12-17-15-Resolution-Supporting MWF Properties Low Income Housing Application-12/21/2015RESOLUTION #R12=1745 WHEREAS, MWF Properties has proposed a development for affordable rental housing in the City of Sanger; and WHEREAS, there is a need for affordable housing for the City of Sanger's citizens of modest means; and WHEREAS, MWF Properties intends to submit an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for 2016 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program funds; and WHEREAS, there is a requirement for a de minimis commitment of development funding by the Local Political Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger supports construction at the site indicated by the developer at the December 21, 2015, City Council Work Session. Be it resolved that: This resolution affirms the City of Sanger's support; and Confirms the City of Sanger will provide a loan, grant, reduced fee or contribution of other value for the benefit of the development in the amount of $10. Resolved on the oL/ Sf day of December 2015. or Thomas Muir May 1 ..:%r mow~ ; \ Y t} ,` I. Tami Taber, City Secretary