03-07-07-Resolution-Recognizing National Agriculture Week-03/19/2007R# 03-07-07 National Agriculture Week in Texas — March 18-24, 2007 WIIEREAS, the week of March 18-24, 2007, is National Agriculture Week in Texas, as proclaimed by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples, and WHEREAS, agriculture begins with the growing and harvesting of food, fiber and horticulture ends with almost everything we eat, wear and use, and WHEREAS, we all should appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing a safe, abundant and affordable food, horticulture and fiber supply now and for years to come, and WHEREAS, increased knowledge of agriculture and nutrition allows us to make healthier food choices for ourselves and for our families, and WHEREAS, Texas agriculture is not just producing abundant food, horticulture and fiber, but also producing higher quality items that continue to meet the ever-increasing needs of consumers throughout Texas and around the world, and WHEREAS, Texas agriculture produces wholesome, nutritious foods that give us a multitude of healthy menu choices and access to fresh meat, grains and produce, and WHEREAS, Texas agriculture builds upon centuries of progress by making constant advances in science, research, technology, production and marketing to meet changing consumer demands, and WIEREAS, the Lone Star State leads the nation in the number of farms and ranches, with almost 80 percent of the land involved in some form of agricultural production including livestock, crops, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry, and WHEREAS, Texas agriculture playcam 'nor role in health and nutrition as well as in water conservation, rural economic development, global trade and the preservation of the environment, and WHEREAS, an awareness of the impact that agriculture has on our daily lives helps us understand the vital stake that we all have in Texas' second-largest industry, and WHEREAS, agriculture plays a key role in the lives of everyone in this county. Now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Sanger declares this National Agriculture Week in Sanger, Denton County, State of Texas, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Sanger urges everyone in our area to learn more about the role of agriculture here, share that knowledge with the young people in our area and recognize the farmers, ranchers and their families who contribute so much to this county, state, nation and the world. THEREFORE, IN OFFICIAL RECOGNITION WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, do hereby affix our signatures this day,df4MtJt cla,, 007. ( "F of It I `4140, or Mayor Joe Higgs Rosh CljAvez City 0 o Vc '4v rl) ( 7 l Ae yb