05-04-16-Resolution-Approving Atmos Energy Rate Change-05/16/2016RESOLUTION NO, 05-0446 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ("CITY"), APPROVING A CHANGE IN THE RATES OF ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION, MID-TEX DIVISION ("ATMOS") AS A RESULT OF A SETTLEMENT BETWEEN ATMOS AND THE ATMOS TEXAS MUNICIPALITIES ("ATM") UNDER THE RATE REVIEW MECHANISM; FINDING THE RATES SET BY THE ATTACHED TARIFFS TO BE JUST AND REASONABLE; FINDING THAT THE MEETING COMPLIED WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT; DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND REQUIRING DELIVERY OF THE RESOLUTION TO THE COMPANY AND LEGAL COUNSEL. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger, Texas ("City") is a regulatory authority under the Gas Utility Regulatory Act "GURA") and under § 103.001 of GURA has exclusive original jurisdiction over Atmos Energy Corporation —Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos") rates, operations, and service of a gas utility within the municipality; and WHEREAS, the City has participated in prior cases regarding Atmos as past of a coalition of cities known as the Atmos Texas Municipalities ("ATM"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Rate Review Mechanism ("RRM") for 2016 filed with the City on or around March 1, 2016 for a proposed system -wide increase of $35.4 million; and WHEREAS, experts representing ATM have been analyzing data furnished by Atmos and interviewing Atmos' management regarding the RRM; and WHEREAS, the Steering Committee of ATM and its counsel recommend approval of the attached tariffs, set forth as Attachment A, along with the proof of revenues set forth as Attachment B, which results in an increase in Atmos' revenue of $29.9 million, and Attachment C, setting forth the beginning balance for purposes of determining pension and other post - employment benefits to be recovered in the next RRM filing. 1 Atinos 20I6 RRM NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. The findings set forth in this Resolution are hereby in all things approved. Section 2. The amended tariffs in Attachment A are hereby adopted to become effective on June 1, 2016. Section 3. To the extent any Resolution previously adopted by the City Council is inconsistent with this Resolution, it is hereby superseded. Section 4. The meeting at which this Resolution was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Section 5. If any one or more sections or clauses of this Resolution is judged to be unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Resolution and the remaining provisions of the Resolution shall be interpreted as if the offending section or clause never existed. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective from and after its passage. Section 7. A copy of this Resolution shall be sent to Atmos Mid -Tex, care of Christopher Felan, Vice President of Rates and Regulatory Affairs, Atmos Energy Corporation, 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1600, Dallas, Texas 75240 and to Mr. Alfred R. Herrera, Herrera & Boyle, PLLC, 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1250, Austin, Texas 78701. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16 day of May, 2016. Mayor 2 Atnzos 2016 RRM ATTEST: City Secretary ,111111111111///// %,S,6 to '1140 s y � oft$** A .4so 3 Atmos 2016 RIZM