other Account No.: 42-6026 As part of a consortium, the Library will share an automation system with 13 other north Texas libraries, Items at any library will be available to patrons of the other libraries. A courier will move items among the libraries as requested. The library catalog will be available online. 2. Program Objectives (desired results): The public will be able to search our catalog and the catalogs of participating libraries from their homes, if they have Internet access. Also from home, they will be able to renew items and request items from other libraries. Items requested will be delivered to the home library within three days. 3. Alternatives considered and justification for this project: Hosting our own webserver has proven to be more costly and need more expertise than anticipated. Joining a consortium with other libraries will provide Out 20 times the number of items that are currently available from just our own collection. 4. Outside Contractor Estimated project Cost Engineering Contingency Annual Operating Expense 5000.00 3000.00 Total 18000.00 5. Proposed Method of Financi ng: Internal Ex enses Personnel Impact 2600.00 M & O Impact Capital Equipment Requirement Materials Other Cost Annual Operating Expense Start-up costs: $4500 from Loan Star grant, $500 from General Fund. Annual operating expense from General Fund, 6. Approved for Funding: Yes No Total � 2600.00 City of Sanger Capital Project Request for FY 2008-2009 Budget Project Name/Title: Meeting Room Carpet Replacement Project Phase: Requesting Department: Library Purpose: New ^X Modify 1. Program Description: Department Priority: Date: 6/2/08 Delete Other Account No.: 42-6040 Replace carpet in meeting room: approximately 702 sq. ft. May be necessary to also replace baseboards. 2. Program Objectives (desired results): More attractive space for public meetings. 3. Alternatives considered and justification for this project: There would be some benefit from another cleaning, but some stains are set in. Since there is no visible wear in the carpet, replacement could wait. 4. Outside Contractor Estimated project Cost Engineering Contingency 1800.00 Annual Operating Expense Total 1800.00 5. Proposed Method of Financing: General Fund 6. Approved for Funding; Yes No Internal Personnel Impact M & O Impact Capital Equipment Requirement Materials Other Cost Annual Operating Expense Total Department:Community Center Account # Account Name As of April 29, 2008 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested Supplies & Materials 5201 Other 5211 Landscape Materials $ 800000 $ 105035 $ 180060 $ 500400 5213 Building Supplies $ 1/000900 $ 37.73 $ 64068 $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 10800000 $ 143.08 $ 245.28 $ 10000000 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other $ 1/000000 $ 198905 $ 339.51 5310 R&M Building $ 1,600.00 $ 156.25 $ 267.85 $ 800.00 5347 Vandalism Replacement $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 3,100.00 $ 354.30 $ 607.36 $ 1,300.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services Subtotal - Utilities 5515 Electric service $ 1/500000 $ 836.07 $ 1,433.26 $ 2,000.00 5516 Gas Service $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 1500.00 $ 836.07 $ 10433.26 $ 2,000.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6040 Furniture & Fixtures $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 500.00 $ - $ - $ 500.00 Total $ 6,900.00 $ 1,333.45 1 $ 2,285.90 $ 41800.00 Department: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT General Fund Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 70,000.00 $ 20,153.00 $ 70,000.00 $ - 5111 Merit Increase 5125 Longivety $ 100.00 $ 92.00 $ 100.00 5128 Vehicle Allowance 5130 FICA $ 51363.00 $ 1/399000 $ 51363.00 5135 Medicare 5140 Retirement $ 51538.00 $ 51538.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 61000.00 $ 1/856600 $ 61000.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 125.00 $ 283.00 $ 125.00 5165 Disability Insurance 5170 TEC $ 100.00 $ - $ 100.00 5175 EAP 5180 Medical/Physicals 5182 Background Checks Subtotal $ 87,226.00 $ 23,783.00 $ 87,226.00 $ Supplies & Materials P5215 201 Other 210 Office Supplies $ 1/000000 $ 36.00 $ 100.00 $ 500.00 Food $ 1/000000 $ 375.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 220 Postage $ 1/800600 $ 600.00 $ 1/000500 $ 2,000.00 5225 Maps & Subscriptions $ 250.00 $ - $ 250.00 $ 250.00 5230 Advertising $ 4,000.00 $ 5,058.00 $ 5,100.00 $ 10,000.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 4,500.00 $ 1/177000 $ 21000.00 $ 2,500.00 5240 Travel $ 12,000.00 $ 11704.00 $ 3/000900 $ 21500.00 5270 Program Supplies Subtotal $ 24,550.00 $ %950.00 $ 12,450.00 $ 18,250.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other Contract Services 5401 Other Services 5415 Accounting services 5420 Contractual Services $ 70,000.00 $ 26,825.00 $ 701000.00 5430 Professional Services $ 151000.00 5440 Engineering/Archtectural 5442 Master Planning Services $ 15,000.00 5450 Technical Support 5451 Annual Software Support Subtotal $ 70,000.00 $ 26,825.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 30,000000 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 11500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 5515 Electric service 5516 Gas Service 5520 Cell Phone 5525 5530 Pagers Internet Subtotal $ 1,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6025 Computer Hardware 6026 Computer Software Subtotal $ $ $ $ Total $ 183,276.00 $ 60,058.00 $170,176.00 $ 48,750.00 Debt Service GF Account # Account Name 70-DEBT SERVICE 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 70-7001 94 CO DEBT SERVICE $ 190,000.00 $ 190,000800 $ 200,000000 70-7002 94 CO INTEREST PAYMENT $ 23,400.00 $ 11,700.00 $ 23,400.00 $ 12,000.00 70-7003 94 CO BOND FEES $ 730.00 $ 636.00 $ 636.00 $ 736.00 70-7006 LEASE PAYMENTS (POLICE) $ 20,867.00 $ 13,572.64 $ 20,867.00 $ 19,852.00 70-7008 ILEASE PAYMENTS (STREETS) $ 24,726000 $ 17,744.68 $ 24,726.00 $ 11,909.00 70w7009 LEASE PAYMENTS (FIRE EQUIPMENT) $ 51,515.00 $ 42,878.93 $ 51,515.00 $ 79,477.00 70-7017 2002 CO DEBT SERVICE INTEREST $ 95,780.00 $ 47,890.00 $ 95,780.00 $ 90,650400 70-7018 2002 BOND FEES $ 730.00 $ 730.00 $ 730.00 70-7019 2002 PRINCIPAL $ 90,000000 $ 90,000600 $ 95,000.00 70-7020 2006 COMB CO & REV BOND PRIN. $ 154,100.00 $ 154,100.00 $ 161,000600 70-7021 2006 COMB CO & REV BOND PRIN. $ 116,356000 $ 58,178575 $ 116,356.00 $ 110,192.00 70-7022 2006 COMB CO & REV BOND PRIN. $ 700.00 $ 375.00 $ 700.00 $ 375.00 70-7023 2007 BOND PAYMENT PRIN. $ 27,663000 $ 27,663.00 $ 20,000.00 70-7024 2007 CO BOND PAYMENT $ 16,667900 $ 16,667.00 $ 24,933.00 70-7025 2007 BOND FEES $ 350.00 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 TOTAL BOND DEBT $ 813,S84.00 $ 192,976.00 $ 8130490.00 $ 8271204.00 8-15-08 1:36 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-O8-09 BUDGET FUND : 008 ENTERPRISE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 AC("^TINT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET 008-OO-4110 WATER BILLING 1,300,000.00 008-OO-4120 SEWER BILLING 900,000.00 008-OO-4130 SANITATION BILLING 577,500.00 008-OO-4140 ELECTRIC INCOME 7,300,000.00 008-OO-4145 SECURITY LIGHTS 40,000.00 008-OO-4150 DEMAND CHARGE 1,000,000.00 008-OO-4155 SALES TAX INCOME 0.00 008-OO-4160 PENALTIES BILLED 150,000.0O 008-OO-4200 WATER TAPS 100,000.00 008-OO-4220 SEWER TAPS 100,000.00 008-OO-4300 CONNECT FEES 40,000.0O 008-OO-4400 SALES TAX 0.00 008-OO-4500 METER BASES 0.00 008-OO-4510 SAWSET POLE FEE 3,000.00 008-OO-4520 DELQ. ACCT. ARRS, 0.00 008-OO-4530 POLE CONTACT FEES 0.00 008-OO-4540 MINOR TOOLS 0.00 008-OO-4550 OVER & UNDER E.F. 0.00 008-OO-4800 INTEREST INCOME E.F. 50,000000 008-OO-4801 INTEREST INCOME DEBT SERV, 15,000.00 008-OO-4802 INTEREST 91 SERIES 0.00 )08-OO-4860 BOND PROCEEDS 0.00 )Of ) 4891 SANITATION TRANSFER TO GF 5771500.00CR )08 ,O-4900 06 CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 0.00 )08-OO-4901 07 CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 0.00 )08-OO-4910 MISC. INCOME ENTR.FD 15,000.00 )08-OO-4920 INSUFF. CHECKS RECOVERED 0.00 )08-OO-4930 RETURN CHECK FEES 5,000.00 )08-OO-4935 WALMART PROCEEDS FOR TXCAP.FD 0.00 )08-OO-4940 DUE TO E.F. FROM 96 ESCROW CON 0.00 )08-OO-4945 TX.CAPITAL FD, PROCEEDS 0.00 )08-OO-4950 PRIOR YEAR INCOME 0.00 )08-OO-4980 GNB LOAN PROCEEDS 0.00 )08-OO-4990 BUDGET TRANSFERS (OUT) 2971500.00CR PAGE TOTAL: 10,720,500.00 TOTAL: 10,720,500.00 TOTAL REVENUES: 10,720,500.00 NET REVENUES/EXPENDITURES: 10,720,500.00 Department: CITY COUNCIL EF Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007=2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested 5160 lWorkers Comp. $ 25.00 $ 25.92 $ 52.00 $ 52.00 Subtotal $ 25.00 $ 25492 $ 52.00 $ 52.00 Supplies & Materials 5201 Other 5210 Office Supplies $ 11200,00 $ 814.80 $ 11200.00 $ 1,350.00 5215 Food $ 400.00 $ 39.76 $ 400.00 $ 250.00 5220 Postage $ 400.00 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 5225 Maps & Subscriptions- $ 250.00 Advertising Dues &Registration $ 21200.00 $ 11858w50 $ 21691.00 $ 21800.00 P5240 Travel 2,000.00 $ 447.94 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,100.00 Janitorial Supplies $ 130.87 $ 131.00 Subtotal $ 6,450.00 $ 31491.87 $ 6,822.00 $ 60900.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services** 5415 Accounting Services $ 71500.00 5420 Contractual Services $ 21500.00 $ 121577.06 $ 13,000.00 5430 Professional Services *** $ 7,500.00 Subtotal $ 21500.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 150000000 6040 Furniture & Fixtures Subtotal $ %975.00 $ 31517.79 $ 19,874.00 $ 210952.00 TML UPDATE- $1,400/50% ***Election DRE- Election Workers *** Franklin legal svcs. Department: Administration Enterprise Fund Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 94,000.00 $ 56,149.00 $ 941000.00 $ 97,000.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 1,940.00 5120 Overtime $ 699.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 5125 Longivety $ 11156.00 $ 788.00 $ 788.00 $ 1/050000 5128 Auto Allowance $ 31000.00 5130 FICA $ 7/191000 $ 41252.00 $ 71000.00 $ 71939.20 5140 Retirement $ 81072.00 $ 4/295800 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,939.20 5150 Health Ins. $ 9/000000 $ 4/847000 $ 9/000000 $ 91325.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 135.00 $ 56.85 $ 135.00 $ 80.00 5170 TEC $ 188.00 $ 22.50 $ 188.00 $ 200.00 5175 EAP $ 50.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 100.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 119,742.00 $ 71,109*35 $118,411.00 $ 128,973*40 Supplies & Materials P5215 201 Other 210 Office Supplies $ 1,390.00 $ 1/327000 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Food $ 260.00 $ 96.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 220 Postage $ 660.00 $ 350.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 5225 Maps & Subscriptions $ 100.00 $ 138.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 5230 Advertising $ 3/500600 $ 11202.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 31000.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 2,500.00 $ 11182.00 $ 21500.00 $ 2/750900 5240 Travel $ 21500.00 $ 440.00 $ 21000.00 $ 21500.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 700.00 $ 150.00 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 5275 Filing Fees $ 500.00 $ 101.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 12,110*00 $ 40986.00 $ 11,600.00 $ 12,450.00 Maintenance & Operation 15320 1 Other 5 Contengency Reserve $ 10,000.00 0 R&M Building $ 11200.00 $ 99.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,200.00 Vehicle Fuel $ 300.00 $ 300.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 250.00 $ 97.00 $ 250.00 $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 11750.00 $ 196.00 $ 1,550*00 $ 11,700.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services 5410 TML Insurance $ 49,000.00 $ 91151.00 $ 49,000900 $ 52,500.00 5415 Accounting services 5420 Contractual Services $ 10,000000 $ 10,371.00 $ 12,000.00 5425 Legal Services $ 14,000.00 $ 4,725.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 141000.00 5430 Professional Services (FRMR AU $ 21400.00 $ 11200.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 41000.00 5435 Medical Services $ 11200.00 $ 486.00 $ 1,000900 5440 Engineering/Archtectural 5442 Master Planning Services 5450 Technical Support $ 500.00 5451 Annual Software Support Subtotal $ 76,600.00 $ 25,933.00 $ 74,400.00 $ 71,000.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 4,300.00 $ 281.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 2,500.00 5515 Electric service $ 2,100.00 $ 189.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 5516 Gas Service $ 500.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 6,400.00 $ 470.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6010 Computer Equip $ 4,471.00 $ 386.40 $ 4,000.00 6025 6026 6028 Computer Hardware Computer Software Electronics $ $ 500.00 4,500.00 6030 Motor Vehicles $ 1,310.00 $ 1,314.00 $ 1,350.00 Subtotal $ 5,781.00 $ 10700.40 $ 5,350.00 $ 5,000.00 Total $ 222,383.00 $ 104,394.75 $ 216,811.00 $ 234,623.40 Department. Public Works Administration - EF Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008=2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested Each Fund Each Fund Each Fund Each Fund Regular Salaries $ 64,479.00 $ 37,496000 $ 66,000.00 $ 55,900.00 Merit Increase $ - $ - $ 1111&00 L5120 Overtime $ 1,500.00 $ 626.00 $ 11250.00 $ 300.00 Longivety $ 260.00 $ 256.00 $ 256.00 $ 75.00 5130 FICA $ 51047.00 $ 21868.00 $ 51047.00 $ 41585.44 5140 Retirement $ 51219.00 $ 2/935000 $ 5,219.00 wo $ 41585.44 5150 Health Ins. $ 61000.00 $ 3/500000 $ 61000.00 $ 51600.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 135.00 $ 205.00 $ 791.00 $ 250.00 5170 TEC $ 315.00 $ 99.00 $ 315.00 $ 135.00 $ 35.00 5175 EAP $ 100.00 5180 Medical/Physicals 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 82,955.00 $ 47,985.00 $ 840878.00 $ 72,733.88 Supplies & Materials 5210 Office Supplies $ 11200.00 $ 10379.57 $ 1,200.00 $ 11500.00 5220 Postage $ 100.00 $ 175.95 $ 220.00 $ 300.00 5230 Advertising $ 250.00 $ - $ 250.00 $ 250.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 61750.00 $ 2/172900 $ 3,500.00 $ 1,250.00 5240 Travel $ 200.00 $ 585.91 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 125.00 $ 289.57 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 5275 Filing Fees $ 250.00 $ 75.98 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 Subtotal $ 8,875.00 $ 41678.98 1 $ 51970.00 $ 40100.00 Maintenance & Operation $ 250.00 $ 161.50 $ 250.00 $ 350.00 5310 R&M Building Subtotal $ 250.00 $ 161.50 $ 250.00 $ 350.00 Contract 5420 Services Contractual Services $ 21500.00 $ 11487,00 $ 21500.00 5440 Engineering/Archtectural $ - $ $ - $ 3,500.00 5442 Master Planning Services $ - $ - $ $ 5450 Technical Support $ - $ - $ - $ 750.00 5451 Annual Software Support $ - $ - $ - $ 2,750.00 Subtotal $ 21500,00 $ 1/487600 $ 21500.00 $ 71000.00 utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 800.00 $ 610.00 $ 970.00 $ 11000.00 5515 Electric service $ 400.00 $ 277.00 $ 910.00 $ 21500.00 5516 Gas Service $ - $ 277.00 $ - $ 500.00 5520 Cell Phone $ - $ - $ - $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 1,200.00 $ 1/164800 $ 10880000 $ 4,500.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6025 Computer Hardware $ 2/000900 $ 1,175.00 $ 1,175.00 $ 1,400.00 6026 Computer Software $ - $ - $ - $ 1,200.00 6030 Motor Vehicles $ - $ - $ - $ ' 6040 Furniture & Fixtures $ - $ - $ - $ ' Subtotal $ 2,000.00 $ 10175.00 $ 1,175.00 $ 2,600.00 Total $ 95,280.00 $ 55,164.48 $ 940153.00 $ 91,283.88 City of Sanger Capital Project Request for FY 200&2009 Budget Project Name/Title: Water/ Wastewater Study and Master an Project Phase: Date: May 295 2008 Requesting Department: En ing eering Department Priority: High Purpose: New X Modify Delete Other Account No.: 1. Program Description: Water and Wastewater System Study — Develop a model for the existing water and wastewater system. 2. Program Objectives (desired results): Identify problem areas; develop a future ClP program on a 5, 10 and 20 year out. Develop a component for the Impact Fee Study. 3. Alternatives considered and justification for this project: As mentioned above it will identify problem areas and allow for the development of C1P program and Impact Fee Study. 4_ Prniect Rud�et: Outside Contractor Estimated project Cost Engineering Contingency (5%) Annual Operating Expense Total $809000 4,000 $849000 5. Proposed Method of Financing: Use water and wastewater fees. 6. Approved for Funding: Yes m Internal Ex enses Personnel Impact M & O Impact Capital Equipment Requirement Materials Other Cost Annual Operating Expense Total Department: DATA PROCESSING Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 174,741900 $ 96,206040 $ 153,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 3,500.00 5111 5120 Merit Increase Overtime $ 91000.00 $ 2/815081 $ 31969.00 $ 41100.00 5125 Longivety $ 2,712.00 $ 704.00 $ 704.00 $ 800.00 5130 FICA $ 131368.00 $ 71460.72 $ 11,908900 $ 141608.00 5140 Retirement $ 131822.00 $ 71433.62 $ 111926.00 $ 141608.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 301000.00 $ 171702.79 $ AIIIIIIIII�5160 221686.00 $ 24,050,00 Workers Comp. $ 700.00 $ 461.99 $ 771.00 $ 650.00 5170 TEC $ 900.00 $ 474.38 $ 700.00 $ 675.00 5175 EAP $ 13.35 IIIIIIIIIIIIN IIIIIIIN$ 210.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 200.00 5182 Background Checks $ 100.00 Subtotal $ 2451,24100 $ 1331273.06 $ 2051664.00 $ 2381501.00 Supplies & Materials 5201 5205 Other Data Processing Supplies * $ 5,500.00 $ 1/142057 $ 41500.00 $ 41500,00 5210 Office Supplies $ 4,700.00 $ 2,590.16 $ 41700.00 $ 41700.00 5220 Postage $ 91000000 $ 4,769.79 $ 81400.00 $ 9,000.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 61000.00 $ 21379.00 $ 31200.00 $ 20000000 5240 Travel $ 11500.00 $ 586.12 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies 5250 Tools & Equipment 5255 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF Wearing Appearal 5270 Program Supplies Subtotal $ 26,700.00 $ 11,467.64 $ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN 21,800.00 $ 21,200.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other 5310 R&M Building $ 1,317.00 $ 1,317.00 5315 Building Lease (R & M MACHI $ 181830.00 $ 5/519094 $ 181830.00 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 250.00 5325 R&M Vehicle 5326 R&M Minor Equipment IIIIIIIIIIIIIN $ 6,280.00 5332 Office Machine Lease ** 5389 WW Building Activity Fee $ 11440.00 Subtotal $ 181830.00 $ 6,836.94 $ 21,587.00 $ 61530.00 Contract Services MOROI Other Services Contractual Services $ 3,200.00 $ 3,323.78 $ 4,000.00 P5426 Credit card fees IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN $ 1,121.15 $ 10922.00 $ 21300.00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN Professional ServIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS ices $ 3,500.00 5450 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIM Technical Support $ 1,000.00 5451 Annual Software Support *** $ 12,000.00 Subtotal $ 3,200.00 $ 41444.93 $ 5,122.00 $ 18,800.00 utilities 5515 Electric $ 5/000000 5530 Internet **** $ 100.00 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 5,100.00 Capital Expenses P6010 Computer Equip 6025 Computer Hardware 6026 Computer Software Subtotal $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2/393065 $ 2,393.65 $ 2,394.00 $ 20394.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000M Total $ 295,973.00 $ 158,416.04 $ 263,085200 $ 294,131.00 *order for bills has not come through **postage machine, new copier, ***incode &mobile collector software web fees, bar code & scanners line item was R &M Machines in 07/08 budget 19-5315 **** I anticipate the annual fee will be split between departments Note: salaries were left the same which includes one additional employee as was budgeted last year. City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 200&2009 Budget Equipment Name: Laser Printer /Billing Number Requested: _1 Date: _OS/30/08 Requesting Department: DP Department Priority: Total Estimated Cost: $ 2,000 Desired Funding: Purchase 2. 3 4 5 Lease/Purchase Lease Account # Why do you need this piece of equipment? Billing, statements, reports etc. What is the main use of this equipment? It is used for printing all the bills, delinquent notices, reports. It is also the central printer for the officer since it is a laser printer. Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) Administration Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: The current laser printer is 5 years old. The toner is expensive, currently runs about $317.00 each. Total Equipment Cost: $_ 2,000 If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: $ Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) NO The amount is not adequate to consider a lease. Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) No Proposed Method of Financing: NA Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on equipment and any other supporting documentation you feel is necessary_ City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 200&2009 Budget Equipment Name: COMPUTERS Number Requested: _2 Date: _OS/30/08 Requesting Department: DP Department Priority: Total Estimated Cost: $ 2,000_ Desired Funding: Purchase Lease/Purchase Lease Account # 1. Why do you need this piece of equipment? Currently, I have two computers in Data Processing that need to be upgraded. They are 4 years old. The life of these computers has almost extended and to avoid future problems it is time to upgrade. Z. What is the main use of this equipment? Secretarial, data entry, work orders processing, cash collections 3. Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) Administration 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: I don't want to have down time in the office in case we have problems. If they are slow and start to freeze it is a sign. 5. Total Equipment Cost: $ 2,000 If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per each: $ 1,000 Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) The amount is not adequate to consider a lease. Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) We Proposed Method of Financing: Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on eauipment and anv other supporting documentation you feel is necessary Department: CUSTODIAL EF Account# Salaries & Account Name Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008m2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 1%920.00 $ 4,913.74 $ 91068.00 $ 111250.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 225.00 5120 Overtime $ - $ 742.15 $ 825.00 $ 500.00 5125 Longivety $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 50.00 5130 FICA $ 836.00 $ 410.75 $ 836.00 $ 958.00 5140 Retirement $ 864.00 $ 417.09 $ 864.00 $ 958.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 2,700.00 $ 21215.88 $ 21852.00 $ 31150.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 175.00 $ 282.74 $ 375.00 $ 372.00 5170 TEC $ 50.00 $ 40.60 $ 42.00 $ 50.00 5175 EAP $ 1.33 $ 6.00 $ 16.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 50.00 5182 Background Checks Subtotal $ 15,593.00 $ 90024.28 $ 14,916.00 $ 170579.00 Supplies & Materials 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 250.00 $ 125.00 $ 125.00 5250 Tools & Equipment 5255 Wearing Appearal $ 200.00 $ 129.20 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 5260 Safety Equipment Subtotal $ 450.00 $ 129.20 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 Maintenance & Operation 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 250.00 $ 103.06 $ 250.00 $ 350.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 300.00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment Subtotal $ 500.00 $ 103.06 $ 500.00 $ 650.00 Total $ 16,543.00 $ 90256.54 $ 17,865.00 $ 18,554.00 Department: Fleet Services - EF Account # 008 - 36 Salaries & Benefits 5110 Regular Salaries 5111 Merit Increase 5120 Overtime 5125 Longivety 5130 FICA E16 Retirement Health Ins. Workers Comp. TEC 5175 EAP 5180 Medical/Physicals 5182 Background Checks Subtotal Supplies &Materials 5210 Office Supplies 5215 Food 5223 Chemicals 5235 Dues & Registration E25 Travel Janitorial Supplies Tools & Equipment Mechanic Supplies 5255 Wearing Appearal 5260 Safety Equipment Subtotal Maintenance & Operation 5305 Contingency Reserve 5310 R&M Building 5320 Vehicle Fuel 5325 R&M Vehicle 5326 R&M Minor Equipment 5345 Lease Equipment Subtotal Contract Services 5450 ITechnical Support Subtotal 1007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated $ 33,655.00 $ 19,673.96 $ 33,655.00 $ $ 11250.00 $ 366.17 $ 1,250.00 $ $ 160.00 $ 130.00 $ 160.00 $ $ 2,683.00 $ 1,441.89 $ 2,683.00 $ $ 21774.00 $ 1/543455 $ 2,774.00 $ $ 6,000.00 $ 31518.69 $ 61000.00 $ $ 11650.00 $ 660.92 $ 1,650.00 $ $ 150.00 $ 94.73 $ 150.00 $ $ C� 700.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 8,450.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 800.00 $ 600.00 $ 6,100.00 $ Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 700.00 $ 5515 Electric service $ 3,000.00 $ 5516 Gas Service 5520 Cell Phone $ 500.00 1 $ Subtotal $ 4,200.00 $ 2,515.32 $ 200.00 $ 995.01 $ 1,087.26 $ 626.99 $ 1,200000 $ 799.22 $ 135.00 $ 3,848.47 � $ 349.34 $ 1,920.09 $ Ca 700.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 400.00 $ $ 7,152.00 � $ 1,700.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 799.22 $ 270.00 $ 5,969.22 � $ 700.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 35,000.00 700.00 200.00 2,936.00 2, 936.00 5,000.00 875.00 135.00 35.00 100.00 50.00 700 48,96. 700.00 50.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,000000 5.000800 400.00 500.00 11,850.00 1,500.00 1,700.00 2,500600 800.00 600.00 7.100.00 250.00 250.00 500.00 5,000.00 250.00 250.00 6,000.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6020 Building Improvements $ 15,000.00 $ 4,297.50 $ 15,000600 $ 1/000000 6025 Computer Hardware $ 600.00 $ 886.00 $ 886.00 $ 500.00 6026 Computer Software $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00 6055 General Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00 Subtotal $ 15,600.00 $ 5,183M $ 15,886.00 $ 8/500000 Total $ 82,672.00 $ 14,407.62 $ 81,529.22 $ 82,667.00 Department:WATER Account # Account Name: As of April 29, 2008 Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 20084009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 237,372.00 $ 237,372900 $ 2421500.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 41850.00 5120 Overtime $ 15,000000 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 5125 Longivety $ 2,560.00 $ 2,560.00 $ 2/550000 5130 FICA $ 19,503.00 $ 19,503.00 $ 20,988.00 5140 Retirement $ 20,165.00 $ 20,165900 $ 20,988.00 5150 Health Ins. $ 36,100.00 $ 36,100600 $ 27,500.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 10?250.00 $ 10,250.00 $ %000.00 5170 TEC $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 1/000000 5175 EAP $ - $ - $ 250.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 300.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 341,750.00 $ 341,750.00 $ 3440976.00 Supplies & Materials 5201 Other 5210 Office Supplies $ 600.00 $ 915.58 $ 11569.56 $ 1/000600 5215 Food $ 350.00 $ 37.51 $ 64.30 $ 350.00 5220 Postage $ 11000.00 $ 407.35 $ 698.31 $ 700.00 5223 Chemicals $ 15,000.00 $ 41872.00 $ 8,352.00 $ 12,000.00 5230 Advertising $ 17000400 $ 240.00 $ 411.42 $ 500.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 5/000400 $ 11840.00 $ 31154.28 $ 5/000600 5240 Travel $ 11000.00 $ 225.00 $ 385.71 $ 500.00 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ 300.00 5250 Tools & Equipment $ 41000.00 $ 2,626.42 $ 4,502.43 $ 40600.00 5255 Wearing Appearal $ 41000.0O $ 11642.39 $ 21815.52 $ 31000.00 5260 Safety Equipment $ 5,000.00 $ 31477.43 $ 51961,30 $ 5/000800 Subtotal $ 36,950.00 $ 16,283.68 $ 27,914.83 $ 32,950.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other $ 651000.00 $ 31,546.49 $ 54,079.69 5305 Contingency Reserve $ 40,000.00 5310 R&M Building $ 1/000000 $ 567.67 $ 973.14 $ 1,000.00 5315 Building Lease $ 51334.00 $ 2,333.31 $ 3/999496 $ 1/000400 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 15,000000 $ 10,211.09 $ 17,504.72 $ 25,000.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 10,000.00 $ 6,430.21 $ 11,023.21 $ 10,000.00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 5335 Permit Fees $ 21000.00 $ 11549.76 $ 2165633 $ 21000.00 5345 Lease Equipment $ 8/961000 $ 7,91198 $ 13,565910 $ 10,000.00 5358 Water Mains & App. $ 10,000.00 $ - $ - $ 201000.00 5372 Water meter & Box $ 51000.00 $ 71926*61 $ 13,588047 $ 5,000.00 5373 JR&MWaterWells 5377 Testing $ 51000.00 $ 1,095.73 $ 1/878039 $ 5/000000 5385 Wholsale Utility Purchase $ 601000.00 $ 25,438.80 $ 43,609.37 $ 601000.00 5386 Utility Demand Charge $ 1901000.00 $ 102,395.15 $ 175,534.53 $ 190,000*00 5390 Radios $ - $ - $ - $ 750000 Subtotal $ 377,295.00 $ 1971407.80 $ 3380413.31 $ 370p750.00 Contract Services 5442 Master Planning Services $ 15,000000 5450 Technical Support $ - $ - $ - $ 1/000000 5451 Annual Software Support Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 161000.0O Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 11000.00 $ 1,711.04 $ 2/933021 $ 1/000000 5515 Electric service $ 401000.00 $ 210569062 $ 36,976449 $ 1301000.00 5516 Gas Service $ - $ - $ - $ 750.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 3,200.00 $ 895431 $ 1,534.81 $ 11000.00 5525 Pagers $ 820.00 $ 227.63 $ 390.22 $ 150.00 5530 Internet $ - $ - $ - $ 600.00 Subtotal $ 45,020.00 $ 24,403.60 $ 41,83433 $ 1330*500.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6020 Building Improvements 6025 Computer Hardware $ 21000.00 $ 116.50 $ 19931 $ 1,000.00 6026 Computer Software $ - $ - $ - $ 400.00 6040 Furniture & Fixtures $ - $ - $ - $ 21000.00 6071 Water Line Improvements 6072 Water Storage Improvements $ 701000.00 Subtotal $ 72,000900 $ 116.50 $ 19931 $ 30400.00 Total $ 873,015.00 $ 238,211.58 $ 750,112*58 $ 901,576.00 Department*Waste Water Collections Account# Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Salaries & Benefits Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested Supplies & Materials 5201 Other $ - $ - $ - 5223 Chemicals $ 651000.0O $ 228.75 $ 392.14 $ 40,000.00 5260 Safety Equipment $ 3,000.00 $ - $ - $ 3,000.00 Subtotal $ 68,000.00 $ 228.75 $ 392.14 $ 43,000.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other 5311 R&M Lift Station $ 75,000000 $ 5,481.47 $ 9,396.80 $ 75,000.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 1,000.00 $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment 5331 Equipment Lease $ 15,967.00 $ 15,966.45 $ 27,371.05 $ 15,967.00 5377 Testing $ 25,000.00 Subtotal $ 910967.00 $ 21,447.92 $ 36,767.85 $ 116,967.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services 5450 Technical Support $ 11000,00 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 10000.00 utilities 5515 Electric service $ 23,000.00 $ 6,819.12 $ 11,689.92 $ 12,000.00 Subtotal $ 23,000.00 $ 6,819.12 $ 11,689.92 $ 12,000.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses 6070 Wastewater Improvemen $ 2,000.00 $ 19,076.50 $ 32,702.57 $ 35,000.00 Subtotal $ 2,000.00 $ 190076.50 $ 32,702.57 $ 35,000.00 Total $ 184,967.00 $ 47,572.29 $ 81,552.48 $ 207,967.00 Department:Waste Water Treatment Account # Account Name As of April 29, 2008 Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted 2007-2008 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 118,165.00 $118,165.00 $ 122,000.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 2,440.00 5120 Overtime $ 8)200.00 $ 2/088000 $ 81200.00 $ 41000.00 5125 Longivety $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $ 850.00 5130 FICA $ 9/667600 $ 91667.Q0 $ 10,275.20 5140 Retirement $ 91996.00 $ 91996.00 $ 100275020 5150 Health Ins. $ 181000.00 $ 181000.00 $ 160350.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 2,500.00 $ 21500.00 $ 21700.00 5170 TEC $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 450.00 5175 EAP $ - $ - $ 105.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 200.00 5182 Background Checks $ 50.00 Subtotal $ 166,878.00 $166,878.00 $ 169,695.40 Supplies & Materials 5201 Other $ - $ - $ - 5210 Office Supplies $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 428.57 $ 500.00 5223 Chemicals $ 251000.00 $ 31118.75 $ 51346.42 $ 201000.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 11500.00 $ 150.00 $ 257.14 $ 1/500000 5240 Travel $ 400.00 $ 75.00 $ 128.57 $ 5245 JanitorialSupplies $ 500.00 $ - $ - $ j400w00 0.00 5250 Tools & Equipment $ 5,000000 $ 438.26 $ 751.30 $ 0.00 5255 Wearing Appearal $ - $ 542.39 $ 929.81 $ 0.00 5260 ISafety Equipment $ 1/000000 $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 Subtotal $ 331650.00 $ 41574.40 $ 71841.81 $ 27,900.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other 5310 R&M Building $ 1/000000 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 1,750.00 $ 1/161695 $ 11991W91 $ 11750.00 5335 Permit Fees $ 51000.00 $ 6,403.43 $ 10,977630 $ 61500.00 5360 System Maintenance 5377 Testing $ 6,500.00 Subtotal $ 61750.00 $ 71565.38 $ 121969.21 $ 15,750.00 Contract Services 5442 Masterplanning Services $ 15,000.00 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000000 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 3,000.00 $ 11359.26 $ 21330.16 $ 11000.00 5515 Electric service $ 501000.00 $ 21,761.11 $ 371304.76 $ 160,000.00 5516 Gas Service $ - $ - $ - $ 750.00 5520 Cell Phone $ 500.00 5530 Internet $ - $ - $ - $ 600.00 5535 ISolid Waste $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000.00 Subtotal $ 531000.00 $ 231120.37 $ 39,634.92 $ 1721850.00 5610 Grant Expenses (List individual grants) Capital Expenses Subtotal $ - $ - $ $ " Total $ 260,278.00 $ 351260.15 $ 227,323.94 $ 401,195.40 Department: Electric Account# Account Name Salaries & Benefits 2007/2008 Budgeted as of4/29/08 Actual to Date 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Requested 5110 Regular Salaries $ 3441404.00 $ 185,915.12 $ 3441404.00 $ 3651000.00 5111 Merit Increase $ 71300.00 5120 Overtime $ 101000.00 $ 41365.87 $ 10,000000 $ 10,000600 5125 Longivety $ 21700.00 $ 21860.00 $ 21700.00 $ 31200.00 5130 FICA $ 271319.00 $ 140202.25 $ 271319.00 $ 30,584.00 5140 Retirement $ 28,247.00 $ 141598.70 $ 28,247.00 $ 30,584,00 5150 Health Ins. $ 48,000.00 $ 27,239.22 $ 48,000.00 $ 401575.00 5160 Workers Comp. $ 40000.00 $ 21215.07 $ 41000.00 $ 31000.00 5170 TEC $ 750.00 $ 677.98 $ 750.00 $ 11200.00 5175 EAP $ 300.00 5180 Medical/Physicals $ 400.00 5182 Background Checks $ 280.00 Subtotal $ 465,420.00 $ 252,074.21 $ 465,420.00 $ 492,42300 Supplies & Materials 5201 Other $ 5210 Office Supplies $ 21000.00 $ 744.45 $ 1/300900 $ 11500.00 5213 Building Supplies $ - 5215 Food $ 250.00 $ 37.55 $ 250.00 5220 Postage $ 1/500000 $ 418.48 $ 720.00 $ 11500.00 5230 Advertising $ 11250.00 $ 55.00 $ 95.00 $ 11250.00 5235 Dues & Registration $ 23,000.00 $ 101646.34 $ 181250.00 $ 20,000600 5240 Travel $ 71500.00 $ 11142.54 $ 19,560.00 $ 51000.0O 5245 Janitorial Supplies $ 600.00 $ 395.42 $ 680.00 $ 750.00 5250 Tools & Equipment $ 151000.00 $ 21106.67 $ 61700.00 $ 10,000000 5255 Wearing Apparel $ 8j600.00 $ 1,842.39 $ 31200.00 $ 81600.00 Clothing allowance, weekly shirt cleaning, Caps, Coverall & jacket replacement, rubber boots 5260 Safety Equipment $ 81000.00 $ 21583.14 $ 41500.00 $ 81000.00 Rubber gloves, rubber glove testing, Safety glasses, Rubber glove protectors, Misc. safety items (hard hats, gloves, gaff guards, etc.) Utility signs, Flame retardant shirts, replace rubber blankets & line hose. Subtotal $ 67,700.00 $ 191971.98 $ 551005.00 $ 561850.00 Maintenance & Operation 5301 Other $ - 5305 Contingency Reserve $ 300000.00 Storm Damage 5310 R&M Building $ 18,500.00 $ 103.60 $ 200.00 $ 10,000.00 5315 Building Lease $ 5,334.00 $ 21333.38 $ 41000.00 $ 61000.00 Estimating 3 additional months of rent for Electric Department, 5320 Vehicle Fuel $ 161000.00 $ 91901.32 $ 171000.00 $ 281750.00 5325 R&M Vehicle $ 12,000600 $ %269.84 $ 91500.00 $ 121000.00 5326 R&M Minor Equipment $ 2/000600 5329 Christmas Display $ 2,000.00 5330 Equipment Rental $ 51000.00 $ - $ 5/000400 5340 Hazardous Waste Disposal $ 11000.00 $ 250.00 $ 1/000400 5345 Lease Equipment $ 120,000.00 $ 681519.60 $ 117,500600 $ 75,525.00 5347 Vandalism Replacement $ 1,000.00 Theft of wire, Etc. 5350 Franchise Fees $ 1500000.00 $ 301000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 350,000.00 5355 Elect. Meters $ 100000000 $ 8,986.00 $ 151000.00 $ 15,000.00 5360 System Maintenance $ 30,000.0O 5365 Transformers $ 50,000000 $ 221064.00 $ 381000.00 $ 50,000000 5385 Wholsale Utility Purchase $ 418500000,00 $ 2,8081784.77 $ 6,000,000.00 5390 IRadios $ 2/000000 $ - $ 21000,00 Subtotal $ 51239,834400 $ 2,956,212.51 $ 351,200.00 $ 6,620,275.00 Contract Services 5401 Other Services $ - 5�120 COntraCillal Services 175,000,00 $ 18,570,03 Do Not Use 5426 Credit card fees $ 300.00 5440 Engineering/Architectural $ 20,000400 5442 Master Planning Services $ 5450 Technical Support $ 3,600.00 Itron and Computer support 5451 Annual Software Support $ 5470 Contract Utility Work $ 50,000.00 New Subdivisions 5471 Contract Tree Trimming $ 25,000.00 Subtotal $ 175,000.00 $ 18,570603 $ - $ 98,900.00 Utilities 5510 Phone Service $ 31000,00 $ 11697,88 $ 31000,00 $ 11000,00 5515 Electric service $ 61000.0O $ 4,675.16 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000600 5516 Gas Service $ 750600 5520 Cell Phone $ 3,000.00 $ 1,359.58 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,800.00 5525 Pagers $ 300.00 $ 45.44 $ 45.44 $ - 5530 Internet $ 600.00 $ - $ - 5535 Solid Waste $ 1,200.00 Subtotal $ 12,900.00 $ 7,778.06 $ 15,545.44 $ 14,750.00 Capital Expenses 6010 C-(mgmiur Equip 3)000.00 $ 251,09 Do Not Use 6014 Lighting Improvements $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 Community Center 6025 Computer Hardware $ 2,200.00 Tablet w/BlueTooth 6026 Computer Software $ 500.00 6028 Electronics $ 100.00 6030 Motor Vehicles $ 6/000400 $ - $ 25,000400 Small Truck for reading meters and traveling to schools 6033 Utility Maintenance Vehicles $ - 6039 Heavy Equipment $ 11,000400 Ditch Vqlitch Trencher w/Trailer 6080 Electric System Improvements $ 90,000,00 System materials Subtotal $ 390000.00 $ 251.09 $ - $ 158,800.00 Total $ 5,999,854.00 $ %254,857.88 $ 887,170.44 $ 7,441,998.00 Date: May 28, 2008 To: Mr. Brice, City Manager From: Mike Prater, Electric Department Superintendent Re' Budgeted Step Salaries With the City planning the new budgets for 2008-2009 I wanted to make sure you were aware that we have two Electric Department Employees that are on the Step Program. Zac Clayton is currently Apprentice 4 —1 s` Step and is being paid $19.09 per hour. As of October 1, 2008, he will be raised to Apprentice 4 — 2nd Step and be raised to $20.30 per hour. ($42,224.00 annually) Andrew Neighbors is currently Apprentice 1 — 2' Step and being paid $13.80 per hour. As of October 1, 2008, he will be raised to Apprentice 2 —1 sc Step and be raised to $14.80 per hour and then on April 1, 2009 he will be raised to Apprentice 2 — 2nd Step and be raised to $15.72 per hour. ($31,740.80 annually) Everyone else will be on the merit system. Should you have any questions, please give me a call. City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 2008 2009 Budget Equipment Name: /A?^/ yaoe3 Number Requested: f Date: Requesting Department: xv,i, Department Priority: Total Estimated Cost: $ Desired Funding: Purchase Lease/Purchase Lease Account # 1. Why do you need this .piece of equipment? ��a; /y. v sr�,,//s �. C'/�e� -f'2a v��P �^•� r� Jobs , fJ �! l f�.� , ��-.� � OAJ 2. What is the main use ofthis equipment? 6. 7 Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) Alternatives considered and justification far this purchase: Total Equipment Cost::$ If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? {Explain) ProposedMethod ofFinancing: 8. Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on equipment and any other supporting documentation you feel is necessary. City of Sanger Capital Equipment Request for FY 2008 2009 Budget EquipmentName: 'kkwi t ti 7T<wlj�1 t.r- Number Requested: �_ Date: Requesting Department: A& e fr, Department Priority: Total Estimated Cost: IS /OLXJ Desired Funding: Purchase Lease/Purchase Lease Account # 1. Why do you need this piece of equipment? less else c / cfs Ae 43kcml 2. What is the main use ofthis equipment? 3. ,�,Will other departments benefit from this purchase? (Explain) l�ri� j3G'�3=1' 4. Alternatives considered and justification for this purchase: �i 5. 6. FI Total Equipment Cost: %d 3c� G "� If more than one piece of equipment is requested then price per Is rental or lease an option? (Explain) Will other purchases be required to support this purchase? (Explain) /t/v,vge� Proposed Method of Financing: Approved for Funding: Yes No Attach brochure on equipment and any other supporting documentation you feel.is necessary. May, 21. 2008 9:06AM No, 1337 P DitchWitch° The Underground Authority. W C7 FZ L. D W I n >E Aut{ionized Dealer: Witch equipment Co., 1901 East Loop 820 South Fort Woirth, Texas 76112 Phone: (817) 4294824 Fax #: 817 451-3339 Tronchers •Vibratory Plows � Hori2ontal DireCtiOnal Dril]ing Equipmen[ •Tracking and CACe[ing Electronics nrn Trtb.Mb Rarvice and Pstr[s . Training « Trailers Date: Jaf' "d J~rom' Larry M, Glover To: Ct�r Attn: / ' 9r%ie %TaEl2 Fax #: R (V w Comments: �X # pages _,•,� (including coven) if you have any problems receiving this transaction, please contact the above sender at (8l 7) 429-4824 CONF1nENTlALITY NOTE: The attached facsimile message is confidential and is intended only for and is intended only for the use of the recipient named above. Only the intended recipient and the recipient's agent or employee responsible for receiving and delivering facsimile messages are authorized to read, distribute or copy the message. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone. May, 21, 2008 9106AM No, 1337 P. 2 Quote: 2414-CINDY CITY OF SANGER MIKE PRATER 940-458-2064 ANGER, TX Date: 5/19/2008 Salesperson; Cindy Kister Price Quvw ORDiETt1fNG AIYn )tE1VYYTTANCE ADDRESS: EKA 2166 A West Park Court Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Phone (770) 498-9316 Fax (770)498-9318 EMail cindyc@EKAsales.com 1330 Basic Unit The Ditch Witch Model 1330 trencher is priced less all options. The basic power unit includes the following: Honda OX390 air-cooled gasoline engine with spark arresting muffler, (13 hp gross, 12 hp full load.) Infinitely variable -speed hydrostatic ground drive through enclosed and lubricated reduction gearbox with axle lock for one or two wheel drive, Hydrostatic service brake, Hydrostatic digging chain drive, Personnel restraint bar support, Hydraulic boom lift, 13 x 5.00 - 6 single trail wheel, 6" pivot, and Spoils flap. NOTE: AN ELECTRIC START OPTION 1S AVAILABLE. Qty Part Number Description 1 011-024 1330 Honda Electric Start (Basic Unit) 1 137-233 Chain 35K 2P 50/50 Shark 4.625" X 52P 1 141-282 Restraint gar (24") 1 141-712 Headshaft Assembly HkTorque Motor 1 141-794 Roller Boom (24") Greasable Adjustment 1 191�271 Remote Air Intake Conversion Kit 1 205483 Tire (16 X 6.50-8, Bar Lug, Left) Urethane Fill 1 205484 Tire (16 X 6.50-8, Bar Lug, Right) Urethane Fill 1 205485 Trail Wheel 13 x 5 - 6 Urethane Fill 1 279-097 1330H/1330HE Decal Kit English 1 601-483 10 Tooth Split Sprocket Assembly 1 799-100 1330 Two Year Extended Warranty Estimated Total Weight Is; 1,158,00 Lbs (525,00 Kgs) Total Amount $10,307.38 TEXAS BUY BOARD #268-07 U.S. Dollars DELIVERING DEALER: WITCH EQUIPMENT SALESPERSON: LARRY GLOVER 1330 Limited Extended Warranty Coverage Li Engine block Engine " Parts fully enclosed in block Starter (electric start units only) Frames & ROPS ` Machine frame Control tower Gear Drives " Axles and axle lock " Dig chain drive gearbox (excludes headshaft) May, 21. 2008 9106AM No, 1337 P, 3 Quote: 2414-CINDY CITY OF BANGER MIKE PRATER 940.458-2064 SANGER, TX Price Quote Ground drive gearbox Hydraulic Components - Cylinder(s) x Boom lift Hydraulic Components - Motors y Ground drive Digging chain drive Hydraulic Components • Pumps * Tandem hydraulic Hydraulic Components & Valve(s) * Sectional control valve Reservoirs & Coolers * Fuel reservoir * Hydraulic oil reservoir Hydraulic all coller & cooling fan Gear Drives: Seal, O-ring or gasket replacement due to normal wear are not included in Limited Extended Warranty Engine: Engine warranty coverage begins when engine manufacture's warranty expires, Hydraulic Components & Vafve(s); Includes vavle body(s) & spool(s), solenoid(s), port checks) & relief valve(s), pilot operated check(s), anti -cavitation check(s), spring centering and detent kits, Lever, linkage, Seal, O-ring or gasket replacement due to normal wear are not included in Limited Extended Warranty, Date: 5/19f2008 Salesperson: Cindy Kister Debt Service EF Account # Account Name 2007/2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 70-DEBT SERVICE Budgeted Actual to Date Estimated Requested 70-7001 91 REV.BOND PRINCIPAL 70-7002 91 REV.BOND INTEREST 70-7003 91 REV BOND FEE 70-7005 99 REV BOND PRINCIPAL 180,000 180,000900 180,000 190,000 70-7006 99 REV BOND INTEREST 33,653 331652.50 33,653 25,913 70-7007 99 BOND FEES 735 715.50 716 716 70-7010 96 REV BOND PRINCIPAL 55,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 70-7012 96 REV BOND INTEREST 28,690 28,690 28,690 26,298 70-7013 96 REV BOND BOND FEES 730 768.5 769 769 70-7017 N/P METER SYSTEM WELLS FARGO 70,705 70,705 70,705 70-7018 N/P METER SYSTEM INTEREST 33,750 33,750 33,750 70-7019 2002 REV BOND PRINC 95,000 95,000 95,000 100,000 70-7020 2002 REV BOND INTEREST 111,100 111,100 111,100 105,400 70-7021 2002 BOND FEES 730 730 730 70-7022 2006 COMB CO & REV DEBT PRINC. 180,900 180,900 189,000 70-7023 2006 COMB CO & REV INT. PRINC. 136,592 68,295 136,592 129,356 70-7024 2006 COMB CO & REV BOND FEES 375 375 375 70-7025 2007 COMB CO & REV BOND PRINC 33,334 33,334 40,000 70-7026 2007 COMB CO & REV BOND INT. 55,326 55,326 49,867 70-7027 2007 COMB CO & REV BOND FEES 350 350 350 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 1, l6pS951 573,596.50 1,016,9901 1,0230229 4A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REVENUES 2008 Budget 2008 Estimated 2009 Proposed 4425 State Sales Tax $ 222,000.00 $ 245,000.00 $ 240,000000 4800 Interest Income $ 4,200.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 7,500.00 Fund Balance Carryover $ 254,118000 $ 254,118.00 $ 337,000000 Other Income Total Revenues $ 48%318.00 $ 509,118.00 $ 584,500.00 EXPENDITURES Supplies & Materials 5201 Other 5210 Office Supplies $ 200.00 $ 200.00 5215 Food 5220 Postage 5225 Maps & Subscriptions $ 200.00 $ 200.00 5230 Advertising 5235 Dues & Registration $ 250.00 $ 5000 $ 250000 5240 Travel $ 750400 $ 750000 Subtotal $ 1,400.00 $ 5.00 $ 1,400.00 Projects 6500 Projects $ 40,000.00 6505 Loan $ 120,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 40,000.00 Sutotal $ 1200000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 80,000.00 Transfer To General Fund for Admin & Advertising $ 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Subtotal $ 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 161,400.00 $ 140,005.00 $ 106,400.00 Available Fund Balance $ 318,918.00 $ 369,113.00 $ 478,100.00 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD !REVENUES 2008 Budget 2008 Estimated 2009 Proposed 4425 State Sales Tax $ 222,000.00 $ 245,000000 $ 240,000000 4800 Interest Income $ 321000.0O $ 35,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Fund Balance Carryover $ 667,749.00 $ 667,749.00 $ 436,000000 Other Income Total Revenues $ 921,749.00 $ 947,749.00 $ 696,000.00 EXPENDITURES Supplies & Materials 5201 Other 5210 Office Supplies $ 200.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 5215 Food 5220 Postage 5225 Maps & Subscriptions $ 200.00 $ 750.00 $ 200.00 5230 Advertising 5235 Dues & Registration $ 250.00 $ 250.00 5240 Travel $ 500.00 $ 750.00 Subtotal $ 1,150.00 $ 850.00 $ 1,400.00 Projects 6500 Projects $ 409,435900 $ 409,435.00 6505 Loan Sutotal $ 409,435.00 $ 4090435.00 $ - Transfer To General Fund for Admin & Advertising $ 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Subtotal $ 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 450,585.00 $ 43%285.00 1 $ 26,400.00 Available Fund Balance $ 471,164.00 $ 517,464,00 $ 669,600.00