01-01-05-Resolution-Coordinating with Upper Trinity for Regional Wastewater Treatment Services-01/03/2005RESOLUTION RESOLUTION # 01-01-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF BANGER ACCEPTING, FOR PLANNING PURPOSES, A REGIONAL STUDY REPORT CONCERNING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SERVICES. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (City) is a Member of Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD), a governmental entity whose mission is to plan, develop and operate regional water and wastewater systems to serve Members and Customers; and WHEREAS, the City requested UTRWD to assist the City in planning for the future growth needs of the City for wastewater collection and treatment; and WHEREAS, with participation by officials of Sanger, UTRWD conducted a regional study of the area defined generally by the wastewater CCN recently authorized for the City; and WHEREAS, the regional study prepared by Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., an independent consulting engineering firm, determined that an expanded wastewater collection and treatment system will be needed to serve future growth in the Sanger area and that such system will be technically and environmentally feasible; and WHEREAS, wastewater collection and treatment can provide for protection of the environment while enabling the City of Sanger to address the needs of citizens for both economic development and high quality of life; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors for UTRWD has officially reviewed and accepted the study and commends it to the City of Sanger as a planning guide. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BANGER: Section it That the City Council does hereby express its appreciation to Upper Trinity Regional Water District for its assistance in helping identify and plan for future needs of the City concerning control of wastewater. Section 2. That the City Council does hereby request UTRWD to continue its planning efforts for the City and the areas around the City that may be affected by future growth, to encourage and assist all interested parties in the development of a comprehensive wastewater collection and treatment system on a timely basis. Section 3. That the City Council does hereby accept for planning purposes the concept of a future expanded wastewater system for the City and nearby areas, generally as outlined in the attached report, and to express its interest in participating in implementation of such system when needed and justified by future development. Section 4. That the City Council does hereby express its intent to use such concept as a guide in future planning activities for the City and in setting forth the City's requirements for future developers who, in the public interest, would need to participate in implementation of such a concept. Section 5. That the staff of the City is directed to continue to coordinate with UTRWD as the City and UTRWD jointly plan for regional wastewater services. Section 6. That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 3rdDAY OF .7an>>ar� 200�` Executed: Mayor city � ° nger ry, City of Sanger Attachment: Planning Study of Wastewater Service to North Denton County, City of Sanger Area