03-06-07-Resolution-Approving a Throrughfare Map insuring mobility needs-03/05/2007RESOLUTION NO. U3-U6-U7 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A THOROUGHFARE MAP FOR INSURING THE MOBILITY NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY AND PROVIDING FOR FUTURE GROWTH WHEREAS, the City of Sanger is preparing for the future by creating a Thoroughfare Map for the placement of roads; WHEREAS, the City of Sanger is making an effort to provide transportation needs for existing and future growth; WHEREAS, the City of Sanger has appointed a committee to assist in the process of planning and reviewing said Thoroughfare Map, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger; that the Thoroughfare Map attached hereto as "Exhibit A" is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger this day of Irmo 2007. APPROVED: Higgs, ATTiEST: Rosalie Chavez, City