06/05/1950-CC-Minutes-Regulari 'A .. • ♦ r 'll he City Council met at a Call Meeting on Vie above date* Chose presbnt were Mayor H B Bailey, Councilmen H D Cooper • Acker, Chapman . • Hampton* • C :. • ..00LULLIAX : • • on • of r to ptit Auxilary equipment In and also wheather to buy the Supercharger for or not* After much discussion, The council decided not to do either one* No motion was made to this af f ectio Nith no iflobe )usiness to attend to, Cooper'made motion to adjurn* Acker seconed. Lto Motion carried. Mayor A '1'he City Council met in regula present were Mayor H B Bailey, C R Chapman, J P Hampton and E c suggesTea, Tine reouilaing 37 ieavter matieral at an estmat-• liscussion on this matter, leal for a little while*- k6 mont4lv bills were read* and u Jlmen H D Cooper, Roy Spratt, nci Acker. a ey iew Line with new and ill billse Acker seconeat* Motiono • Alter some • • ibout persons on flat rates, Hampton made a motion to have the City 3ec. make a list of all people on Flat Ratep both Water and Lightp ilso to see how many old meters are ' being used in town. Spratt o • ^• the motion*• • -• , Hampton made the motion to bey a new adding machine for the City Of 'ice. Acker seconed it. Motion carried.With no .gather business to attend to, Spratt made the motion to ad.jurn. Acker seconed it. IJiotion carried* . Mayc ^ Sec<