05/06/2019-CC-Minutes-Work SessionCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION May 6, 2019 – 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilman Bill Boutwell; Councilman Lee Allison; Councilman Allen Chick; Councilman David Clark. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. The Mayor and all five (5) Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; Public Works Director Jim Berman; Economic Development Director Shani Bradshaw; Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; City Secretary Cheryl Price. 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the Work Session to order at 6:01 PM on May 6, 2019. 2. Presentation on Pipe Bursting Technology Presented by Director of Public Works Jim Berman. Director of Public Works Jim Berman provided information on pipe bursting technology with a PowerPoint presentation and a video showing the procedure. He noted that this is not new technology, but it may be new to Sanger. Basically, pipe bursting is breaking up an existing pipe and putting another one in its place. The new line is pulled through from one manhole to the other, it comes in several pieces and it is fused together so it is one solid seamless continuous pipe. This procedure will allow us to get into tight areas without ripping up excess infrastructure. With minimal disturbance we will be able to keep traffic flowing. Mr. Berman provided photos and videos of the technology. Mr. Berman noted we would upsize the pipe from six inches (6“) to eight inches (8”) and it will have a 100-year lifespan. He proposed to use it on our old City clay-tile lines and that they are putting in four new manholes. Alina Ciocan City Manager noted there is an item on the agenda tonight using this technology. There was brief discussion and a few questions regarding details of the procedure. 3. Discussion on Aesthetics Design as it Relates to Upcoming IH-35 Expansion Presented by Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds was recognized. She advised, as everyone knows, we have FM 455 and IH-35 coming through Sanger. TxDOT has indicated that they will stamp our bridges and retaining walls with design. She noted this could put a stamp on Sanger with an idea of the City is about. One of the things TxDOT stressed to them is that we are unique and we would want something that shows that we are Sanger. Per TxDOT, paint and cast concrete are not that expensive and they may be able to absorb the cost into the projects, so this will be at little to possibly no cost to the City. She provided some of the standard generic walls and some examples. She noted some examples from other cities and ideas that staff has come up with to provide ideas. We are on a time crunch and TxDOT will need to know what we want by June. She stated that that staff is bringing this before Council for some direction. What do you see Sanger as, why do people come to Sanger, and what do they recognize us for. This is a chance to add some of the character to our City. This is a great opportunity to get this done and make it attractive and unique for Sanger. Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw was recognized. Mayor Muir provided his thoughts in that he believed it should be something timeless. Something clean so that no matter how big or small, sophisticated or rural we are that it needs to stand the test of time. He noted that he liked the idea of the circle “S” Stamp, perhaps lighted like UNT’s or something along those lines. He noted the mural at the entryway to the City and that there would be several citizens, including the Keep Sanger Beautiful and historical groups that would like to it preserved to some point. He noted they were rebuilding the walkway over the road and that perhaps some of it could be preserved and put in that area. Maybe some conversation of painting/stamping parts of that mural at crosswalk so that some of that history is preserved. Ms. Hammonds noted the intersections FM 455 and IH-35, Keaton, Belz, the crosswalk, would be all a part of this project. She stated we can carry through a design on all of the bridges or have different designs. It was noted that the design would be seen is if the drivers are exiting into or out of Sanger. Director of Development Services, Shani Bradshaw was recognized. She asked who is Sanger, why do people come to Sanger. This is what you need to be thinking of as you are thinking of the designs. She noted that she believes that Sanger is a lake city and that it was a major reason people come to Sanger. The Sanger High School even has a fishing team. She noted that she feels that Sanger should be using this to our advantage. There are quite a few fishing tournaments and the State Parks provide a lot of wildlife. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that staff is very excited about this. We do have a ver y narrow window so whatever we decide will be there for the next 20 to 30 years and as such we want to make sure that whatever we choose is not defining us just today but defining us in the years to come. It was noted that the existing mural was done on a State Grant and since they gave it to us in the beginning that they do feel that they owe the City for it, but staff is going to push for that. They have been very open and want the City of Sanger to look nice. They have been working with Tina Massey and if we can get a design to her, they can get it into the project at little or no cost to the City. It was noted that there would also be some sound barriers and those would be key for people traveling IH-35 because they may actually be visible by the people traveling IH-35. There was brief discussion about the different designs presented. It was noted that there is a short time frame and the City needs to get them something by June. It was discussed that they could bring it back to the next City Council meeting or the first meeting in June. This would give Councilmembers some time to think about it. Ms. Hammonds noted that the first of June may be cutting it pretty close but if we need until then we can make it work. Mr. Berman asked for input from the Council as to whether this is the direction they were looking for on the roads. There some discussion and it was noted that Bolivar did not fit in with these improvements since it would take so much more money and would probably be a different kind of project whether bonded or whatever in the future. He noted he would remove Bolivar from the map. Councilman Chick noted some other roads which were in poor condition which led into discussion regarding some other improvements that were planned and necessary in the future, but were not currently in this five-year plan. The Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Berman for bringing this information to them and that they looked forward to seeing these projects moving forward. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. No overview was discussed. 5. Adjourn. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 6:51 PM.