06-09-06-Resolution-Delinquent Tax Collection-06/05/2006RESOLUTION # 06-09-06 Whereas, Cause No. 98-1014-367, County of Denton vs. Roy Lee Ridge was filed in the District Court of Denton County, Texas to collect delinquent taxes on the following described property, to wit: 284 Acre out of Abstract 1214 of the Tierwester Survey, Tract 319, Old DCAD Tract 79, Sheet 2, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas being that property more particularly described in County Clerk's File Code Number 98R17736, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas Whereas, the District Court of Denton County, Texas granted Judgment on September 3 in favor of the taxing jurisdictions of Denton County as follows: County of Denton City of Sanger Sanger Independent School District Denton County Education District Title Research Fees Total Due Market Value (According to Denton Central Appraisal District) $1,993.98 $4,185.55 $10,088.85 $829,64 $1004 00 $17,098.02 $59680.00 Whereas, said parcels of land were offered for sale on June 6, 2000, by the Sheriff of Denton County at public auction pursuant to judgment of the District Court of Denton County, Texas, for foreclosure of the tax liens securing payment of delinquent property taxes and accrued penalty and interest; and Whereas, said parcel of land did not receive a sufficient bid as set by law and was struck off to the County of Denton, in trust for itself, Sanger Independent School District, Denton County Education District and City of Sanger pursuant to Section 34.01 (c) Property Tax Code; and Whereas, the taxing units involved desire to resell said parcel of land in an expeditious manner pursuant to Section 34.05 Property Tax Code, Wherefore, Be It Resolved that the City Council for the City cc does hereby authorize the Trustee to solicit from the public bids on the said parcel of land or to request that the Sheriff of Denton County sell this property pursuant to Section 34.05(c) Property Tax Code, and we do hereby consent to the sale of said parcel of land to the highest bidder even if the bid tendered is less than the market value of the land specified in the judgment of foreclosure or the total amount of the judgment against the property. We authorize the presiding officer of this body to execute any deed necessary to convey the parcel of land upon sale. This resolution is adopted on this the Jrlll day of .1L___. 2006 by the City Council for the CITY OF SANGER. 9 Q, v I STI I G OFFIqM