02-03-13-Resolution-Adopting Opportunity for Local Grant Programs-03/04/2013Resolution 02-03-13 RESOLUTION ADOPTITIG SECTION 3 LOCAL OPPORTUNITY PLAN FOR GRANT•, PROGRAMS WHEREAS, the City's participation in the grant programs requires that it strive to attain goals for compliance to Section 3 regulations by increasing opportunities for employment and by contracting with Section 3 residents and businesses within its jurisdictional boundaries in accordance with an adopted Section 3 Local Opportunity Plan. THEREF®RE, the City Council hereby resolves to adopt a Section 3 Local Opportunity Plan, attached hereto and incorporated herein. P ss d and dopted by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the day of tAOWCI , 2013. Thomas Muir, Mayor Tami Taber, City Secretary <, P1d111dd18Btib