03/18/2019-CC-Minutes-RegularCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 18th, 2019, 7:00 p.m. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman Bill Boutwell. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman Gary Bilyeu. The Mayor and three Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan, Human Resource Coordinator Jeriana Staton, Fire Chief David Pennington, and City Engineer Tracy LaPiene. 1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the Regular City Council Meeting to order on March 18th, 2019 at 7:02 p.m. Councilman Boutwell gave the Invocation and Councilman Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). There were no citizens who approached the podium wishing to speak on items not on the agenda. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Regular Meeting, March 4th, 2019 2. City Council Work Session, March 4th, 2019 A motion was made by Councilman Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously with a 3-0 vote. (Councilman Bilyeu and Councilman Allison Absent). b) Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No items removed. REGULAR AGENDA 4. Discuss, Consider, and Possibly Act on Ordinance #02-03-19 Granting to Atmos Energy Corporation, A Texas and Virginia Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, A Franchise to Construct, Maintain, and Operate Pipelines and Equipment in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas For Transportation, Delivery, Sale, and Distribution of Gas in, Out of, And Through Said City For All Purposes, Providing For the Payment of a Fee or Charge For The Use Of The Public Rights-Of-Ways; and Providing That Such Fee Shall Be in Lieu of Other Fees and Charges, Excepting Ad Valorem Taxes; and Repealing All Previous Gas Franchise Ordinances. City Manager Alina Ciocan provided a brief introduction of the item. She did make Council aware that John Manganilla was present on behalf of Atmos Energy, to address any questions. Councilman Boutwell requested explanation on how an item was worded in the agreement, John Manganilla engaged in a short explanation to answer Councilman Boutwell’s question. Council and Mayor had brief conversation to follow in general about the agreement. A motion was made by Councilman Chick to approve Ordinance #02-03-19 Granting to Atmos Energy Corporation, A Texas and Virginia Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, A Franchise to Construct, Maintain, and Operate Pipelines and Equipment in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas For Transportation, Delivery, Sale, and Distribution of Gas in, Out of, And Through Said City For All Purposes, Providing For the Payment of a Fee or Charge For The Use Of The Public Rights-Of-Ways; and Providing That Such Fee Shall Be in Lieu of Other Fees and Charges, Excepting Ad Valorem Taxes; and Repeal ing All Previous Gas Franchise Ordinances. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously with 3-0 vote. (Councilman Bilyeu and Councilman Allison Absent). 5. Consider, Discus and Possibly Act on Approving Acceptance of the McReynolds Road Reconstruction Project as Complete, and Approve Final Payment to Pavecon Public Works, LP. City Engineer Tracy LaPiene stated he would answer questions for Council, he noted that Christopher Cha was present from Pacheco Koch to answer questions as well. Councilman Boutwell asked about the section of McReynolds Road located near FM 2164 traveling west on McReynolds Road, there appeared to be cracks in the road that have been filled with tar, and he wanted to know if there were any known concerns with these cracks. Christopher Cha addressed the question. He went on to explain the project is covered by a two-year maintenance bond on the project and if there were to be any issues Pavecon would be sent out to make the needed repairs. Christopher also suggested three months out from the expiration of the end of the maintenance bond, that the City should set a final walk to address any issues. Councilman Clark asked Tracy LaPiene if in his opinion has the project been completed. Tracy did state we have met all document required specifications for the project. Council and Mayor had brief conversation to follow in general about the project. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve Acceptance of the McReynolds Road Reconstruction Project as Complete, and Approve Final Payment to Pavecon Public Works, LP. The motion was seconded by Councilman Chick. The motion carried unanimously with 3-0 vote. (Councilman Bilyeu and Councilman Allison Absent). 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Authorize Staff to Pursue a SAFER Grant for the Fire Department to Provide Up to Three (3) Full-Time Firefighter Positions. Alina Ciocan, City Manager addressed Council that we have applied for the SAFER Grant in 2015 and 2017, but we did not receive it in either year. David Pennington Fire Chief, addressed Council that staff would like to request to move forward in applying for the SAFER Grant, requesting three full-time firefighters. In past years we requested four full- time firefighters. If awarded the grant it would front load three personal, over the three years and this would save the city around $150,000. Councilman Boutwell asked the question as to what type of eligible criteria must be met by a city in order to apply for this grant. David explained the two parts to the grant and what we will be doing different this year then we have in past years. Brief discussion ensued. A motion was made by Councilman Chick to Authorize Staff to Pursue a SAFER Grant for the Fire Department to Provide Up to Three (3) Full-Time Firefighter Positions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously with 3-0 vote. (Councilman Bilyeu and Councilman Allison Absent). 7. INFORMATION ITEMS: a. Disbursements - February 2019. There was no discussion on Information items. 8. ADJOURN. There being no further discussion, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m.