09-08-16-Resolution-Establishing a Housing Policy-09/19/2016RE;5U U I I®Il IN". 09-OS-16 OIL •X111-1-JOITNUIN ]LEOLTV11 My 1 1 1, • kPPROVING AND SUPPORTING1 POLICY WITHIN THE CITY 1 PROVIDING 1,.AN EFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council desires a balanced housing mix that provides housing for all income levels without discrimination; WHEREAS, the City Council is focused on the growth and sustainability of the community by supporting efforts to enhance the property tax base and stimulate quality development; WHEREAS, the City Council has researched the current housing stock and discussed and deliberated a wide range of housing alternatives for the City of Sanger, Texas; WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges the need for awell-balanced and diverse housing mix in order to continue to provide for adequate services and promote local economic development; and WHEREAS, The City Council desires to make a policy statement to guide City Staff and potential developers as new housing developments are proposed and brought forward for City Council consideration. Section 1. Sander Housing Policy_ When new housing is proposed in Sanger, the Sanger City Council encourages it to be developed according to the following principles: 1. For new housing developments that shall require zoning action, the R residential districts are preferred. 2. Decisions on future residential zoning are evaluated based on the following Targeted Housing Mix: ® Single-family under 1499 SF 30% , ® Single-family 1,500 —1,999 SF 30% ® Single-family 2,000 + SF 25% ® Multi -family 12% ® Mobile Homes 3% 3. The City Council will give special consideration to mixed -use developments. Projects will be evaluated on a case -by -case basis. 4. Proposals for independent and/or assisted living may be considered by the City of Sanger on a case -by -case basis. Section 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by my Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 19'' day of September 2016, APPROVED: Mayor Thomas Muir