03-03-05-Resolution-Long-range Water Supply Planning Upper Trinity Regional Water District-03/07/2005 RESOLUTION 2005- 03-03-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF BANGER CONCERNING LONG-RANGE WATER SUPPLY PLANNING FOR THE SERVICE AREA OF UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, according to the provisions of Senate Bill One (passed by 75t" Texas Legislature) Upper Trinity Regional Water District (Upper Trinity) is required to prepare plans to assure an adequate supply of water for its customers for at least 50 years into the future; and WHEREAS, Upper Trinity has been diligent and prudent in securing an adequate water supply for present needs and for many years into the future; and WHEREAS, Upper Trinity is implementing measures to promote water conservation and reuse, and is taking steps, including the evaluation of alternative strategies to meet the needs of growth that is expected within its service area, including due consideration for technical, financial and environmental factors; and WHEREAS, Upper Trinity is currently purchasing raw water from the City of Dallas, and plans to increase such purchases in the future pursuant to a long-term water supply contract; and WHEREAS, Upper Trinity is working with other entities within Region C to evaluate other water sources that may be beyond the capability of Upper Trinity alone to develop or acquire; and WHEREAS, over 20 cities and utilities within Region C rely on Upper Trinity's efforts to acquire adequate supplies of water for the future - -and, in doing so, to consider cost, timeliness, reliability, risk, safety and availability; and WHEREAS, Upper Trinity has filed applications with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to secure rights for reuse of water being imported from Chapman Lake and to secure rights to divert additional water from the Sulphur River Basin (Lake Ralph Hall); and WHEREAS, Upper Trinity has planned ahead and has contracted for capacity in an existing pipeline system to Chapman Lake (owned and operated by City of Irving), Resolution 2005 Resolution. Long Range Water Supply Planning For the Service Area of UTRWD Page 2 of 2 which pipeline has excess capacity alternatives; and that must be considered when comparing WHEREAS, proposed Lake Ralph Hall is near the existing pipeline and is one of several alternative strategies being considered by Upper Trinity, an alternative that, when all relevant factors are considered, is sound from an environmental perspective and will help serve the long-term needs of this region. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council, City of Sanger: SECTION 1. That it is in the best interest of this region for Upper Trinity to diligently pursue and to be successful in acquiring adequate water supplies for the next 50 years, taking great care to spread risks between different strategies and sources. SECTION 2. That the City Council hereby expresses its support for Upper Trinity's emphasis on water conservation and reuse of existing water supplies, and for Upper Trinity's plans to develop proposed Lake Ralph Hall in Fannin County, enabling the use of existing pipeline capacity to transport the water to the Trinity River Basin. SECTION 3. That the City Council hereby urges the Region C Water Planning Group to include Lake Ralph Hall as a proposed strategy in the updated water plan now being prepared for this region; and SECTION 4. That the City Council realizes that typical water supply projects take 25 to 40 years for completion, requiring vision and courage, and involving risks and controversy; and, accordingly the governing body of Upper Trinity Regional Water District is to be commended for its diligent efforts on behalf of its many members and customers. SECTION 5. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7tflAY OF March 2005. Executed: Attest: CITY ATTORNEY;