11-20-11-Resolution-Casting Votes for Denton Central Appraisal District Candidates-11/21/2011RESOLUTION #11-20-11 CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION. WHEREAS, the DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT is holding an election for its Board )f Directors;and WHEREAS, the CITY OF SANGER has ten (10) votes to cast in said election; and WHEREAS, the Section 6.03(k) of the TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE stipulates that the governing body of each taxing unit shall determine its vote by resolution; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger that the City casts: _0_ vote(s) for Mark D. Chambers, Jr. 0vote(s) for Jeff Connelly _0 vote(s) for Lourdes Hassler 5_ vote(s) for John Mahalik 5_ vote(s) for Carroll G. Maclin 0_ vote(s) for Betty McCrary 0_ vote(s) for Dr. Linda Monaco 0_ vote(s) for Steve Mossman 0_ vote(s) for Charles Stafford 0_ vote(s) for Tom Washington 0_ vote(s) for Rick Woolfork PASSED AND APPROVED this 215 Day of day of November 2011. `, i,11,T4I4` Ptr4r, `,rJ+ s ' ;i `g°-✓ ffi"dall Mayor Thomas f,, . E. Muir