06/19/1950-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session on the above date. Those present were Mayor H B Bailey, Councilmen H D Cooper, C R Chapman, J P Hampton and E M Acker® Mr W J Thomas of the W J omas Co. Inc. discuss possibilities -of rebuilding some After much discussion the council decided estimate on how much this job would costs at the July 17 meeting® m et with the council to of distrubution lines. to let Mr Thomas give an He will make his report E M Acker made a motion to have John. L Sullivan to bring a copy of the Denton City Ordinace over and let the Counciltinspect them, and then have.Sullivp.n rewrite Sangers City Ordinace accordlinge. Cooper second it. Motion carried* A list of Cou.stmers who did not have meters, both water & light, was read by the Sec®. After much discussion on this matter, the council Oointed out to the Sec. which persons were to be ptit on meters® It was also agreed on to buy 15 new light meters and 25 water meters. The Sec® was to ask the chertz to move titieir equi, ment off of the City Lot. With no father business to attend. to, Cooper made the motion to adjurn. Hampton seconed. it. Motion carried. .Mayor Sec.WO P ` y The City Candle met in regular session on the above date. Those present were MayorH B Bailey, Councilmen H D Cooper9 .Roy Spratt, J P Hampton and C R Chapman* matterHampton o•' the motionto remove the gravelfrom Q • perty or pay $200 per lot if owners would accepte, Spratt seconed the -notiono Motioncarried* John L Sulliv, in later, met with the council in regmards to the City Ordinice. After much discussion Cooper made a motion to go through '` the old ordinice and discard or add to,any ordinice the Council see fit® Spratt seconed the motin. Motion carried. Mr Sullivan will help with this..The bills were read by the Sec.,Spratt made the =±mm motion to pay all bills. Cooper seconed it. Motion carried® Hampton made the motion to empty one fuel tank at the plant and keep it empty f®v future use in the winter time. Cooper seconed it. Motion carried. Hampton will see the operators about fuel on hand. Spratt made a motion, to bgy the supercharger for the new unit being installed &t the planta the price being $2500. Hampton seconed it. Motion carried. The next business discussed by the council was the ,Sanger Telephone Co. fracEhise. After much discussion, Hampton. made the motion to cancle the Sanger Telephone Co. frachise. Spratt seconed. it. Motion carried. Notices will be out in Dallas & lit. Worth paper. With rO s a other business Hampton made motic>n to ad u n. Cooper seconed it. Motion carried