01-03-07-Resolution-Setting Public Hearing Date for Annexation-01/22/2007RESOLUTION NO, 01-03-07 A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: That such Public Hearings will be held by the Governing Body of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7900 P.M. on March 5, 2007, and on March 19, 2007, for the purpose of considering annexation into the City limits of the following described property: A. NL HOBBS ADDITION, BLOCK A, LOT 5 B. NL HOBBS ADDITION, BLOCK A, LOT 4R C. ABSTRACT 29, REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 107, BEING 196.00 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS D. ABSTRACT 801, WM MASON SURVEY, TRACT 31, BEING 74.184 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY PASSED AND APPROVED, this 22nd day of January, 2007 Rosalie Chavez, City