05-06-06-Resolution-Authorizing Application for a Regional Solid Waste Program-05/15/2006RESOLUTION #05-06-06 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A PROJECT APPLICATION WITH THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR A REGIONAL SOLID WASTE PROGRAM LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT AND PLEDGING THAT IF FUNDING FOR THIS PROJECT IS RECEIVED CITY OF SANGER WILL COMPLY WITH ALL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS OF NCTCOG, TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYAND THE STATE OF TEXAS. WHEREAS, the North Central Texas Council of Governments is directed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to administer solid waste project funds for the implementation of NCTCOG's adopted SEE Less Trash Regional Solid Waste Management Plan; and WHEREAS, City of Sanger in the State of Texas is qualified to apply for project funds under the Request for Project Applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED BY CITY OF SANGER /N TEXAS; 1. That Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development, is authorized to request project funding under the North Central Texas Council of Governments' Request for Project Applications of the Regional Solid Waste Local Project Funding Program and act on behalf of City of Sanger in all matters related to the project application and any subsequent project contract that may result. 2. That if the project is funded, City of Sanger will comply with the requirements of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas. 3. The project funds and any project- funded equipment or facilities will be used only for the purposes for which they are intended under the project. 4. That activities will comply with and support the adopted regional (and local) solid waste management plans adopted for the geographical area in which the activities are performed. PASSED AND APPROVED by Cit Council in Sanger, on this the /5 '' day of , 2006.. Rosalie Chavez, City Denton County, Texas,